Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1164: Only ten minutes


A water column suddenly rushed out from the side, and the space at the bottom of the water gradually began to be unstable. The ground was suddenly wet. A large piece of water was flowing, and it seemed to flow over Chuhan. local.

At the same time, 吱

The upper half of the huge shell, at this time, began to move down gradually, and it will be closed!

Wang Cai’s whole person was stupid, and he quickly put the mermaid white bones in his hand back to the original place. Unfortunately, this practice was to make up for the dead, the water column continued to rush into the space, and the huge shells still did not stop closing.

According to the width and bravery of the water column, it is not difficult to speculate that it will take a few minutes. The passage and space that is vacant at the bottom of the water will be filled with water. At that time, Chuhan and Wangcai will only have a dead end!

"It's over!" Wang Cai was extremely desperate, and he looked at Chu Han with tears: "Chu Han I was wrong"

Wang Cai’s words were suddenly interrupted when he said half of it, because Chu Han had thrown it out of the shell at the speed of lightning speed and slammed into another big shell.

"Hold the golden scales and open another coffin!" Chu Han unquestionably ordered, and then he plunged into the shell coffin in front of his eyes, his hands constantly groping around the mermaid skeleton.

Wang Cai, who was hit by the dizziness, quickly climbed up. At this time, it was discovered that Chu Han had already set the angle when he threw it. It was just another designated shell coffin in front of it, but at the same time, I don’t know when. Chu Han has already stuffed the golden scale into its hands.

Wangcai didn't have time to worry about and marvel at Chu Han's determination. He quickly circled the shell and put the golden scales in the opening. Just when Wangcai had just finished doing all this, the water that had poured in the space had already In an instant, Chu Han’s knees passed, they have no time!

"Found it!" Chu Chuhan heard a cry of surprise.

Immediately after a square box, Chu Han was taken out of the shell. As the box was taken out, the huge shell also suddenly slammed, and the shell mouth quickly closed tightly, almost pinched. To Chu Han's hand!

The surrounding water potential is more like an appointment. It has become fierce and fierce. The water column has also become a few strands from the beginning. It has been scattered in all directions and has risen from the outside. It was more than a meter high.

Chu Han didn't have the time to manage the other, throwing the small box into the dimension space, and then quickly rushing toward Wang Cai.

The water in the big film is rising rapidly, so that Chu Han has taken a lot of effort to move forward one step. When he finally moved to the second shell coffin, the water has spread to his neck. Wang Cai has already Forced to become bigger, or iron will be drowned.

The huge shell in front of him was also completely opened at this time. Chu Han took a deep breath and then sneaked down and rushed to the bottom of the shell.

Sure enough, at the bottom of the second shell coffin, below the skeleton of the mermaid, there is a small box completely embedded in the interior of the shell. The color is similar to the inner wall of the shell. It is not carefully and difficult to find.

Chu Han buckled the small box and quickly threw it back into the dimension space.

Sure enough, after finishing all this, the second shell coffin was directly closed, and the remains of the mermaid inside it were forever closed.

Chu Han, who finally got two boxes, was not in a good mood, because after the second box arrived, the organs of the tomb seemed to be completely opened, and the invisible force that supported the water flow completely disappeared. The space left is suddenly submerged by the water, and the passage is completely gone!

At this time, Wangcai has become the size of a palm. One hand is holding his mouth and not letting the water enter the nose and mouth. One hand is holding the clothes of Chuhan tightly.

Chu Han did not panic at this time, the consciousness entered the dimension space, and then took out two hoods, one thrown to Wangcai, one quickly put on himself, and then took out a high-powered flashlight, according to the front The waterway began to explore the exit.

As soon as the water rushed in, the massive shells with the night pearls were neatly closed, and now there is no light in the bottom of the water.

Wang Cai’s whole person was shocked, and he was wearing a hood in a hurry. The scene of surprise also happened suddenly. The hood was ugly, but there seemed to be a hole in the interior. A cool oxygen gradually filled the entire hood. Let the Wangcai, who was almost dying, be full of blood and resurrected.

After a long time, Wang Caicai reacted and was surprised to ask: "I said, there are all the messy things in your dimension space. Where is this thing?"

Chu Han kept moving forward and his voice was calm: "When I left the wolf teeth and gave me the stuff, this hood is a new invention he made out. He used it for diving. There was only one at the beginning. I temporarily let him The second one is the one on your head, because it is an urgent one, it may be a bit difficult to use."

"You are too unpredictable?" Wang Cai has been completely convinced: "This hood has helped a lot, do you know that we will use it?"

After getting the hand and letting the rush to make a temporary rush, this is obviously considered to be useful, and I have prepared one for Wang Cai!

"In case, in case, we have already known that the destination is Nansha Port." Chu Han said, constantly moving through the large number of shells at the bottom of the water.

"Bovine!" Wang Cai convinced the oral admiration, and then curiously asked: "You find fault?"

"Fish brave man asked me to find something." Chu Han brows his head and locks his head and said: "But I feel that I have to return this time."

"What is he asking you to find?" Wang Cai asked.

"A key." Chu Han's complex answer: "With these four words, there is no other information, including where the key is placed, whether it is in the bottom of the water or in the mud, and nothing is said."

"That's a fart!" Wang Cai turned his eyes: "Don't you turn this water over? How long can the oxygen in our hood be supported?"

"That's right, only ten minutes." Chu Han said, not knowing how scared his words: "If we can't find an exit within ten minutes, we will still die here."

"I rely on you, don't you hurry to go?" Wang Cai scared and hurriedly urged: "Hurry up and swim, first go ashore, big deal, go back to that weird space and say it!"

Chu Han was not moved, and he continued to explore in the opposite direction. He even turned a deaf ear to Wang Cai’s words.

Looking back?


This grave has no turning back. He can guarantee that there is no such space and waterfront in this place, and it has been completely filled with water!

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