Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1326: Missed

Duan Jiangwei’s idea arrived at the point directly and accurately, but unfortunately, when his voice just fell, and the on-site talents had just started their operations, a sudden order was passed from Fengyou Town.

"The General Strategy Department issued an offensive command, requiring all the regiments to act immediately and launch a general attack on the western part of the silver market!" Lu Chuxue will just inform the news.

Duan Jiangwei breathe a stagnation, how come it is unfortunate that Wang Chen’s order came over this time?

He frowned and looked at the dozens of people on the ground. The Duan's group was carefully cutting the frozen clothes, and it was too late to wait until the results surfaced...

"The request of Minister Wang Chen is that all the regiments will act immediately and all the staff will go to the first battlefield." Lu Chuxue whispered aside.

"Tianyang Wars?" Duan Jiangwei asked.

"I am preparing to leave." Lu Chuxue revered with a respectful reply: "It is a mandatory expedited order, and it is said that because of the early attack by Admiral Chu Han, all the camps will move in advance, and once the distribution of materials is completed, they will immediately proceed. dragged."

"Know it." Duan Jiangwei sighed with a reluctance, and then ordered the adjutant to order: "Take the clothes cut by these people, and call the whole team ready to go."

"These people?" The adjutant subconsciously asked.

"Listen to the fate." Duan Jiangwei's cold and unusual opening, there is no trace of feelings in his eyes.

The dozens of people on the ground are seriously injured and endangered. It is a miracle to be able to walk here. Even if they are brought to them, the military bumps cannot be treated.

Duan Jiangwei has no extra kindness to save these people. What he is more interested in is the unfortunate situation behind these people, whether there is an unknown situation.

Therefore, in the urgency of time, he can only take away the residual fabrics that may have the information of the silk, and it is too late to know the results, and it takes time and effort to study while rushing.

"Understand!" The adjutant did not ask much, and arranged immediately.

The whole camp was stationed in the camp and it was all over. The crowds were finished at the fastest speed. Soon, there was a pile of residue left in this area. The battle group of thousands of people quickly followed the road.

Several battle groups of the main force have already allocated all the materials in the western Fengyou Town. The reason why they have not gone before or because the fire has not disappeared, this time threatened that the fire in Fengyou Town no longer exists. Wang Chen, who was driven away by the people, certainly did not have the patience to continue, let alone he still needs to wait for the people to go out and contact the people of the Hunter Alliance to set a mission plan to assassinate Jin Yangxi.

It is precisely because of this order of Wang Chen that a major event that could have been exposed on the spot once again sank to the bottom of the water, and the direction of the entire movement of the Duan’s war group went further and further.

One day later, Fengjing Town, which was quietly calmed down, once again recovered to a leisurely state a few months ago. The main force has already traveled to the battlefield. Wang Chen, two camps in the north and the south, has already passed the action order.

As for the riots and civil strife that came from the southern camp, Wang Chen felt that it was too fussy for Chen Ming, a member of the strategy department who rushed to send information.

After so long, there was no helicopter to return to the solemnity, indicating that things have been solved!

Since there are no major problems, there is no need for him to worry about it for a while, so you can think about the next move with peace of mind.

"Minister, I brought people."

A voice sounded, so that Wang Chen, who was in the house to keep his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and was very excited.

I saw two people coming in at the door. One was the adjutant he sent out two days ago, and the other was a completely strange face.

"Speak inside." Wang Chen was very cautious. When he got up, he brought the stranger into an unmanned empty house. After checking in, he checked the sound blockade in the house several times. Then he turned back and said: "The hunter Alliance members? What is the name of the surname?"

The person laughed a little, not humble: "My name is Jiang Lingxuan, and I am the master of the secret mission of the Hunter League. You are a good customer of our alliance, so I came in person."

Wang Chen suddenly turned his eyes and was very satisfied with the hunter's alliance: "Do you have the identity and confidentiality of the mission?"

"Please rest assured." Jiang Lingxuan smiled again and took out a badge: "This badge represents the high-level identity of the Hunter League. You are the best customer in our alliance. I believe there will be many opportunities to see it in the future. The confidentiality of the mission. Please be assured of sex. Since the person who came is me, it is a reflection of the absolute non-existence and importance of secret missions."

"After your mission requirements are listed, I will give you a suitable price range. The publisher information for the mission will be completely hidden. You can have two options for the next step."

"One is to hang in the lobby of the Hunter League headquarters as a public reward mission, waiting for the hunter to pick up, so you can't know who the hunter is taking the task. We will inform you the first time the mission fails."

"The second is as a more confidential task, which is completed by the task difficulty and the designated hunter on the list of well-known hunters. We will inform the hunter as a middleman, and whether the other party has the freedom to choose after reading the task content. If the hunter does not give up, we will go back to the previous step and re-select the designated hunter, but if it is taken, it will immediately enter the countdown of the task time, and the price is based on the hunter’s personal value. Come."

"If the compensation for the failure?" Wang Chen asked, he found that this secret mission, it seems that the other party did not take compensation.

Jiang Lingxuan calmly replied: "Since the secret task blocks all the information of the publisher, the hunter who receives the task will do the task, the information obtained is incomplete, the failure rate and the death rate increase, so there is no compensation, we Also don't want any hunter to be caught in a life-threatening task."

Wang Chen thought for a moment, then a firm head: "Yes, I want the most powerful hunters in your hunter league to do this task, be sure to finish!"

"No problem." Jiang Lingxuan put a hunter's information on the desktop, and at the same time, the wind is light and faint: "By the way again, the hunter alliance is not in the team's mission."

"Know! This is a personal assassination mission!" Wang Chenyin smiled, looked down at the information on the table, and then frowned suddenly: "This is the strongest player in your hunter league? Why not Hunting King?"

Jiang Lingxuan calmly confronts Wang Chen: "The Hunting King is the founder and president of the Hunter League. If you talk about the combat power, this is the most powerful. The mission success rate is 100%. It is the top hunting in the league. The last task was a week ago, the task was to kill an adult genital chimpanzee."

Wang Chen was shocked: "Kill it?"

"Of course." Jiang Lingxuan did not have any pauses: "The mission was completed that day."

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