Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1587: Send me your base

A base not far from the north of the dividing line is the center of the zig-zag strategy. At this time, the Southern Alliance Army has taken control of the rhythm in one step, so even if the war is accompanied by death, it is relatively north. Many bases, especially Shangjing, say that the major generals in the south are emotionally stable.

In this base, Wen Qisheng and several great generals are together, as usual and on the next offensive plan.

The appearance of Chu Han made them unexpected.

He gasped, apparently ran to it in one breath, and his chapped lips were white.

Everyone on the scene has been stunned for a long time. Obviously, they rarely see such Chuhan, especially the tension and confusion in the eyes of Chu Han, which is even more impacting on everyone's heart.

The battle of the dividing line is so difficult to fight, and it has been solved by Chu Han’s strong and calm, and even the victory and defeat will be fixed all the way. What else will make Chu Han reveal this look?

Duan Jiangwei was the most shocked. He knew Chu Han to the present. This is the first time he saw Chu Han revealing this look. After careful thought, he couldn’t help but blurt out and ask: "Is there a problem with the mysterious family team?"

Someone in the mysterious family participated in the battle. This is the consensus of several people present, but Chu Han did not say, but did not point out how to solve this battle, and then combined with the 3,000 people of the disappearing wolf team, what they are doing is self-evident. .

Therefore, these days, for the disappearance of Chuhan and the entire wolf-toothed regiment, there is no war, no one has said anything, and now Chu Han runs so flustered, the first thing they think of is whether another battle, appeared accident?

When he heard Duan Jiangwei’s question, Chu Han grabbed the cup on the table and drank his head, shaking his head: “There is a steady place, and it will end in an hour or two without an accident.”

Upon hearing this, the scene was dead, especially Wen Qisheng and others. I always felt that the speed of the Southern Alliance Army attacking the north was extremely fast, and it was exceptionally smooth. Only the mysterious family team on the Chuhan side needs to be wary, or It is said that the reason why they can go all the way north is because the Spikes of the Wolfs will stop the team of the mysterious family.

As for winning or losing?

That is the mysterious family. No one can say that they can win. At most, they stop, so that they can't rush to the front line. When the battle is over and the Beijing base is broken, the mysterious family will naturally withdraw.

Only no one thought that Chu Han actually said there was no problem there, and it was almost over.

Moreover, Chu Chu said the tone of this statement, apparently the end of what he said, that is, the team of the mysterious family is about to be defeated!

Shocked, in the hearts of all people for a long time, they really did not think that the Wolf Tomb team would be strong to this point.

“How many people have come from the mysterious family?” Wen Qisheng suddenly asked, and I believe many people are very curious about the battle that no one knows.

Chu Hantou did not lift the road: "Two hundred people, all of whom are members of the Luo family. The two men who lead the team are Luo Fan, one is Luo Ming, the eighth-order peak is a new human."

When I heard this, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene. Many people looked at Chuhan inexplicably. I really don't understand this powerful team. How can the Spike Wars be left?

Chu Han did not want to answer the meaning, directly said: "The Wolf Tooth Warfare will die, but in the end two thousand people can still guarantee to survive, but this is not enough. After killing the mysterious family, it is another game. Bigger battle."

When I heard this, someone finally understood it and immediately became shocked: "What battle? In addition to the mysterious family, what other enemies do we have?"

Chu Han put down the teacup and fixedly looked at everyone. "The civil war is nearing the end, but don't forget that our enemy has never changed."

Wen Qisheng wins a glimpse: "The end of the century, zombies and heterogeneous? The alien king began to move?"

Chu Han narrowed his eyes and said: "After the disappearance of the silver market, the power of the alien king is greatly created. At the moment, it should be developing, but it needs to be kept on the line. I am going to say another thing this time."

When he fell, he seriously looked at Duan Jiangwei and asked: "The Duan base and the South Department base, as well as a series of small and medium-sized bases in the south, can you give me the right to control?"


The whole room was silent and silent, and a subtle to the extreme atmosphere spread everywhere, and everyone’s heart leaped wildly.

Chu Han, even asked Duan Jiangwei to the Duan base?

This is different from asking a person to have a whole body!

And the next second, everyone was shocked and couldn't speak.

Because Duan Jiangwei directly took out the signs of these two large bases and pushed them to Chuhan: "The Duan's base is the main one, and the South Department base is the deputy. This sign is the command order, and the remaining small and medium-sized bases will also obey, and I also Will let Lu Chuxue accompany you, so that it is more convincing."

Everyone stared at the two men, whether it was Duan Jiangwei or Chu Han, they were the youngest and most capable generals at the moment. Of course, Chu Han is more comprehensive and more self-satisfied, but Duan Jiangwei is definitely not weak. If Chu Han does something too bad, the current first place will be the limelight, definitely belongs to Duan Jiangwei.

Everyone guessed that the two would not agree, and there would be a contest at any time. It is necessary to know that both of them are young and vigorous, and they are all eager to win.

Therefore, when Chu Han wanted the base and Duan Jiangwei gave it without hesitation, this shock made everyone in the room scared.

It also makes many old veterans wonder if they are too big for the grade, and can't understand what the young people are thinking.

In the last century, there is no absolute division and rank. The general said that in the face of combat power, there is often not much persuasiveness, but the base is real and is the largest territory of a general.

Even give it to you!

In a dead silence, Chu Han did not expect that this matter was so simple, he took over the things that Duan Jiangwei handed, and suddenly did not know how to explain.

Duan Jiangwei knew that the behavior was just too strange, and at that moment he did not know why it was unreasonable trust Chu Han, but this time must be questioned, or Chu Han to abolish his base, is he not nothing?

"What do you want to do with my base? Don't play it, it's all my cards." Duan Jiangwei said this, with a half-joking warning, in his opinion, Chu Han can start a wolf from scratch, Duan's base again. How can it be ruined?

But what he didn't expect was that Chu Han's next sentence directly caused everyone to collapse.

"I can't guarantee this." Chu Han said seriously: "It may be another two months. The Duan base and the south base may disappear. The small bases around are also inevitable. I try to make them less than a thousand. It’s a hundred holes.”

(End of this chapter)

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