Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1162: Aquatic coffin

Just as the conference has been held as scheduled, no matter how many chaos has been settled, the major bases have also launched secret operations due to the upcoming battle of nesting, and the entire Chinese high-powered people are boiling and raging. .

Chu Han, the supreme chief of the Spike Wars, but unknowingly groped in the aquarium tomb in the Yang Valley of the Yin Yang Valley...

Here is a freshwater lake. Since the huge space has come out, Chu Han has come here. It is so dark and dark that there is nothing specific. Only a pool of water in front of it blocks the way of Chu Han.

"Dead road?" Wang Cai was somewhat disappointed: "Through the pressure channel and the attack of the mermaid, the result is a dead end here? I said, is this forcing us to return."

"The problem is that even if we want to go back, we can't find a way now." Chu Han said quietly, looking back and looking at his eyes.

It is still a huge space for them to come, but where the road is, it is completely invisible.

Wang Cai's face turned white, although according to its hair color, the pale complexion is equivalent to no.

Its tone brought a cry: "I have said that you should not come in, you will not listen."

Chu Han held the golden scale in his hand and looked at the water in front of the pool. He smiled brightly: "You said that this aquarium is aquarium, then the graveyard is not unusual under water."

Wang Cai looked at Chu Han with amazement: "Don't tell me to sneak down, I can't swim."

"I won't." After Chu Han finished, he jumped into the water with a bang, and he also brought Wang Cai into it.

puff! Hey!

Wang Cai’s arrogance and desperate needles on his limbs did not help at all. Chu Han was holding on to it.

The moment of desperate mood in the heart of Wang Cai, the old man as the universe's first handsome ratio, actually had to fall into a drowning end?

But at this time, a strange wave of flashing flashes, and then Wangcai feels that there is no more water in the nose, surrounded by fresh air.

Surprisingly opened his eyes, I saw that Chu Han had already sneaked into the bottom of the water with his feet, and his feet stepped on the bottom of the pool. However, the surrounding pools were strangely empty and vented, forming a strange passage. More than one meter wide, two meters high, the top left and right are water, reaching out and touching, but they did not drown them.


Wang Cai’s feet landed and looked at the scene with amazement.

What is the principle? !

Chu Han also showed a curious look at the scene in front of him, praising: "Sure enough, this mysterious family of yin and yang valley, means more!"

"What the **** is going on?" Wang Cai suddenly questioned: "And how do you know that we will not be drowned?"

When I just jumped into the water, Chu Han’s face was not as good as luck.

Chu Han touched his chin and smiled: "I said before that how can such a large project in Yinyang Valley be built by a noble mysterious family? So they must have invited people to build it. In this case, as the most special and the same It is aquarium who is a member of the mysterious family. Of course, it is impossible to bend to do these rough work, at most, to ask for it."

"The people who built the aquarium graves must be ordinary people. It is impossible to breathe underwater because of the water permeability. There is only one such road and the only water pool. If the aquarium grave is underwater, it must be built. The people at this tomb provide a viable channel. The cemetery of the mysterious family's aquarium can never throw people into the coffin to the bottom of the water?"

"They even pay attention to the sanctioned places. The eight-door tomb is even more magnificent. It is impossible to make a tiger-tailed tail. So I decided that there must be a passage for ordinary people to walk here, and the graveyard at the end of the passage will definitely make us big. Open your eyes."

Wang Cai listened to the clouds in the fog, and finally only a mouthful: "I know it, anyway, there are rules to follow, right?"

"I know you didn't understand." Chu Han despised Wang Wang's glance, and then he stepped forward and walked forward with this straight passage.

During the walking of this road, Chu Han also found a lot of strange places. For example, the bottom of the water under the feet is not completely dry, but the place where the wet is like mud, and the fresh water plants that come along the way are constantly There are even one or two fish that are constantly jumping in the mud to return to the water.

In this way, the passage in front of the tower suddenly expanded several times. It was no longer narrow and only one meter wide, and suddenly it became clear.

At the same time, the shocking scenes also suddenly impacted the vision of Chu Han and Wang Cai.

This is the bottom of the water, it should be dark, but the front is bright, there are countless night pearls in a shell, each with a perfect proportion, and the shells are open, the beads inside it illuminate the whole Huge space.

Chu Han stepped forward and wiped out the dirty things outside the shells. These are inevitable in the bottom of the water all the year round. Just wiped clean, and Chu Han’s eyes are full of surprises.

Although the time has passed for thousands of years, the patterns on these shells are still amazing and beautiful!

At this time, Chu Han has been able to determine these shells with night pearls. It is absolutely the time when the passages appear, and the shells are opened automatically, because the beads are obviously not stained with water at all times, which is completely different from the outside of the shells with them.

In addition, the most confusing Chu Han and Wang Cai are in the distance not far away, there are dozens of huge shells, the length and width have reached the level of three meters, even the height is nearly two meters. These huge shells are fan-shaped and arranged in an orderly manner.

And unlike those small shells, these shells are clean and have nothing, and their original appearance is originally presented.

Very beautiful, compared to those small shells with night pearls, they are dozens of times beautiful. It is obviously a beautifully selected shell. It is also the best shell that Chu Han has seen in this life. Even if it is taken out alone, it is definitely Superior artwork.

However, these shells are tightly closed, and the unusual arrangement reflects an unusually sacred feeling.

The first reaction of Wang Cai to see the scene in front of him was to exclaim: "Hey! So many nights of pearls, get rich!"

"Give a ghost!" Chu Han quickly slammed Wang Cai to keep it running, pointing his finger at the huge shells in front: "You guess, what is inside?"

"The bigger night pearl? Or the treasure?" Wangcai is very excited, just the next sentence of Chuhan, and instantly extinguished the excitement of Wangcai.

I saw him look serious and secluded: "That is the coffin of the aquarium."

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