Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1324: Evacuation

The helicopter was occupied by the zombies. The last way to quickly inform the strategic headquarters of Fengyou Town was completely destroyed. Before the end of the grand zombie killing. The party will not be disturbed, and there is no possibility of recovering the situation. .

So during the whole day and night, the entire southern battlefield was degraded for the celebration of the zombie group. The southern camp was not close to Fengyou Town, the road to the silver market was twisted and twisted, and there was a war in the silver market. The group occupies a place where the aliens can't get through.

The whole message is completely blocked, so that everything that happens here is not only humans do not know, but also governs this zone, thinking that all the zombies around the city are controlled by the same kind of aliens, and also did not expect that in the south, there has been an evolution to In the final stage, not only did the super zombies with mental and mental control skills open.

The zombie king has not yet been born, the super zombies are getting higher and higher, and the zombies that are being led are getting bigger and bigger, just like the zombies here have evolved to be able to cross the sea in the control of heterogeneity. Who knows where it will be? Is it possible for zombies to reverse the heterogeneity?

The same nesting war was also in the sudden rise of the super zombies in the south. The development track of the entire war has shifted and moved in a completely unknown direction.

Heterogeneous, zombies, and human beings, the three forces have opened the most thorough competition in this battle, and the three corners are completely open.

Who can fight to the end? !

I was thinking about how to deal with the heterogeneous and rebellious against Wang Chen. I also did not expect that a time bomb came into the countdown in the south. When the southern camp was completely collapsed, Chu Han was just connected with Jiang Tianqing, who was running fast.

"The boss withdraws!" Jiang Tianqing came up to find Chu Han directly came out of these three words, and then the whole person fainted to the ground without warning.


Xu Feng’s eye was quickly holding Jiang Tianqing up and mentioning the other’s eyelids, and then the look was slightly complicated towards Chuhan’s opening: “It’s estimated that there’s no eye for a week, it’s purely like this.”

Chu Han nodded and looked at Jiang Tianqing's eyes with softness and embarrassment. Although Chu Han was not old at the moment, he came from the last ten years of the last world, and his mind is mature like an old fox.

However, Jiang Tianqing is only 18 years old. In the civilized era, this age belongs to a young adult, but in the second century, this young man has taken up the task of the captain of the entire reconnaissance team. It is also at all kinds of key moments to come forward, regardless of their own fatigue, but also to convey the message with the fastest speed.

Jiang Tianqing’s actions were seen by everyone. Many people secretly admire his sense of responsibility. Even if he does not sleep, he must hold to the last moment until he sees Chu Han. Directly fainted.

Also because of Jiang Tianqing's desperate efforts, the two teams of the Spikes who are here to defend the line of defense are invigorated. Their battles in these days have finally ushered in the first return.

"Withdrawal! Nothing happened to us, hide and wait for the main force to attack!" Chu Han gave a command with a wave of hands, and with a total of four hundred men from both sides of the team, they went to the hidden place of the Wolf Tooth.

In this battle of the nesting, the mission of the Spikes is too thrilling, not only to enter the first battlefield inside the silver market, but also to stay all the way to the end of the battle, the last one to leave the battlefield.

This dangerous task arrangement was unfair, plus Wang Ding’s three-time martyrdom, and even sent a group of troops to come and want to block at the last minute.

If Chu Han really does not want to attack with a wolf-toothed regiment in the next time, that is silly!

At the time when a large number of different species in the west need to stay in the attack of the main force of the Alliance Army, it is not possible that too many heterogeneous teams will be transferred to deal with the Spikes, the staggered time and the conceit of the aliens. It’s not a one-time force.

No one of the two groups of the Spikes is not a high-ranking new man, but also has a strong supportive team of the gods, and Chu Han, a god-level commander who can come up with several solutions in a second, let these days The area here is completely controlled by the wolf, and no one can break it. Come in and die!

Therefore, the heterogeneous teams that have been attacked and annihilated in the past few days have long been scared. The silver city headquarters is even more bleak, and they are all caught in the situation of the situation gradually losing.

The two teams of the Spikes were quietly and uninterrupted. They disappeared in the night and let the cautiously fumbled forward. Why didn’t they dare to come in and see the aliens, and they haven’t found the Spikes in the past few days. It is therefore impossible to capture the hidden places of the Spike Wars, and there is nowhere to trace.

In the southwestern direction of the silver city, it was once a place of residence in the civilized era. At this moment, most of them are in the no-man's land that has been cleaned up, but it is also a lot of low-order heterogeneous.

Before the start of the nesting war, many non-invasive aliens lived here. It was the place where the alien kings gave them the place to live in the city, but if they wanted to be close to the center, they would either have strong combat power or use whatever means.

However, there is not much difference here at this time, because the opening of the nesting war has brought together the different kinds of silver markets, and assigned to different battlefields to deal with the attack of the human alliance army.

The heterogeneous and dense points of the entire silver market are scattered in the south, west and north. There are also places on the east near the coast, but the number is small and scattered. The rest of the place also has a little bit of different kinds of swimming. It is not enough to fear.

At this time, the silver market has a large blank space for the snails to live in. As long as the traces disappear and are not stared at by the aliens, they can remain hidden. Unless the aliens search for rugs, it is difficult to hide them. The Spikes of the Spikes came out.

At this time, the Spike Wars group was stationed in this blank residential area in the southwest direction. From the beginning to the long-term concealment here, the 3,000 regular army has been staying here for a long time.

The environment is not bad, but it is definitely not good enough. Especially here, there are **** after eating different kinds of foods. You must know that the different kinds of food are eaten. Even if no one eats meat, you must take the raw meat of the animals.

Therefore, the Wolf Tooth Regiment is the wreckage of the whole land, and the smell of rotten and stinking everywhere. The regular army of the wolf is not hiding in this place after it arrives and hides here, but spontaneously batches immediately. In action, the residuals of the entire southwestern region were first cleaned up, and then dispersed into groups to be stationed at various locations to fully control the area.

Because they know that concealment is not an end, but a process, they need to deal with sudden fighting!

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