Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1585: lively

The thousands of horses that suddenly rushed out of the three sides made the members of these mysterious families unprepared, and when they reacted and wanted to retreat from behind, the fourth direction did not know when, standing a group of strong Han and all looked at them with a gloomy look.

These fifty people are panicking in the moment. In fact, some people have guessed on the way back. Since the team led by Luo Fan had 35 people lost here, and more than 10 seventh-order masters died in Chu Han, then The combat power of the Spike Wars is extremely strong.

Why is the adult of Luojia still let them act in batches?

This idea was just raised and immediately suppressed by people. Do you suspect that adults do not want to live?

However, when the 50 people were ambushed, many people rushed out of the conjecture. When they think of it again, they can’t help but feel terrified.

Only at this time, no one can think of Chu Han is not a Luo family. Most people mistakenly think that the mysterious family wants to kill their peripheral members once, saying that Bai Jia is always unable to tolerate the blood.

No matter how many thoughts come out at this moment, they are just dying. When the ambush appears, the battle has already started.

The operations of the Spikes are in an orderly manner. Although they are all excited and mad like the squad, but they still cooperate with each other, everyone remembers their position, and the 50 people who are flustered will be dispersed in the first time. .

Still the simplest battle, still killing one by one, He Feng used this method to hang the 35 people, using only the top 20 teams of the elite team, and the 50 people gathered at the moment, All members of the elite team will participate in the war!

Fighting sounds ringing around the battlefield. Everyone who fights in the Spike Wars has a sly expression. The fifty people in the mysterious family are in great psychological pressure. Although they have the subconscious mind that ordinary people are not their own opponents, they are Time and time again, the breakout failed, and the body's wounds continued to increase. In the atmosphere of the wolf-toothed team, the battle was overwhelmed, and the idea of ​​defeat was overwhelmed.

One side is a wolf-war group that has been prepared for a long time. One side is a mysterious family team with no strategy. In addition, Chu Han and his two ornaments are in the water, and these people of the mysterious family may not know what to do.

The battle was doomed from the beginning, and everything was just a matter of time.

He Feng is no longer concerned about the battlefield. As long as this warfare team is playing normally, everything is fine.

He looked down at the rabbit with his chicken legs at his feet. He felt strange and had a precedent for the road ice. Everyone thought that the pet of Chu Han was a reverse life. Every time Wang Cai came to bring words. They are also holding a bunch of paper.

However, He Feng still suspects that there are many things in Chu Han that have not been clarified with him. Of course, he is also.

Wangcai is not a rabbit. This kind of creature resembles a rabbit. There are legends in the Yinyang Valley...

Just as He Feng’s thoughts drifted away, he suddenly felt his heart moving, his eyes sharp and unusual looking in one direction.

Di Sheng next to him was shocked and nervous: "What happened? What happened? Is there an accident?"

He Feng narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "You look at the battlefield, I am going down."

Di Sheng suddenly shocked, panic an unusual look at the battlefield for a while, look at He Feng for a while.

The commander left the battlefield. Is he a defensive team guarding here?

This is this...

They are playing mysterious family!

This is too casual!

Although victory is a matter of time, the other party is a mysterious family. They are not zombies, they have brains!

And the battle is superb, in case there is any accident, here only He Feng has the ability to deal with emergencies!

He Feng saw Di Sheng’s panic and patted him on the shoulder: “Five minutes.”

Di Sheng nodded, nervous and sweating.

He Feng, who was behind, quickly left and ran in one direction.

In a highland not far from the theater, Gao Manqiu stood on a towering tree and looked at the battle with great interest.

When He Feng came here, I saw this scene.

He frowned. "How can Miss Grace come here?"

"It just happened to pass." It is still the words of this golden oil. Gao Manqiu jumped from the tree light and jumped after the answer. His feet didn't seem to have a trace of smoke, and his body was like a butterfly.

Then she slightly nodded to He Feng and said she had seen the sanctions.

In all mysterious family members, only Gao Manqiu was so calm and relaxed after seeing the sanctioners. Even if Gao Shaohui, who had returned to his ancestors, saw a generation of sanctions, he suddenly fainted.

Therefore, when he saw Gao Manqiu’s attitude, He Feng was somewhat surprised. He did not expect the other party to recognize him as a sanctioner of this generation. Secondly, he was surprised that this woman was not afraid of him.

It is necessary to know that the sanctioner has absolute rights and is the only one who can rule out the determinants of combat power, and can also defeat the mysterious family regardless of the shackles or sidelines!

The two men’s meeting just started, not even half a minute, and another unexpected person appeared from the jungle next to him.

This is a woman, dressed in white, all of which exudes an unusually cold atmosphere.

It is Bai Yuner!

Not long after she walked out, she followed a little boy who was about twelve years old and laughed and shouted ‘Miss sister waiting for me’.

But when the little boy came out and saw He Feng for a moment, he immediately ran to Bai Yuner and hid behind him.

He is one of the members of the Baijiabian branch, and is also the designated successor of that side, Bai Yu!

After seeing the three mysterious family members who are different in identity, He Feng couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows: "It’s really lively, not only the high family has come, but even the white family has come two, one of them is still not The mixed race controlled by the sanctioned family is still a returning ancestor. If the two are combined, the benefits are taken by you alone."

Bai Yuner naturally knows that He Feng is talking about himself. She is different from Gao Manqiu. As a mixed-race, she does not need to have half respect for the sanctioners. This is also a great difference between the two women.

She just looked at He Feng and then looked at the distant battlefield: "The mysterious family lost the human hand for the first time on this planet. I want to witness it."

When I heard Bai Yuner’s words, Gao Man’s eyes showed a good touch. I looked at her: “You are really different. Is this standing on the side of human beings or a mysterious family?”

Bai Yuner is not afraid of the goddess and looks at him: "So what about you?"

The two women’s faint contends are relatively sorrowful, and the He Feng on the side is stunned. This is the first time the sanctioners have been ignored in the presence of members of the mysterious family!

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