Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1302: Incorrect response


Ada still only answered the sound of one of the most primitive beasts. On the face of a demon, the look reflected in the scarlet pupil is like a machine without feelings.

Chen Haotian’s eyes flashed a temptation and continued: “How strong is your strength in Ada? If the time is to kill the wolf, I will say that if they can kill here, if they are not the same, Can you turn the tide?"

Ah Da did not answer directly. The face with no expression seemed to be thinking. After a long time, he was slightly scornful, with a hesitation and an uproar.

Chen Haotian couldn't get the result, and his heart was slightly anxious, but the temptation will surely reveal his feet. At this moment, when the Ada is forced to die, what kind of influence this powerful alien will have on the battle of nesting needs to be reconsidered. .

Chen Haotian, who has been under surveillance by Ada all the time, now that even Chu Han has come to the inside of the silver market, he can’t walk away to discuss the details. The method of dealing with the outside world can’t work. It’s only one step away. It’s clear that Chen Haotian is very clear outside. How clever Chu Chuhan is, the timing does not need him to worry.

As long as he is in this period, he will solve the most threatening Ada!

At this time, Chu Han and the two warriors have already hit the middle of the night in the midst of a strong attack. From the south to the center of the city, they have destroyed the past. In a short time, they have encountered endless varieties.

If the two meet, they will start playing without saying anything!

The alien species itself has tyrannical factors in the genes, and it is more intense in human beings. The mad desire to eat allows them to see hundreds of new human beings. If they don't want to rush in, they will make their strongest attack.

Under the leadership of Chu Han, the two teams were not afraid to retreat. They saw that there were a lot of nonsense in the coming of a lot of different kinds of rushing, and it was a burst of bombing.

The team of high-ranking new humans in the whole team gives them enough strength to brave the different kinds of base camps. They don't care about the threats these different kinds pose to themselves. At most, those who carry the zombie virus above the fifth order, but they are already in the long-term. In the training, learn how to cooperate with high-level enemies, let alone the members of this group with the help of equal-level ascending agents, each one has a rapid increase in combat power.

There was no strategic battle in the silver market. It took a night to play a night. The two groups of the Langyao regiment were not covered by the power of the Shenyin team. They did not rely on outside help. Together with the people who killed the team, they rushed to the front of the aliens and started fighting.

The two sides fought fiercely and spectacularly. For a time, the entire battlefield flew sand and ruins, and it also spread in the direction of the attack to the south to the city center!

Seeing that the sky is going to be bright, this unprepared and prepared battle has to pause for a breather.

Chu Han slammed a command, and suddenly the fiercely attacking members of the 400-strong team, like the ebb tide disappeared, leaving the body of the body and the wet and wet several streets of blood!

It’s just that in this wreckage, the unique acid smell is particularly strong. If you look at the piles of corpses, there are no human corpses at all.

The most powerful team of the Spikes was dispatched from the edge of the city. Most of the first encounters were low-level heterogeneous, and some high-order new high-ranking new humans first opened the solution and wanted them. There are casualties that are simply jokes!

The battle was short and fierce. It was only one night. In the southern part of the silver market, one-fifth of the land was framed. The defensive and dying of the dead and wounded there, the blood flow into a river scene.

The Chuhan and the members of the 400-member team who had retired to the rear, but did not take the sensational scene that they had caused themselves seriously. The militarized habits made them not care about any completed shackles before the end of the war. Whether it is failure or success.

"Hurry to rest, take turns to watch, and fight again at night." Chu Han in the hidden warehouse of the people faintly ordered.

None of the 400 people gathered here made a sound, but fulfilled the orders of Chu Han with their eyes and actions. All the high-ranking new humans and the ultimate training allowed them to enter the best hidden state anytime and anywhere.

If you want to hide in a silver market base that is full of different species, you must always maintain the lowest breath control.

Chu Han’s plainness, business as usual and accustomed to it, the squid can be blown up!

A piece of information full of shock and panic passed to the center, and the number of heterogeneous deaths that were refreshed all night continued to stimulate the brains of the big aliens, and they couldn’t help but rush to Chen Haotian. There was a heated discussion in front of him.

There are no strangers in the hall. It is nothing more than a wave of people complaining about how weak the aliens are. How can Chen Haotian’s strategy be unthinkable? Another wave of people is beginning to analyze and think, and even worse, there are already different kinds of people. If you can't stand it, you can ignore the people in the place and start the search in a piece of film with the different teams.

"It's a wolf-toothed battle group, and Chu Han personally led the team!" A stranger shouted loudly, and his roar was heard: "The people in the strategy department don't say that Chu Han will come from the west with a wolf-toothed battle group." And the main battle group of the Human Alliance Army is also attacking from that direction. Most of our layouts and traps and even different teams are defending there!"

"Is it being played? I also determined that the strong attack in the south is the Spike Wars group, and there are strangers who have seen Chu Han himself!"

"It's weird! Isn't there another military camp in the south? How did they come in? No sound at all, quietly and invisibly teleported?"

The quarrel is constant, and the most proposal is to transfer the dissident team in the west to deal with the fierce battle of the wolf.

Chen Haotian looked at the people in the field, but his attention was placed on the side of the body, and Chen Haotian, who had entered the late stage of transformation, was not low. In the case of close distance and Ada does not hide emotions, it is easy to pay attention. There are special reactions to the keywords of Ada.

And such an observation made Chen Haotian surprised!

When he discovered that Chu Han’s name was mentioned, Ada would have emotional fluctuations. It was obvious that there was a strong fluctuation in life, but it was fleeting. At first, Chen Haotian thought that he felt unacceptable and observed for a long time. But the more you observe, the synchronization rate of this situation is so high!

When Chu Han’s name came out, A’s life’s volatility was released, and there was no reaction to other majors including the word "Spike".

Chen Haotian was shocked and horrified, too surprised!

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