Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1336: death

The twists and turns are not good enough to take the route away from the avenue. This is the shortest way forward between the Beijing base and the Hunter League headquarters. He Peiyuan and Gao Shaohui walked one after the other, crossing the mountains and crossing the river, no matter what. There is a road ahead to go to the end.

He Peiyuan is not fast in the front foot, and he is quite kind of walking and watching the scenery.

Gao Shaohui walked behind, his face was tangled and his words stopped. He wanted to say that he couldn’t reach this year until he could go to next year, but he didn’t dare...

After finally swaying for two days, Gao Shaohui could not help but ask carefully: "Or, I am looking for a helicopter?"

He Peiyuan looked at him: "Is there a flying tool?"

"There is something." Gao Shaohui nodded madly.

He Peiyuan was silent for a while, then sighed: "You don't say it early, I have worn my feet."

At this time, in the western theater, the transfer of the Tianyang Battle Corps had already come to an end at the dawn of the day. A large number of troops had left the front line and quickly left the road next to them.

When the new human team was in the dawn of the day, they immediately took a break, and all the people retreated as if they were in the tide. They disappeared in the corpses of the land that could not see the people and the heterogeneous divisions, and disappeared from the perspective of the aliens.

Because the ground on the battlefield is too chaotic, not only the corpses of the whole body flow into the river, but also the buildings and plants on both sides are destroyed. As a result, it is impossible to find a specific situation from a distance, only knowing that the land is a dead body.

So the few groups that left at this time did not pay attention to it, and the new human team of the Tianyang Warfare team that was leaving the process. The aliens even thought that it was the evacuation of the usual truce during the day.

The aliens in the rear are quite awkward, especially now that they can’t play, and they are waiting for one night.

"After the day, I will stop. What are these people doing?"

"Now the high-end heterogeneous team can't get in, can't open it!"

"There is not much left in the cannon fodder. Do you want to..."

"I didn't expect this group of cannon fodder to block not only the Alliance Army, but also our way!"

"How come the ghosts have not been killed with zombies?!"

Just when there were heterogeneous seeds that had disappeared for a long time, the singer who was sitting in the position and the color of the singer was suddenly different. He suddenly stood up and his body trembled.

This abnormal situation scared everyone to jump, but under the guise of seeing a big alien, staring straight at a certain point in the distance.

what's the situation?

All the strangers are confused, looking at the big dissidents, but they can't see what is going on.

"What happened?" Another stranger anxiously asked.

The cold and sweat of the big, horrified face is not only: "The alien king is back..."

Brush it!

All the strangers are starting to look up, and there are surprises, excitement, and fear.

"Where is the king?" Immediately there are strangers looking around and excited.

Regardless of how strange the temperament of the heterogeneous king is, how can they not be seen, the heterogeneous king wood leaves are always the strongest among the different species. There are any accidents in the station areas, and the heterogeneous people believe that they must win in the end!

The alien king is unbeaten!

It was only after the excitement of the stranger that the big dissident in the Western Theater leader was screaming in panic: "There are faces of different kings, we are being played by the Alliance Army! Their six battle groups I have already left at night, we have not found it at this point, fast! Gather high-powered heterogeneous teams to pursue, they have not gone far!"

When the words came out, the high-ranking high-rises in the house were on the spot. The Alliance Army is not here, has it moved overnight?

Seeing these gangs are still worried, the leader of the Western Theater is more violent: "Hurry up! Go chase! You guys personally go with the high-level alien team! Go all! Do you want the alien king to be hands-on?!"

Oh la la!

A group of strangers rushed out and climbed out. Everyone was scared by the team leader. The overnight movement of the Alliance Army was a major mistake. They didn't even find it all night.

At this time, it is obvious that the leader of the team is receiving instructions from the dissimilar kings, no matter what the way, it is enough to make the heterogeneous high-level fears present.

Major mistakes have been caught by the different kings, and if they are not saved, they will die!

Soon in a large number of high-level heterogeneous unclear conditions, this group of high-level high-level rushed out, shouting loudly and even too late to prepare, with all the high-level heterogeneous nesting out, rushing in the direction of the withdrawal of the Alliance.

Wang Chen, a member of the Beijing Elementary Regiment and Fengyou Town, received an urgent report from Jin Yangshao in the past few days.

The difference is that the first time of the Beijing Olympics delegation sent a number of helicopters to the silver city theater, and launched a comprehensive search.

There is a problem with the General Strategy Department. In this war, they have been faintly disturbed. At this time, the abnormal situation of the zombies in the south has emerged. How can the old monsters of the veteran regiment who are keen on the war be allowed to leave?

You must personally send someone to check that the Strategy Department is not credible!

Wang Feng of Fengyou Town, who was casually glanced at him, sneered and burned the urgent report thoroughly. His excessive self-confidence made him think that the intelligence controlled by the General Strategy Department could not be less than that of Jinyang. The reasoning mentioned is even more!

What Wang Chen is now thinking about is the high assassination mission handed over to the Hunter League. Has it been completed?

Just when he just thought about this problem, the one who hurried suddenly ran in: "Minister! See the signal!"

"So fast?!" Wang Chen was shocked and excited: "Are you sure what kind of signal I am talking about?!"

“OK!” The madman nodded: “It’s a signal bomb. It’s been launched three times, except for the first launch point in the western battlefield of Silver City. The rest of the time is separated from the location, and you told me. It exactly matches!"

Wang Chen’s eyes suddenly burst out, and he was too excited and this person looked a little crazy, and his expression was even more uncertain.

It’s so fast!

The tyrant of the king completed the mission so quickly!

The three signal flares are the signals after the two people agree on the completion of the mission. The three signal flares represent the completion of the mission, and the three missions are completely in accordance with the specific rules, which means that the mission is perfectly completed. Jin Yangxi not only has died. It is not seen as the assassination of a hunter.

Completely in accordance with the requirements of Wang Chen!

"I will prepare a helicopter for me immediately, the new humans in the strategy department? They are all ready, we set off to the battlefield!" Wang Chen did not forget the remaining plans after the excitement.

Jin Yangxi is dead, and the battle plan of the western theater will be decided by him alone!

(To be continued.)

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