Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1377: I just went out and sprinkled urine.

"Hey! I ask you something?" The coalition army that asked the question did not believe in evil, and caught up with it again. This time the voice was much louder, and the eyes of some people at the place were attracted.

The member of the Spike Wars, who was questioned, still seems to have not heard the general, facing the front and following the team forward, and each time the foot is moved forward, it is also as accurate as the ruler.

At this time, everyone also found that not only the member of the wolf who was questioned, but also the rest of the regular army of the wolf-toothed group that was walking, it was also a look of appearance.

It’s not inaudible, it’s not deliberately ignored. It’s obvious that the members of the Spikes are under the strictest system, no one can violate!

No sadness, no joy, no desire, no match, and with the neat black warfare service, the entire three thousand regular army is like a black torrent, from the outside to the camp.

This scene suddenly reminded everyone in the scene, watching the sense of the system inadvertently revealed in this flood, and the glory of all the above-mentioned iron and blood, and then contrasting the mixed forces gathered here, the contrast is strong Think deeply.

The questioner was embarrassed, this is a sense of shame in a huge contrast, leaving a faint anger on his face.

The first batch of returning to the Yuba team did not squint, the second batch of shooting teams was serious, but the third batch of this large number of regulars of the wolf is also so serious, it is not the face of the poker face that is not disturbed by the front, all of a sudden Let the big league army feel uncomfortable.

"What equipment?"

“What are you doing? Isn’t it a big scene that needs this?”

"It’s too loaded! I think it’s a ghost in my heart!”

"I didn't go to the city center at all, so I want to fool the way in this way?"

"Otherwise, I can't think of other reasons. They haven't seen them yet. They need such a serious and military parade. Who will show it to the show?!"

There were more and more dissatisfaction among the people, and they gradually forgot their purpose of being gathered here. They began to focus on the fact that they could not understand the squad.

In the increasingly dissatisfied dissatisfaction, the three thousand regular troops who continue to move toward the inside of the camp, but all are not affected by the slightest, continue to step on the neat and incomparable pace, moving in the posture that best reflects the military.

Several of the generals glanced at each other and their eyes flashed with amazement.

As discussed by the noisy coalition forces, the generals who are related to the future achievements of the members of the group of wolf teeth are not here, or even the length of the team. If Chu Han is behind the team, then It will take a long time to appear.

At this time, these regular military movement patterns are so formal, even if they do not be beautiful, they can't see it, and there is no connection at all.

Therefore, this group of teams will be so rudimentary, and will be so neat and serious. It has nothing to do with the performance in front of Chuhan. This is the most basic part of the squad, and every member of the fangs must do it. a little bit.

Duan Jiangwei looked around and was still noisy. The Alliance Army, who was screaming dissatisfied with the Spike Wars, showed a sneer: "When I saw the spikes, I realized where the Duan's battle group lost."

"Institution?" Shangguan Rong also felt deeply, and he did not even see the Southern League. "There is a big change. Should I also train the military law department?"

Wen Qisheng smiled and shook his head: "You all understand wrong, what military law, what team, the key is still in Chu Han."

As soon as this was said, several of the generals were silent, and once again looked at the team of the Spikes, and there was nothing more than respect.

"Come." At this time, Wen Qisheng pointed to the front: "I am blind, but the most conspicuous guy is Chu Han?"

Several of the generals looked far away, and at a glance, they saw a large axe face reflecting the black radiance on the horizon, and the man with the huge black axe was moving around neatly. Among the teams, it is particularly prominent.

Everyone is moving low-key, and the members of the entire Wolf-toothed group are silent, following the law of the wolf.

Only Chu Han can be seen at a glance, and he alone swayed with a **** axe, a pair of fear that others could not notice his appearance, and the arrogant gesture did not hide.

"This kid..." Wen Qisheng looked at Chu Han and walked closer and closer.

Duan Jiangwei is even more afraid of looking at the corner of his mouth. God knows how such a person trained in such an amazing wolf battle group.

The rest of the squadrons and soldiers who saw this strong contrast also had the wrong feelings of two kinds of ice and fire, and the difference was too great!

Soon, Chu Han, who was walking in the back of the 3,000 regular army, went from afar to the gate of the camp. When I saw that all the thousands of people ran out to meet the posture, the goods were not embarrassed, but they directly touched the corner of the mouth: Hey? Are you running out to see the excitement?"

When he talks like this, it is to let those who have been squirting before, all calm down and don’t dare to speak out. Even if they don’t get used to the wolf-toothed group, this group of people will never dare to go to the future. Face-to-face confrontation, not to mention that the general is still famous for his temper that can threaten who and whose lives...

Several generals gathered around, and Wen Qisheng also omitted the step of asking for help, and asked directly: "How is the situation?"

When the words came out, the entire gate of the camp suddenly disappeared silently, and even a snoring sound of the breath disappeared. It really calmed down to the extreme. Countless pairs of eyes had a strong desire for curiosity and looked at Chu Han. .

Chu Han’s sly look around for a week, and the dark and smoky eyes flashed in a faint stream of light. His voice was not big enough but everyone in the room could hear: “I said it clearly before I left, last night, no more. Silver City Base Camp."

Chu Han’s voice does not have emotional color, and there is no slight fluctuation. Calm is like reading a book in the light of the book. It is like saying that it is the most common thing to eat and sleep.

But what he said, but suddenly let the scene burst like a boil!

"The trough!"

"Went out?!"

"Is my ear is not good or I have a problem with my ability to understand? The meaning of his words is that the batch of aliens in the city center has been annihilated? Ah? Is it?"

"If my understanding is ok, it looks like it."

Because Chu Han said that it is too calm, so that everyone has some unbelief at a time, who has a night after the end of the heterogeneous base camp, but also a special attitude?

It’s like saying ‘ah, I’m coming back, I’m just going out and squirting’, just as dull!

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