Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1559: Kill

same. .

Luo Sheng did not think that this water polo could cause him any substantial harm. At best, he was caught by a bucket of water, and he could not even influence his actions. He was only suddenly stunned by his sudden death.

But in the moment of this blasphemy, the fish soft girl standing in the water suddenly smiled.

Immediately after


The huge water polo that smashed after Luo Sheng’s body condensed into ice for a moment, and then Luo Sheng, which was wrapped in it, was completely frozen!


The passage of time seems to stop at this moment. The whole person in front of Luo Sheng has become an ice sculpture, and the body is also stuck in the same place. The ice on the body is shining, even in the field of Chuhan. Within the same place, Chu Han himself was brought to feel like a stiff body.

Chu Han squatted in the same place, looking through the frozen body of Luo Sheng to the fish soft woman behind him, with an indescribable look at the bottom of his eyes.

Is this the true strength of the aquarium?

The fishy woman still hides in the water in half a body, and one hand draws her chin from the bottom of the water and smiles at Chu Han: "The blood concentration of the other family is not low. My ice seal is time-limited. ""



Luo Sheng suddenly had a sound, and then Chu Han saw that the ice on the surface of several places gradually cracked, and the huge ice that frozen his entire head showed signs of melting.


Chu Han’s words will bring the axe up, and raise the Shura tomahawk and slam down the front of Luo Sheng!

At the same time


With a loud sound, Luo Sheng completely broke through the ice at the same time and restored his ability to move freely.

It was only when he had just broken out that he was not shocked by the origin of the water polo and the amazing truth behind him. He suddenly felt a terrible attack.


The huge Shura tomahawk fell from the top down, and the sly slashed on the left shoulder of Luo Sheng!

"Ah!" Luo Sheng screamed, this is the Chu Han, who is close at hand, and the shoulder that he was instantly opened and blood spattered.

On the opposite side of Chuhan, there was the blood splashed by Luo Sheng. The little blood spray on his face made him look particularly bloody, and in this **** moment, Chu Han suddenly licked his mouth and revealed a bite. Tightly biting teeth.

This expression made Luo Sheng panic, even forgot the pain, he couldn't figure out what Chu Han was laughing at this moment.

Injury to the glory of mysterious family members?

Or is it pure killing?

Just when Luo Sheng lived, Chu Han fiercely pressed down the Shura Tomahawk!


The huge axe blade squats straight down from the shoulders of Luo Sheng, crushing the flesh and blood, breaking the bones, all the way to the heart!

Luo Sheng had no resistance at all. As soon as he was frozen, it meant that the ending was fixed.


The blood of the big film flew from the broken heart of Luo Sheng, sprayed and splashed Chu Han, and Luo Sheng also lost his eyes, and his expression disappeared with his whole life.

Luo Sheng, a member of the orthodox mysterious family, was the first to die under the blade of ordinary people!

At the end of the day when Chu Han pulled out the Shura tomahawk, he opened his mouth from the sinister smile: "Bai Yuner is the woman I saw, what is Baiyue?"

The fish girl who had been watching the battle in the water suddenly stunned, and the eyes of Chu Han’s eyes were extremely complicated: “After killing the first mysterious family member, what did you say?”

"Otherwise?" Chu Han coldly squid a soft woman, no response to the spring of its exposure.

In his hands, Shura’s Tomahawk slammed the blood on it and took back the field. The whole process was no different from the finishing work after each battle.

It is as if he has just killed an orthodox member of a mysterious family, but an extremely ordinary zombie.

When the field was retracted, I had already ran to the far-off Wangcai, and I saw the scene in front. I hadn’t had time to scream and suddenly stunned. I was stunned and looked at the Luo, who was lying on the ground and almost split in half. The body was so horrified that he could not speak.

The mysterious family member, really was Chu Han... killed?

This is too cow!

That is the mysterious family, but the Luo family, who is purely pedigree, is the existence of the highest climax for thousands of years!

Now actually died in the hands of Chu Han!

Ignore the look of Wang Cai’s shocked madness, but also the gaze of the complex look of the fishy woman. Chu Han just squinted at the river and began to clean the blood of his body.

This is the blood of Luo Sheng, and the mysterious family has almost no chance of being injured. They dare not.

But the same battle is not a win of Chu Han. If it is not the one that is a fish girl, he can't keep up with Luo Sheng's degree, let alone hurt him.

As Luo Sheng himself said, can't catch up, how to kill?


Chu Han looked at the handle of the Shura tomahawk in his hand, and his heart moved.

"Wangcai, what is the starstone?" Chu Han suddenly asked.

"You ask, I can only answer that you are a rare material." Wang Cai said seriously: "Rare to perhaps the whole earth, only you have a Shura tomahawk is made up of it, because this is not a product of the earth. ”

Chu Han shook his head: "I know it's not that simple."

When the mysterious family member is the secret of the alien life known to Chu Han, he understands that the end of the world is not only fighting zombies, aliens, and humans, but rising to the height of the entire earth.

As for the aquarium, the fire family, it is obviously not the indigenous creature of the earth!

"Today's dialogue is really wonderful." The fish girl is the first to open her mouth and smiles: "A lot of things that Luo Sheng said are not known to our aquarium, but also a part of the history lost by our family."

Chu Han picked up the Shura war axe and held the sun on his head: "So people who want to kill the mysterious family, only Starstone can do it?"

"In addition to the star energy stone, the finest life is also natural." The fish soft girl took a sentence, and the look of Chu Han’s eyes was unknown: "and vice versa."

That is to say, on this earth, there are no restrictions and rules between the best life, and how to fight if you want to play.

"This kind of nonsense need not be said, the gene can not be changed overnight." Chu Han is very clear about this gap, this mysterious family and the water and fire family, it is indeed too bad.

Only the next second Chu Han opened the back of the system, he did not forget the moment when Xiao Kun died, because the mood swings too much, and unexpectedly reached the energy control 1oo% achievement, let the furnace back system A new feature: blood transformation!

At this moment, on the panel of the furnace system, it is clearly written.

Chu Han, ordinary human family, pedigree level e, does not meet the double genetic lock opening conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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