Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1583: Goddess, Gao Manqiu

But in the second that Chu Han and Luo Ming were nervous and sluggish, the woman who walked into the tent made a sound of the first person. She had a faint smile on her face and said: "Occasionally passing here, I heard you. At the high school, I came over and looked at it."

Hearing this, Luo Ming was standing in the same place with the thunder, and the amount of information in the woman's words was so large that he could not breathe.

What is it to hear them talking about Gaojia?

How did you hear it?

How much did you hear?

How far is it?

Countless questions suddenly rushed into Luo Ming’s mind, causing him to almost short-circuit his brain.

I happened to pass by, then I heard, the breath of the breath, they didn't feel it, this is where the enchanting level of the characters came from!

But Chu Hu, but at this time, made an act that made Luo Ming stunned and shocked.

I saw Chu Han lag behind in the initial stay, and bowed slightly toward this woman, respectfully said: "I have seen Miss Gao."

"Hey!" Luo Ming did not hold back, was mad by his own saliva, and even forgot the ceremony now, the whole person was shocked to point out the woman who was out of control: "You, you, you are a high school lady?!"

No way?

Ms. Gao Jiada is not an ordinary high-ranking member. She can be called a Missy, and there is only one high family.

That is Gao Manqiu, one of the three young members of the Gao family!

The one who had had a marriage contract with Bai Jia Da Bai Yu and repented of marriage, and the white lady Miss Bai Yuner, the same name, that never appeared in front of the mysterious Gao Manqiu!

Damn, how can this kind of fairy-level character appear here?

This was Luo Ming’s thoughts at the same time in his mind, but immediately after the next moment, he opened his eyes to Chu Han, a ‘you didn’t admit the wrong person’.

To know that Gao Manqiu is an honorable status to exaggeration, how can he appear alone in this mountain, and it is even more impossible to go to their tent. Before he comes in, he asks a ‘can someone’.

This is too inconsistent with the setting of Gao Manqiu!

Feeling Luo Ming's eyes, Chu Han is now in the mood to fly, he noticed the shoes on his feet when the woman came in.

The inscription on it is clearly high!

This is the most obvious sign of the mysterious family orthodox members. Luo Ming did not notice that it was because he was a Luo family. When the members of the high family blood appeared, they could not feel the blood of the blood, and the former silent appearance, let Luo Mingxin God is confused and loses the ability to think.

But Chu Han is not the same, his brain structure makes Wang Cai admire, saying that it is a rare strong brain.

Therefore, in the logic of Chu Han’s normal thinking, it is easy to reason out this dignified and elegant woman.

Wearing boots with high-character characters, naturally is a member of the high family, strong to the footsteps and breath so that Chu Han has not been aware of it, it can only show that this woman is not a common high-class member, can do this Only the high family.

From the age, appearance and temperament, combined with the information disclosed by Gao Shaohui.

Its high autumn identity, it is ready to come out!

Gao Manqiu did not have any accidents after Chu Han respectfully stated his position and immediately guessed his identity. He did not care about Luo Ming’s rudeness.

She just looked at Chu Han with a little curiosity: "You are..."

Halfway through the words, she suddenly stopped, and then looked at Luo Ming without a wave of eyes.

Luo Ming was a shudder and scared his legs.

The woman is obviously the high-flying autumn of the high family. The legend is even more terrifying than the high-ranking Gao Yuanxun. She was so faintly glanced at her, although there was no substantial harm, she let Luo Ming rush out from the bottom of her heart. chill.

I thought of my rudeness, and even now I haven’t greeted Gao Manqiu, Luo Ming suddenly scared to collapse, and then 啪 的 跪 跪 ! ! ! !!

Chu Han’s heart moved, and he rushed to Luo Ming’s swearing: “Let’s break your arms! Go out and squat!”

"Yes!" Luo Ming had half of the rest of the thoughts. He ran out on the spot, and then he heard two sounds, and the **** smell filled him. He cut his arms and then he was honest. Kneeling on the ground outside the tent.

And it’s still a bit far away. Obviously, the one that I just had in the past is that I have something to say, but I don’t want Luo Ming to listen.

This point of enlightenment Luo Ming still has, so he broke his arms and squatted outside, did not dare to rely too close, did not dare to stop bleeding, even the heart is still grateful to Chu Han.

Because of the disrespect to the shackles, even the other mysterious family, the peripheral members are enough to die of sins.

That is not the ordinary orthodox blood of Luo Yiluo, but the equivalent of Roger!

It’s just that Luo Ming couldn’t think of it at this time. Chu Han is not a member of Luo family. He doesn’t feel that he is disrespectful to the shackles. He doesn’t know what rules are in the mysterious family. He just uses the power to let Luo Ming lose his arms. , killing for a while...

At this time, there were only two people in the tent, Chu Han and Gao Manqiu. The two men looked directly at each other face to face. When no outsiders were present, Chu Han put away his role as a Luo family. The backbone was straight and straight. The arrogance of the soldiers is looming.

It seems to be dissatisfied, he just turned down on Gao Manqiu...

Seeing such a Chu Han, Gao Manqiu once again showed curiosity: "You are Chu Han, long-awaited."

Although it is the grammar of doubt, Gao Manqiu said it was a statement.

Chu Han brows one pick: "We haven't seen it, how do you know me? But just thank you for not revealing my identity."

Gao Manqiu smiled gently: "I have seen you in the top of the silver market."

Upon hearing this, Chu Han took a breath and took a deep look at Gao Manqiu.

Good relationship with Gao Shaohui does not mean that he has a good relationship with all the high-ranking families. Chuhan has long known that Gaojia has three shackles, and is the family with the most shackles among all mysterious families. The foundation and exhibition mode are also extremely rigorous.

Gao Shaohui and his brothers and sisters do not mean that other high-ranking families can accept it. Maybe they will rebound and come to stop.

Gao Manqiu didn't think too much about Chu Han's meaningful eyes. In addition to her body's elegant elegance, she had a kind of isolation from the world. It was not as cold as Bai Yuner, but the faint smile. In addition, more is alienation.

"At that time, Bai Yuner brought thunder and helped you." Gao Manqiu continued.

"You were there at the time?!" Chu Han was a little surprised.

"It just happened to pass." Gao Manqiu said.

Passing by, passing by!

Chu Han suddenly felt that he was punching on the cotton. This high and smooth autumn made him a headache, and the rhetoric was even more impeccable.

Chu Han has a headache, but she does not know that Gao Manqiu is not only simple in the mysterious family. There are rumors that she is more horrible than Gao Yuanxun’s Gao Yuanxun, even if it is already in the Yinyang Valley. Gao Shaohui, who met Gao Manqiu, did not dare to act arrogantly.

Because she is a goddess, the goddess of the mysterious family.

Return to the ancestors?

She does not need to.

(End of this chapter)

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