Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1143: Make a fortune

As the two men walked around and spit, Wang Cai gradually became less afraid, but he was very curious: "So, at least four people have entered the Yang Valley and got weapons. Are we late? And their weapons, I feel the same thing as your Shura Tomahawk, the guy who helped you build the axe, not simple!"

Chu Han brows up: "Ye Mo is no longer in this world, but indeed in many ways, I have noticed that Shura Tomahawk and Xu Feng are very similar to their weapons, at least the principle is very similar, but after all, it is not something that Yang Gu came out. , still different."

"Hey!" Wang Cai said with a sigh of relief: "The person who tempted you to take the axe was Xiao Qi. Could it be that Ye Mo and Xiao Jia have a relationship?"

"Ghosts know!" Chuhan stopped talking and stopped talking. It was hot and stuffy, and he thought too much about his head.

Finally, after another distance, I noticed that the temperature had dropped at a certain point, so that Chu Han suddenly had a feeling of being comfortable.

"Shuang! This Yanggu is amazing!" Wang Caiqi is amazing.

Chu Han is a strange hook in the mouth: "That is the yin of the ghost, are you still cool?"


Wang Cai was afraid to speak directly.

"Ha ha!" Chu Han laughed loudly: "Dining and sleeping, playing prosperous!"

"Rely! You lied to me?" Wang Cai was furious.

"No lie, you don't want to think about it?" Chu Han looked innocent: "Yanggu is a cemetery. Then why use the name Yanggu, which is more suitable for Yinyin? Here is the underground close to the center of the earth. The heat is normal again, but why is it suddenly cold?"

"Yin and Yang reconciliation..." Wang Cai almost said the four words with the smallest voice.

"That won't do, I guess, here is the horrible thing of the earth's heart to suppress what terrible things!" Chu Han said with a sigh of relief, and then when Wang Cai’s entire body did not dare to drill again, The smirk pointed at the front: "Come out, we are here."

"Where?" Wang Cai quickly pulled out.

"To the grave." Chu Han secluded.


Wang Cai was scared back!

At the end of the passage, in front of Chu Han’s eyes, there is a huge cylindrical depression. It is the same as the underground vertical tunnel at the underground secret test base of the Nandu base. The one in front of it is bigger and more magnificent. From the plane point of view, the diameter reaches the level of kilometers.

Looking down, it can directly scare the dead, deep bottomless, a dark, more sinister feelings blowing, even if the tenth-order evolutionary can also fall on the spot!

At the same time, this is also Chu Han, and there are some familiar places. The vertical tunnel wall below is flat, which seems to be a huge well, but actually in this seemingly smooth inner wall, every A distance will have a deep internal passage, and the end of the passage is similar to that seen at the South Base.

It was only at the beginning that Chu Han thought that it was a cage, and that the torture instrument and the imprisonment of black and black were too much like a cage.

After hearing the words of the fish brave man, Chu Han knew that he was very wrong. Everywhere at the end of the thoroughfare, there was a grave at the end of the passage. Who was buried here thousands of years ago?

Or is it a prisoner?

After all, those torture tools can be genuine!

With such a vast project dedicated to imprisonment, to create this Yanggu people and the main messengers, I really can't understand what they are thinking in their minds!

However, all this is Chu Han’s guess. What is the specific situation, unless you can understand it before returning to the millennium.

Not much thought, Chu Han took out the rope, and after a grab hook was firmly nailed to the ground, Chu Han jumped straight down, and the body moved flexibly and quickly.

The first underground ten-meter Chuhan directly skipped the no-management, the second underground ten-meter is still the same, until such a fast all the way down to the first hundred meters, Chu Han began to explore horizontally, looking for that is not Obviously raised or concave.

In a place deep in the 100 meters, Chu Han groped for a team and then slammed it, then immediately opened it: "Wang Cai, get ready."

Wang Cai followed Chu Han’s underground in the base of Nandu. After a while, the road appeared in the inner wall. Then he jumped in and jumped in, but he didn’t see Chu Han to follow.

After waiting for a long time, Wang Cai looked at the black lacquered passage and shouted: "Chu Han?"

At this time, Chu Han is still hanging outside like a spiderman. His feet are squatting in the mouth of the passage. The tone of hate is not a steely taste: "I don't understand? How are you so clumsy! I untied the rope. It’s not convenient to put it on, so I’m waiting here, you go in and get things.”


Wang Cai Machinery turned his head and stayed in the woods: "Get something? I? One person?"

Chu Han looked serious and serious and nodded: "You! A Wang!"

"Don't! Chu Han, I am afraid!" At this moment, Wang Cai didn't want to face it directly. He picked up Chu Han's leg and began to cry.


Chu Han forced Wang Cai to smash it and directly plunged it into the passage: "Afraid of a ghost! There is a white bone inside, and there should be a weapon next to it, for the Laozi!"

"White bones? Ah, ah, bones!" Wang Cai called louder.

"Hurry up and work!" Chu Han interrupted it unquestionably: "There are hundreds of graves to dig below!"

In the urging of Chu Han’s desperation, Wang Cai’s face was forced to go inward, while he continued to fight while walking, while still mourning the ‘the spirit of the spirits and spirits’, and made Chu Han’s mouth straight.

After finally waiting for a long time, Wangcai almost ran and ran back, with a big knife in his mouth, and then 'Dangdang' was thrown in front of Chuhan, and then Wangcai hangs on the whole person. Chu Han body, scared and shivering.

This big knife is not a weapon like Xu Feng or Jiang Lingruo, but the most common kind of yin and yang weapon, but even the most common one, it is fine, heavy and sharp.

The main thing is that even if this weapon has passed the millennium, it is far better than the cold weapons outside. It is not rusted, and it can be sent out with a little rub.

This weapon, Chu Han intends to be assigned to the Wolf Tooth Battle!

"Put into the dimension space, the next one." Chu Han ordered, and began to look for the next point without saying anything.

So in the next time, Chu Han was responsible for finding points, Wang Cai was responsible for the tomb.

Under the increasingly skilled and numb action, Wangcai is gradually no longer so scared, looking for weapons to get used to the road, one person and one rabbit cooperate, and the fastest speed will be followed by the passages that are next 100 meters deep. Over and over, I have obtained a large number of excellent weapons and hundreds of handles, which is called a big fortune!

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