Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1132: Yin Gu lived in the living, Yang Gu lived in the dead

"Oh, it turned out to be the case." Chu Han blinked his eyes, did he accidentally hit the Universiade?

In fact, this group of people can return to here, seemingly has little to do with him, benefactors or something, he is just taking the lead.

"The most important thing is." At this time, the fish brave man continued to say: "We also need you to do a favor for us."

The focus is coming!

Chu Han’s heart was actually a bit more solid, and there was something to come and go. This is normal.

"What, but it does not matter." With a smile, Chu Han began.

The fish brave man is mysterious: "You may not know this yin and yang valley, actually divided into two places: the valley and the yang valley."

Chu Han said that he knows, but the expression of one heart is waiting for the fish brave man to continue.

"Either the valley or the valley is very big. The place we are in is a region in the valley. It only takes up a small area of ​​the valley." Yu Yongnan continued: "For non-yin valley occupants Human beings, people like you, the entrance to the valley is unique. Do you think about how you came in?"

Chu Han sighed and asked: "Then you aquarium, isn't it coming in from that entrance?"

"We understand water, there is no difference between water and land. After we unpacked the seal, we were sent to the bottom of the sea and then sailed ashore." Yu Yongnan said a mysterious smile: "Now this place The obstacles disappeared, and we are free to go in and out of the valley."

"Come from the sea?" Chu Han frowned: "Only you can, other people will still be hindered?"

"Yes, only when we can, or when the Virgin gains power, any sea on the earth is unimpeded for our fish family." Saying that the fish brave man is serious, watching Chu Han continue "But in this yin and yang valley, our actions are limited."

“Hmm?” Chu Han is very surprised: “Isn't this your home?”

He also wants to let the people of this group of fish give him a way to lead in the shadow valley...

"There is this place next to the sea is our home. In other areas, we are not qualified to step in." Yu Yongnan said, suddenly throwing a blockbuster: "Yin Valley is the place to live, Yang Valley is the cemetery."


Chu Han holds the hand of the cup: "Yanggu is a graveyard?!"

"Yes, Yin Gu lived in the living, Yang Gu lived in the dead." Yu Yongnan said seriously: "Who lives in other parts of the valley, there are still no ones, and it has not been known in the history of the millennium."

"What do you want me to do is help?" Chu Han had some conflicts. At this time, he discovered that he knew little about Yin Yang Valley.

"Go to Yanggu, take one thing." Yu Yongnan is coming.

"Don't go!" Chu Han immediately refused, the reason is very full: "Yanggu is a graveyard, I rely on! Live in the dead! You want me to steal the tomb?"

The fish man looked at Chu Han’s refusal so decisively and panicked: "You must help. We don’t know who to look for except you. The outside world is so terrible. There are zombies and aliens. Humans are not between each other. Trust, there are not many good people!"

Chu Han immediately screamed in anger: "I said that you are too much, helping you back home so that you can go home, and I want to continue to help? This time is not the way to lead, ah, Going to the cemetery, do you know the damaging yin? And you don’t know what terrible things are in Yang Valley. What if you take my life?"

"No, I have been with you, you are so powerful!"

"That's not me strong, you are too weak!" Chu Han snorted.

The fish man is extremely frustrated: "But we have no other way. That thing is very important to us. The people we trust are only you. How are you willing to help us?"

Chu Han’s eyes turned: “It’s not impossible to help you, but...”

Yu Yongnan immediately blinked: "What?"

"But you have to help me too." Chu Han turned back to look at the fish brave man, hiding the treacherous bottom of his eyes.

"Of course! If you promised to help, you are our friend, we have all the things you like here, although you take it!" The fish man said it was not enough, continued: "If you can help us get back that kind of thing, Our fish family will be on call in the future, as long as we can do it, we must help the end!"

Chu Han mouth corner hook: "With your words, I am relieved."

The sea, the aquarium, this may be a big boost for his big wolf battle group!

"Then we will talk about the plan now?" Fish brave man can't stand it.

"First tell me where the entrance to Yanggu is, how to get in?" Chu Han immediately threw out the most important question. The last time here was completely headless flies, which knows what Yingu Yanggu.

"The entrance to Yanggu is the exit of the valley."

Chu Han said: "Ah?"

"As far as I know, it is very simple to enter Yanggu. It is not possible to enter the valley." Yu Yongnan said that his brows are wrinkled: "But if you enter the valley, you must find the exit of the valley to enter the Yanggu, which is the way. It's also very complicated to bend around, so you have to find it yourself."

"I rely!" Chu Han face black: "You give me such information, let me wander around?"

"It’s not a wandering." The fish brave man looked up, and then suddenly remembered something: "Yes, three people came to the valley before you came, and landed on another beach. I think they came. It’s not easy, or will I send you to them, can you find them together?”

"The other three people? It should be Gao Shaohui and Bai Yuner." Chu Han touched his chin and asked: "Is it a man and two women?"

"No." Yu Yongnan shook his head: "It is two men and one woman."

Chu Han lived, not Bai Yun children?

Has anyone else come in?

"Then you have seen another three people, one man and two women." Chu Han continued to ask: "Men's brown hair and eyes."

"I said two men and a woman, one of them is brown hair and eyes!" Fish brave man was a little dizzy at this time.

Chu Han brows wrinkled, how so strange?

Isn't Bai Yuner or Xiao Mengqi not coming, and there is more than one man?

"Well, who is he, can you find them?" Chu Handao.

"Yes, only two days, they should not go out of the scope of our ability to act." Yu Yongnan affirmed: "The people who come in are on the beach, and our people know."

Chu Han suddenly noticed that it was wrong: "When I came, too?"

"Yes." Fish Yongnan answered the truth: "My sister found you, I brought you over."

Chu Han’s face was black, and why did he let him lie on the grass, and what test was it? !

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