Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1105: Are hiding

After that, Chu Han and others waited for two days next to the village in Yucun. Jiang Lingtian and August were eager to leave. For the two of them, the secret of Nansha Port is far from being accessible. It’s better to touch the hunter alliance first.

In this situation, the hunting king had chin to the sky for two days, and in front of Chuhan, he had a sly expression of "exaggeration", as if he had done something big.

In the past two days, there have been other survivors who have emerged in succession, some are newcomers with fighting power, and some are purely passing by people who make a living in this area.

But Chu Han and Gao Shaohui need to pay attention to the high-order new humans, but none of them appear.

In the rioting fish village, the storm subsided slowly after two days, and the dust of the sky gradually fell to calm, and then it calmed down as if nothing had happened.

In addition to the eyes in front of everyone, completely changed fish village!

The original mad vegetation on the ground disappeared completely within two days, replaced by the eccentric reefs of the earth, as if it were rushing from the bottom of the sea, deeply inserted on the ground.

Odd-shaped, large and small, all-in-one blue color.

But what deserves more attention is behind the massive reef, the deepest part of the fish village, where a huge stone wall that stands straight into the sky stands.


Compared with other places, the huge stone wall with the same stone wall is the same. It is the same as the eleventh list on the stone wall. This is the examination of the stone wall. The place where it appears is the strange stone that makes Chu Han and others puzzled. .

This is not the first time Chu Han has looked at the stone wall, but it is the first time he feels a different kind of emotion.

He remembers very clearly that the great elder of the fish family said that the big stone had been hidden underground, and it only emerged after the tsunami, and then the weird big stone became the assessment stone wall. !

Chu Han looked carefully at the top of the stone wall, but because the stone wall was too high, he could not see whether it was the same as the surface of the large stone seen at the time.

"If the big stone is to check the stone wall, how should this be explained?" Chu Han exchanged with Wang Cai in his consciousness: "All the assessment stone walls are silent, and even the mobile assessment wall does not. Great movements, the process of moving is not sounding at all, why is this different?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Wang Cai rolled his eyes.

"What do you want!" Chu Han also rolled his eyes.

It’s just that Chu Han’s heart is constantly inferring this strange situation. If the big stone is to check the stone wall, and according to the great elders, it means that the stone wall has existed before the end of the last days, but it is only Deep buried in the ground.

Human beings have settled on this earth for so many years. In the process of technological development, there have been no such strange stone walls. How do you explain this?

More and more mysteries surround me, so that Chu Han has forgotten where he was.

"Chu Han, gone." Gao Shaohui took a picture of Chu Han's shoulder.

Xu Feng and the Hunting King are ready, although they are not sure what this is going to do.

Chu Han took a circle and took the lead after heading Gao Shaohui. The location of the stone wall was not close to it. When they ran out of the fish village, they used the fastest speed, and this time the whole time. The fish village's ground is full of reefs, which not only greatly limits the speed of the trip, but also turns the original view into a more complicated place than the maze.

The four people walked forward and were in a place full of reefs. They seemed to be extremely inconspicuous. It took a very long time to explore. When Chu Han and several people arrived at the stone wall in front of the examination, the sky had turned into the night from the evening.

Without any light, everything here is out of reach, and a very scary panic surrounds everyone's heart.

"Someone is coming." Gao Shaohui stood quietly in front of the stone wall, and Chu Han and others looked at the left for the first time.

Visibility is very low, but they still see the figure of two people in the distance and near, from the point of view of the body can easily be seen as a man and a woman, but both of them deliberately cover up the appearance, plus the darkness of the night, let Who is the person who can't bear to come out?

"Four people." Gao Shaohui glanced at the two men and whispered openly in Chu Han's ear.

"You didn't get the badge?" Chu Han asked the question he had never figured.

From the beginning to the end, Gao Shaohui just said that Chu Han and three people completely excluded themselves. At this time, they decided that only two of them had a badge.

Why is that?

"I can't get in." Gao Shaohui said, did not say much.

Chu Han’s eyes flashed, and the mysterious family’s four words were lit up again in the brain. Gao Shaohui’s too many strange things made him have to re-recognize the mysterious family.

Can't kill people, can't enter the stone wall?

Why is Bai Yuner?

Still only high homes can't?

Chu Han can't figure it out. At this point, he can only put it aside. Four people who have already held badges are still four.

At this time, on the other side, a man and a woman stood in a place not far from Chuhan and others. The two men did not come forward to say hello, nor did they confront each other. It seems that there is some unwritten rule between them.

This male and female girl is naturally here for many days, only waiting for the time to mature after Xiao Mengqi and Huang Huang.

"Miss Xiao, the other two haven't arrived yet?" Huang whispered softly.

"I will come." Xiao Mengqi played with her own hair, and if she had nothing to look at Gao Shaohui's direction: "Gao Shaohui there is still one person there."

"He is really cautious." Huang Huang chuckled: "There are three people coming to the Chuhan on the bright face, and the other is hidden in the dark. When people come together, we don’t know who It was the person he had found, and after entering the examination of the stone wall, Chu Han could not tell who the enemy is."

"Isn't it the same?" Xiao Mengqi's tone was a banter: "The other two are also the cards I have found, but they are not for me."

"To deal with your smart people, I still focus on the force is better." Huang Huang smiled and spoke.

Just in the low-pitched conversation between the two, Chu Han also relied on the reef on the side, and observed several people on the scene. In addition to his own Xu Feng and the hunting king can be trusted, Gao Shaohui is too mysterious, new The two people who came here have big problems.

It is enough to see this time the assessment of the second progress of the stone wall, how difficult is it!

Shortly after the arrival of the two men, the one who deliberately concealed the appearance of the dress appeared, and the speed of disappearing without a trace made Chu Han sway, he was already leaning against it. On a piece of reef.

Chu Han suddenly smashed into a hole, and the dark channel was a good person. He didn't feel it until this person appeared.

Who is this person? !

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