Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1121: Du Silent Duan Jiangwei


Duan Jiangwei was so shocked that he was completely sluggish on the spot, and he couldn’t speak for five minutes.

"This, this special thing is OK?!" After a long time, Duan Jiangwei was violently roaring out.

Obviously, he was completely sold out by Chu Han!

"Well, why not?" Chuhan leaned against a reef, and said: "The tyrant of the king is a different kind of king. I know that I can't beat him, so I want to win and only sacrifice you, except him and me." Plus, you have exactly six people, six badges!"

And the power does not know what height of the alien king has reached hard?

Chu Han is not so stupid!

Although the alien king must be removed, Chu Han will fight him sooner or later, but definitely not now.

The current Chu Han is very clear that he is not a rival, but also has a weak foot. In addition to his own level of energy needs to use energy and Azure 3000 to quickly improve, other aspects of the Spike need more time to develop.

As for the rules, Chu Han is even more disdainful, the rule itself has a huge loophole, or the loophole itself is for people to crack!

"Sleeping trough!" Duan Jiang’s great voice: "Do you break the rules? Can you win?"

"You and I are all up-and-coming people. It should be clear that the purpose of the rules is to distinguish ordinary people from geniuses." Chu Han directly gave Duan Jiang a great brain, which is too deep and hidden. ridicule.

Rules restrict ordinary people, but geniuses mostly like to find breakthroughs in the rules, that is, to hit the ball, the language trap is the basic means that every top person should be.

This time, seven people including Duan Jiangwei were confessed by the rules of the stone wall, and they followed the rules according to the rules. Only Chu Han found a breakthrough and used the rules to win the final victory.

This kind of slitting means, even Duan Jiangwei had to admire, but admire to admire, vomiting blood and vomiting blood!

"Isn't the stone wall not killed your bastard?!" Duan Jiangwei, who was greatly stimulated, didn't even have the grace. He had been suffering from this person since he knew Chu Han, and he really had nowhere to vent.

Chu Han’s smile: “Don’t die? It should be in love with me!”

"But before you break the rules to do this, you haven't thought about the consequences? If it doesn't work!" Duan Jiangwei asked seriously, in the face of the assessment of the stone wall beyond the common sense, Chu Han is not afraid?

Even in this kind of assessment, I dare to mess up!

Chu Han touched his chin. Suddenly shifting the topic: "To be honest, have you not thought about the significance of this assessment of stone walls?"

Duan Jiangwei frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Look at the sentiment of the first time when you are in danger of my wolf's teeth, I will analyze and analyze it on the spot." Chu Han smiled and said: "There are so many assessment walls, it seems to be based on combat power. The assessment of the Lord will divide the new human beings into rankings to judge the individual's combat strength."

"In fact, the results of each assessment are comprehensive assessments, and in addition to the most basic combat power, the assessment project is mixed with a little acumen from the beginning. You have participated in the first-level assessment and should remember the last. The last monster that appears in a second?"

Hearing here, Duan Jiangwei’s brow wrinkled more tightly: “So? What do you want to say?”

"I was thinking, if you only need to be able to divide the new human being into three or six, and so on, you need to set up so many levels of comprehensive assessment." Chu Han’s in-depth guidance: "The most important There is a total ranking of combat power, from progress one to progress two, although the assessment of combat strength is still the main force, but the test of thinking seems to be more and more?"

"It is true." Duan Jiangwei nodded and waited for Chu Han to continue.

"Every time the assessment can be taken from the perspective of the stone wall, it uses the way of pulling hatred to participate in the assessment of the ranks of the appraisers, what is the purpose?" Chu Han said that he has laughed here.

"Screening?" Duan Jiangwei immediately answered.

"Well, screening, I think so too." Chu Han said in a deep tone: "But what I can't figure out is that it screens out those of us, what is the ultimate purpose?"

Duan Jiangwei was silent, and Chu Han said that it has far exceeded what they need to face at this time. It is something that should be considered only a few years later.

Seeing Duan Jiangwei who did not speak, the treacherousness in Chu Han’s eyes flashed past and stretched out and said: “I said what I said, why do you find each mother separately?”

Duan Jiangwei was brought back to God by Chu Han. After he slammed it, he nodded. "Well, I will strengthen my attention on the other side of the king. I will also report to Beijing."

"That will trouble you, I am too lazy to contact the group." Chu Han's attitude toward the group of people in Beijing is too lazy to cover up.

Duan Jiangwei, who knows Chu’s temperament, nodded. He quickly left in one direction. When he came, he received the news of the person who sent him the purple knife. He had the correct geographical position, so he directly asked the subordinate to drive the helicopter. Children only need to go back to the helicopter stop.

When Duan Jiangwei left, Wangcai came up with a head: "What have you just laughed at?"

Chu Han raised an eyebrow: "I laughed at this section of Jiang Wei really flickering, and I was told by the words in the clouds, even the benefits I took in the assessment were forgotten."

Wang Cai turned his eyes: "Rely!"

Chu Han smiled and planned to leave the place. He just took two steps and suddenly looked at a direction in the distance.

I didn't know when I was standing with a stranger, and my face was gray. It looked like my spirit was not good. After seeing Chu Han, my eyes were bright and I ran over.

Chu Han frowned, he didn't want to be too embarrassed at this time. When he came out, he didn't see Gao Shaohui and others. At this time, the assessment of Progress 2 was over, Yin Yang Valley...

The last gate of the Nansha Port to the Yinyang Valley was opened in the last five years. This world was advanced to the end of the last two years. Perhaps Gao Shaohui and others at the time of the last life have tried again, but why did it last until the end of the world? Only after the year is settled, this secret is afraid that no one will ever know.

And by assessing the progress of the total rank of the stone wall, the second is the opening condition, Chu Han has been able to determine that the method of opening the gate of the valley is not unique.

But at this time, I am afraid that the gate of the valley has been opened!

The man hurried to Chu Han and carefully looked at the huge black axe on his back. "Hey! Someone told me to send you a message, let you go out and go to the bottom of the sea."

Chu Han’s heart beats: “Who is going to let you pass? Man and woman? Is it straight or nervous?”

In addition to the secrets of Yin Yang Valley, only Gao Shaohui, Xiao Mengqi and Bai Yuner, the only male Gao Shaohui naturally does not need to describe more, but in the eyes of Chu Han, it seems that the most direct distinction between Bai Yuner and Xiao Mengqi is black straight and neuropathy.

The man stayed and replied: "Woman, black and straight."

Chu Han’s pupils shrink, Bai Yun’er let him pass the words?

And the keyword is still undersea?

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