Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1330: Fight

Two days later, the main army of the Alliance Army reached the western battlefield, and then went to the zone controlled by the different species. This is the normal avenue that connects with the silver market. On the wide and flat road, because of the movement of the large forces, let The snow on the ground is turned into snow with mud.

The environment is very bad, and it is necessary to endure the dampness of the ground snow water in the cold weather.

After the main force of tens of thousands of people was stationed, the generals of several battle groups gathered in the tent of Jinyangyu, with a map of the city of the silver city in the middle, and began to agree on the next offensive plan.

The staff included the main force commander and the leader of the Tianyang Battle Group, Jin Yangjun, the leader of the Southern Army Corps, Shang Guanrong, the leader of the Sichuan War Corps, Wen Qisheng, the well-known Duan’s leader, Duan Jiangwei, and the other two former The chief of the top ten bases, a total of six people.

“What news did the scout bring back?” Jin Yangxuan took the lead in asking questions.

Shangguan Rong said with a sigh of relief: "Unable to continue to approach 10 kilometers away, I found a large number of different traces, and the other party seems to have been ambushing."

“Geography?” Jin Yang’s frowning.

Wen Qisheng clicked on the map: "The past is the main road in the past. The roads that go straight to the road are buildings on both sides. The urban greening is relatively weak. It seems that the aliens have cleared the crazy plants here in advance."

"The situation is not good, not good attack." The other two generals shook their heads.

"Duan Jiangwei, what do you think?" Jin Yangxi looked straight at the young man sitting opposite him.

Duan Jiangwei paused and smiled: "I am still very junior, listen to the arrangements of seniors."

"There is no qualifications without qualifications, only ability." Wen Qisheng is as stable as Taishan, sitting in the first place in Jinyang, calmly said: "If you are a general, you are qualified to make any different opinions."

The other five generals of the main force nodded, and the six of them were the best of the generals. Except for Chu Han, who had been eagerly awaited, could not be assigned to the main force. These six regiments are still Chinese. The strongest team.

Duan Jiangwei’s eyes flashed and smiled. “That’s what I said.”

He said, he took out a pen and connected the western part of the silver market with the south: "We don't go straight, but how about going all the way from here?"

Several generals looked at each other and Jin Yangqi first asked: "Say your reason, which is not in line with the offensive plan issued by the General Strategy Department."

Duan Jiangwei’s eyes with a smile, a faint burst of sharpness, one word and one word:

"First, I suspect that the aliens have already known all of our action plans. To put it bluntly, there is a ghost in the strategy department. Of course, this is my personal guess. You can not listen."

"Second, if we are all in line, we should focus on winning or losing, instead of considering the proposal of the General Strategy Department as the first consideration. After all, they are hiding in the leisure town of Fengyou, not at the battlefield?"

"Two points, and the third point?" Wen Qisheng was very keen to ask questions.

Duan Jiangwei glanced at everyone: "The third point, I guess the disappearing wolf tooth battle group, is living in the southwest."

When this is the case, all five people are in one town, especially Shangguan Rong is a distinct atmosphere!

"How much do you have? The news that the total loss of the Spiked Wars has come, the time has passed for a long time, and some people in the strategy department are already speculating whether they have encountered an accident in the silver market." Jin Yangxi said, with a trace of color Weird sarcasm: "Wang Chen reported to the Beijing Yuan Laozuo, the content is that Chu Han does not obey the command and arbitrarily act, the Wolf Tooth Warfare has been killed and injured more than half."

“Presidents believe?” Duan Jiangwei laughed.

"Who believes who is stupid." Shangguan Rong turned his eyes: "Chu Han hung up my daughter?"

"That won't be there." Duan Jiangwei continued, and the smile became more and more interesting: "When the war plan was first launched, I decided to meet the southwest direction with Chu Han. Of course, I told him that it was a spike. If there is no way to go in the silver market, I sent troops to the southwest to save him. He responded that if the main force could not attack, he would retreat from the southwest."

"You two talk really." Wen Qisheng laughed.

What to save, what to retreat, these two young generals must even brush each other's cooperation.

Jin Yangxi is in a good mood, and he stops at the end: "Since the six of us have the same idea, I will burn this offensive plan directly, and the specific action will start from tonight!"

When the words fell, the offensive plan that was knocked out by the Ministry of Strategy was thrown into the stove next to it by Jin Yangqi. The paper burned and it was destroyed in an instant!

At night, the main force of tens of thousands of people began to march on the dark road. Most people did not know the specific plan of action, thinking that the war had begun, the killing was ahead, and only six generals were holding the short meeting during the day. Consensus.

The first battle group was the first Tianyang battle group. Jin Yangxi personally went into battle and rushed forward with the muddy dirty snow water with the members of the regiment. The first batch of people ran very fast, and almost rushed to the past.

The five battle groups at the rear started with the second battle group. The direction from the road ahead was slightly cheaper to the right. The third battle group was the road that continued straight. It was so staggered that it seemed to be divided into two. Large units with parallel shares.

Intensive footsteps in the dark night slammed on the main road, ‘嘭嘭嘭’ continued, and the hearts of many main forces fought fiercely. The sprint and attack tonight is the first battle they started in the western battlefield!

When such a battle was opened, it quickly convinced the strangers who were ambushing at the edge of the city ahead. At the same time, the shouts began to scream out from all directions.

These are the low-level heterogeneous species that have been waiting for a long time here. The number of large numbers is unclear. As the western battlefield of this war, the task of the heterogeneous team is two words.

cannon fodder.

After the dissimilarity has seen Wang Chen’s plan, he has also decided to develop a defensive plan step by step according to the mode of the plan.

Or for a more direct idea of ​​a different kind of heart, this is a plan to count on the massacre of the Human Alliance Army!

The dark city suddenly became full of people, and with the Tianyang Battle Group led by Kim Yang-soo, the first to rush in, the smashing began in the first half of the night, the new human forces led by the Tianyang Battle Group on the dividing line of the silver city, and the different teams The low-level heterogeneous cannon fodder, when the two sides meet, they will start playing without saying anything!

"Attack! Rush!" There are people with big tricks in the back.

"Kill!" More than a thousand of the main force of the Tianyang Battle Corps, which took the lead, waved a knife and a gun to slash.

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