Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1390: Self-inflicted

The scene was silent, and countless residents of the city of Anro stood in the same place, staring at the people of Qikai.

Everything sounds right, it’s the same as what the people of the Qikai Warriors said, too many doubts, too many doubts, and too many doubts that people can’t understand, all of which make the city of Anro These residents were gradually led to a direction of no trust.

In their minds, like the gods, Chu Han, is there really something hidden in them? What are the ulterior things to do to protect them and guard the city?

There was a conspiracy behind this nesting war, which led to the invincible wolf-toothed regiment. There was no news from the beginning to the end, and even the title of the tortoise turtle was given.

And they did not have any official confession of Chu Han, so they disappeared silently in the eyes of everyone.

"So please tell us? What happened to the nesting war? What about our heroes? Our collar Chuhan? Why didn't they come back?"

A resident of the City of Anro asked softly, his eyes were clear and doubtful, and there was no other idea than to know the truth.

Yeah, then what do you tell us about what happened? The rest of the residents also began to ask at this time.

The Qikai Warrior chuckled and his eyes were a little strange. He extended a hand and pointed it at the tallest building in the center of the city of Anro. It was the manager of Langya in the city of Anro. The gathering place is also the place where the entire city of Anro is regarded as a holy place.

His face is full of smiles, but there is no trace of splendor, but full of heart-warming meaning: "I want to know the truth like you, ask them, ask your city owners! Or... you should go See if your city owners are still in the city of Anro, are they still in the world of wolves? Have they already abandoned you and left this place completely?"

When the words came out, the residents of the city of Anro, who were present, suddenly panicked. It didn’t take long for more than a dozen residents to rush to the place pointed by the Qikai Battle Group. The more people ran to the people there. The more you come, the more people flow, or the rioters who are about to riot?

They were incredibly unbelievable, and they rushed to the center of the city of Anro.

"The city owner is out!"

"The city owner, are you not here?"

"Let's go! We want to see the city of Shang Jiuyi!"

More and more people flocked here, madly tapping the door, and things began to show in an uncontrollable direction.

The officers of the Qikai Wars, who looked at it all in the distance, all had a sneer sneer on them, watching more and more residents gather in the center of the city and show them. The weapons have exposed their fierce side. How can the Qikai Warriors who are prepared to be unhappy?

When the two groups of people finally want to face each other, it is the time when the two are in the face of the collapse of the wolf!

An officer of the Qikai Warrior stood on the heights and said excitedly: "This should be Chu Han's masterpiece? Control the public opinion and kill a city!"

"Haha! They are afraid that we will learn to use it now. Will this be used in the city of Anro?" The several officers next to him also laughed and discussed.

"I really want to know if Chu Han would react to seeing this scene."

"He never had a chance to see it. Although our mission failed, but fortunately, Qi Kai adults have been reused, and our status has also risen."

"Almost, there will be riots in the next few days. Several of us can go back and prepare now, and the helicopter team will come to suppress it."

A group of people acted immediately. In their view, the ending of the city of Anro has been fixed. What threats can there be in a city without a squad and a squad?

Next, you only need to follow the plan. The most important thing is that they must grab the other bases and take the city of Anro!

After the departure of the officers of the Qikai Warriors, the management of the City of Anro did have a mess for a while, but this chaos was somewhat different from what the Qikai Warriors imagined...

Shang Jiuyi is standing outside the office of the city of Anro. Wei An is standing on her face with helplessness. She is transferred from the base to the important part of the Department of Materials, and is responsible for the data compilation and filing of the City of Anro. Another important member of the data department, Ding Xue, is to be responsible for the military unit in the base of the wolf. The two women are clearly defined, but because of the particularity of the wolf teeth, they will often hold a meeting of all members of the data department. The content of different places in the world of Spikes is re-integrated and exchanged and shared with each other. After the formation of this management model, it is extremely convenient for the departments of the wolf.

At this time, Wei An was looking at a newly turned information officer and could not help but urge: "The key, did you find it?"

"You wait, I have to look for it!" The new information officer was sweating abruptly, looking dizzy in a pile of keys, completely without Wei's calm and calm.

This is also a no-brainer. The big troubles outside the lineup are scaring the little girl. The city of Anro has been well-regulated since its establishment. Have she seen such scenes?

Wei’an smiled and shook his head, taking a shot from the waist and slamming it.


A shot broke the door lock of the office of Shang Jiuyi!


The closed door opens.

Wei An walked in the diameter of the stunned girl in the data department, and did not forget to quote: "I am looking for a plan portfolio, you go find someone to change the lock."

Five minutes later, a portfolio was taken from the office of Shang Jiuyi, and an important project was quickly passed to the managers of the city of Anro. Then, the city of Anro started the riots of the residents. The response measures.

They have prepared for the sudden riots. Shang Jiuyi also had a simulation of the coping mode before this. The specific plan and details were in the portfolio that Wei An took out!

Playing the paradox is the unique skill of Chu Han to push Shenyin to the altar. This move is the object that the staff has been eager to crack since its establishment. That is to say, every time Chu Han successfully deals with the enemy’s tricks, in fact, they are all The Spike Staff is recorded and then taken out directly.

Every successful cracking of a case will immediately put the response measures in the hands of the high-level wolf teeth. Sometimes Chu Han will personally go to the staff of the staff to explain the main points.

That is to say, these public riots of the current Anluo City are simply not enough to make the city into a state of crisis. The city administrators have already filed for the record. They have not seen the alert and rigorous warning team during this time, and they have been rooted from beginning to end. Haven't you seen it yet?

Therefore, the tricks used by Chu Chuhan to deal with the wolf teeth, Qi Kai battle group is simply taking their own insults!

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