Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1307: The special nature of Wangcai

The field of the seventh-order peak of Chuhan has been different from the previous ones. The expansion of the scope is bigger and the wall is thicker and harder to break. The space in the darkness is completely under the consciousness of Chuhan. The environment is completely isolated.

And Wang Cai did not shy away from the strange dialogue, with absolute confidence to win, and even Chu Han has spare time to spend energy to cultivate the fighting power of Wang Cai.

Heterogeneous feelings of unprecedented contempt, always strong, he does not allow his self-esteem to be trampled, but at the same time he is somewhat cautious and stunned, his eyes stare at the white snow scorpion at the foot of Chu Han.

Is this a joke?

I can speak!

Exceeding common sense, this kind of alienation did not dare to act at all, but only stood still and changed.

At this time, Chu Han seems to be on the side of Wang Cai, and regardless of the fact that the alien in his field is already in the early eighth stage, he is a whole higher than him. You must know no matter what kind of life, in the last days. In the era of the epoch, the strength of the difference between them is almost doubled.

Even so, Chu Han still believes that the urgent task at the moment is to cultivate the fighting ability of Wang Cai.

Although a year and a half down, Wangcai has been weakened by slag, but within a month of the abyss of the strange Grand Canyon, the potential of the outbreak of Wangcai’s desperation has allowed Chu Han to rethink the special life of Wang Cai. Increase the possibilities.

Since the speed can be greatly improved, why can't the combat power be?

Forced to force a surprise!

"Get up, don't force me to use it." Chu Han threatened Wang Qian.

Wang Cai’s body trembled and trembled and stood up. A small group of slap-in-the-shoulders was under the circumstance of Chu Han’s rearward, step by step and approaching the stranger in front.

In the moment when Wang Cai’s full appearance was revealed, the mood of this big alien became instantly violent, and it was unbearable and humiliating.

One, rabbit? !

The opposite of Chu Han, even let such a rabbit that he can blow out of his breath, come and fight with himself?

This is the red naked contempt!

The big alien resentment, the scarlet eyes burst out of savage killing, the eighth-order energy fluctuations climbed to the highest, shaking the air around the body and squeezing and bursting out to make a burst of fine sound.


The equal order has reached the eighth order of the big alien, and the energy fluctuations exposed to the body under anger are strong enough to make all the life of the seventh order tremble and fear.

However, in the field where Chu and Han are closed at the moment, such equal-order suppression has been greatly reduced. Everything here, together with the ground, has already become a source of Chu Han’s perception when the field is opened.

It is not only the skin of the hands and feet that can clearly feel all the subtle changes, but also the energy radiated from the entire field wall, suppressing all external life in this space.

It will make the ability to bless Chu Han, like the reversal of the magnetic field, so that outsiders feel uncomfortable.

The big aliens also felt the difference in the first time. In the strange black space, the speed of energy running in the body seems to be hindered. It becomes especially slow. It is also like the iron block is sucked by the magnet, which requires him to spend more effort.

"This is the fifth-order advantage of your humanity?!"

Big alien is not a white matter that does not understand anything. For him, the core member of the silver market heterogeneous camp, what kind of state human beings are currently showing, he is clear, and the fifth-order new humans have begun to have new differences. one of them.

The Chu Han case broke out into the field space of the big film area, but the big difference was the first time it was encountered. After all, most of the new humans above the fifth order, but only able to do physical energy.

"How many steps do you have?" The stranger asked for the exit, the face blocked by the black mask, the scarlet eyes were faintly jealous.

Chu Han did not care about him at all. His eyes looked straight ahead and moved a small step and a small step. After half a day, he had not yet walked out of the half-meter Wangcai.

Frown, unhappy, disgusted.

Chu Han’s expression changed, and then the right leg without any omen was vacated, and the screaming 啪 踹 踹 旺 旺 旺 旺 旺 旺 旺 旺 旺

"Get bigger! Give Laozi up and fight!" Chu Han's violent opening.

Wang Cai was smashed and flew out like a cannonball. The body of the Ding point was like a ball of snow, facing the big alien.

The big alien is angry again, and Chu Han is no problem. After all, it is a character that has let the alien kings eat the cockroaches, but this rabbit can be crushed to death at any time?

The big alien suddenly lifted the energy out of the body and forced it to rise. Under his full force, the stronger energy fluctuations quickly emerged, and a heat wave spreads freely, forming a wave of air that shocks the surrounding airflow. surge.

He sneered, wanting to use this terrible energy fluctuation, directly smashing the smashing smashing into slag!

Heterogeneously prepared all of this, Chu Han is also in the opposite observation.

Wangcai is still screaming in a fright, never thinking about getting bigger and going to a dead battle, even crying and shouting is about to hit a different kind of explosive airflow, but just as its body collided with the airstream for a moment However, it showed an unexpected reaction.


Without any resistance, Wang Cai directly passed through the violent airflow that was enough to crush the steel into debris, just as it was simple and unaffected by the most common density of air.

Heterogeneous stunned, I did not expect this to happen!

At this time, he was unprepared for this change, and he was suddenly stunned by Wang Cai, and he was still in the fart and share.

The opposite of Chu Han’s eyes sparkled with surprise, and this scene was completely seen in the eyes. The thinking was running fast to the brain of the sky, and there was even a kung fu to think about whether the heterogeneous smelled the taste of Wang Caiju·Flower.


After Wang Cai was alienated in the middle of the scorpion, he fell to the ground, and the dizzy eyes took the Venus. Chu Han’s cockroach actually went straight up!

The scene suddenly fell into a dead silence, and the gas field that was blown out by the big aliens slowly calmed down in this fright. He didn’t figure it out. This seemingly weak rabbit with no fighting power, how could he The energy has such terrible resistance to stress?

Chu Han has already thought about it at this time. Since Wang Cai has not responded to the energy fluctuations of different species, can it be said that for human beings, the natural suppression of heterogeneity does not have any effect on Wang Cai?

No matter how high the other party is, the Wang Cai is not affected at all, but the alien species will be directly hit.


Chu Han thought of some possibility, and immediately gave a surprise: "Wangcai becomes bigger, kill him with your hoof! You are invincible!"

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