Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1357: Zombie King?

In the southern part of the battlefield of the silver market, the coalition forces in this area have already been torn apart. The data on the death and injury of the various groups have not been counted, but some teams have escaped from the siege of zombies. The total number is less than 500, after fleeing the danger zone. They gradually gathered together, and this was the last 500 people to survive in the entire southern battlefield.

Among the group, the only general is Qi Kai.

A group of people dragged their tired bodies together, and they were already hungry and embarrassed. They looked at the last little material left, and they all fell into a haze.

The coalition forces of tens of thousands of people were destroyed in an instant. The four corps were rushed by the corpse, and the cooperation and combat power of the entire team clearly had no face to face.

"Admiral, what do we do now?" The other three groups of people gathered around Qikai and regarded him as the last servant.

Qi Kai was still in a panic, and saw that there were five hundred people in front of him, and his heart was more emotionally ups and downs.

Such failures are too direct and too shocking to people. They almost wipe out the anger of some people in the place. Not to mention the plan of designing a dead Chu Han with Wang Chen. At this time, Qi Kailian himself is difficult to protect.

I don't know that Qi Chen has died in the silver market. At this time, he is forced to calm down. At least he is still alive. At least 500 troops from the southern battlefield survive.

"We were so defeated, and went to the Beijing Yuanshou group..." Some people began to worry.

After all, the enemy targets set at the beginning of the southern battlefield were zombies, and they also fought for the auxiliary work of the entire nesting war. Now they have been chased by zombies to such a miserable situation without opening the game. It is normal to report this situation without a face.

When this was said, it made Qi Kai’s mind flash, saying: “We must report this situation as soon as possible. We are in the face of Zombie King!”

At this time, the only life-saving straw they can seize is the trust of the Beijing Yuanlings. As for the situation in the southern battlefield, it can be pushed to the accident. After all, the too special zombies are variables outside the strategic plan.

Zombie King, Qi Kai believes that these three words come out, they can be forgiven for how to fail, as to whether the zombie is a zombie king, this is not important!

"Zombie King?"

There were bursts of exclamations, and the faces of the five hundred people were horrified. They were either skeptical or fearful, and they were all scared by Qi Kai’s words.

At this time, a helicopter propeller sounded in the air, and the rumbling of the rumbling, there were obviously several, and it was from the southern battlefield.

After Qi Kaiyi hurriedly shouted: "Fast! That must be to support us, let them see us!"


Five hundred people immediately acted and tried their best to attract the attention of the helicopter team.

Soon, people who came to see the situation from Beijing finally saw the first group of people in the southern battlefield.

"General Qi Kai?!" The man was shocked when he just left the helicopter. He did not expect the general in front of him to look worse than the refugees.

Qi Kai was also very excited. The first sentence of the person who came to see him was: "When you came, did you find the trace of the zombie king?"

"What? Zombie King?!" The man was shocked.

Qi Kai immediately eloquently talked about the situation in the southern battlefield, and raised the authenticity of the existence of the Zombie King to a great height.

The reconnaissance team from Shanghai was collectively shackled. The team leader quickly said: "I have understood the situation. You have worked hard. I will go back and report this situation immediately!"

"Wait a minute!" Qi Kai pulled the other side, some anxious openings: "Can there be supplies? Our coalition army was rushed by the zombie corpse of the zombie king. Basically, the materials are in a state of deficit. If it is not lucky, I am afraid it will not live. To five hundred people. And...we are not seriously injured by our five hundred people!"

In the last sentence, Qi Kai added his own thoughts. Once there is no reason to go to the battlefield again, it will be able to avoid the southern theater. It may be possible to be directly transferred back.

The visitor quickly moved all the available things on the helicopter, and said with relief: "You hide first, I immediately let people send supplies."

“Thank you!” Qi Kai said with gratitude.

"Thank you, this is all right, the zombie kings are all out, this is a big fight, but there is something going wrong!" The short-lived exchange between the man and Qi Kai, immediately rushed to the helicopter to go to the Beijing base, must immediately Reported to the old group, the southern part of the silver city is a big deal!

Just as Qi Kai described the situation in the southern theater, the people who came to explore it were rewarded to the Beijing Yuanlings, and the storm was already brewing in the midst of brewing.

In the west of Yinshi City and Fengyou Town, a mountain forest is located in the Grand Canyon. The last thousand people of Jin Zeyu and Tianyang Battle Group finally arrived near the silver market, but their team was stationed at this time. A large canyon is separated and blocked across the street.

"The Major General, there is no such thing before this canyon!" Jin Zeyu's subordinates looked at the front with a blank face. The canyon was too big to see the opposite, the width was unimaginable.

Jin Zeyu was equally shocked. He rushed to the scene all the time. The sudden road closure caused him to be caught off guard. He had delayed the participation in the war because of the yin and yang valley trip. This is a good road to be blocked by this canyon. This is not hard. Want to force them to flee for a thousand?

"Walk around!" Jin Zeyu thought about it or decided not to give up.

The people immediately acted and began to move in one direction, trying to go around a bend and wandering the canyon, but when they moved, at the end of the canyon they could not see, they continued to expand. Increase the cracks and gradually extend the sides of the canyon in a direction that is different from the beginning.

It is not clear that a thousand people whose roads were forcibly changed. After walking for a few days, they noticed that the front was faintly starting to be wrong. But the Grand Canyon could not be circumvented, but it seemed to be taken to another place.

"The Major General, the news of the former reconnaissance team was passed back, and it seems that there is a city before going!" One person came to report.

Jin Zeyu was fainting at this time. He had probably guessed that they were getting farther and farther away from the destination, but when he heard the city appearing in front, he still had a string in his mind that was faint.

If it is not a silver market in front, then it is really a dog!

"Let them look at it in the past!" Jin Zeyu's mouth was dry and ordered. Because of the late days and the constant rush, the thousands of people have already squandered their food, and it is almost the end of the road!

[Can you add more and make up for a few days? It’s really too much recently.]

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