Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1605: Transformation

The 50,000 people who were on the right track quickly entered formal training. The new recruits finally started their two-month nightmare. Liu Yuding carried out his ominous title in this military camp.

At this time, Duan’s base was completely the base camp of all departments of the wolf. The center of the entire base was occupied by the people of the Spike. As long as the best houses were empty, even the best pre-war conference venues were installed. Was changed to the site of the wolf department, Lu Chuxue and others had to retreat to the outer circle and entered the vacant house with simple conditions.

However, in the face of such a hegemonic act of the Spike, there is no complaint from any of the Duan's bases, because the purpose of the various departments of the Spikes is completely present on the second day of their arrival.

First of all, Lu Hongsheng's forging department, the various instruments were reassembled in the fastest time, placed in the largest workshop in the center of the base, and the people in the forging department only took a day off and immediately started work. arms.

From hot weapons to cold weapons, continuous production from the assembly line!

At present, the Duan's base has a lot of recruits, but there are also problems with insufficient military demand. Even if there are many bases sharing resources, it is difficult to solve the cost of so many people at one time, and the Southern Alliance War is still in progress. The team also needs supplies.

So the forging department of the Wolf Tooth Regiment moved strongly and produced on the spot!

During this period, new humans have continued to enter the assessment of the stone wall to participate in the overall assessment, and there have been new levels of human improvement, or more ordinary people awakened to become new humans. These people brought out a large number of generals from the overall assessment. And then a brain turned in.

A bunch of new weapons are created in this way!

As for the research department, their work is more straightforward, that is, they are constantly equipped with awakening agents and equal-order ascending agents, so that these recruits can increase their combat power in the fastest time.

At this time, Lu Chuxue and other people know that the research department of Spike has actually studied such a far-reaching stage and has already completely solved the problem of the current shortage of new human beings.

It is only the three kinds of medicines developed by the current Spike. In addition to the zombie attractant, the other two need to use zombie crystals as raw materials. These crystals were purchased by various bases as early as the end of the last century. Naturally, there are a lot of them, and more are the proceeds of their slaughter.

But even so, zombie crystals are far from enough, the most scarce material!

On this point, Lu Chuxue contacted Duan Jiangwei when he took the initiative, and then whispered with Wenqisheng. The next day, the major bases sent a large number of zombie crystals.

Zombie crystals are almost the most precious thing in every base research department. They are important materials for their research and exploration. They are scarce and precious, let alone those crystals of high-level zombies. They have always been valuable and market-free. It represents retirement, because so far, apart from the Spike, no one has studied the use of these crystals there, but only knows that these crystals have extremely powerful energy, and the higher the order, the higher the energy.

So when the results of the research department of the Spikes were exposed, the officers of the Southern Alliance Army were once again speechless and deeply felt that the wolf teeth were hidden too deeply, and Chu Han was a singer!

However, no matter how the heart vomits, they are also very clear that this time is not sloppy, and the number of zombie crystals sent by the bases to the Duan base is definitely not in the minority.

And the Ministry of Science and Technology is still the same as the traditional metal use, while working with the Forging Department and the Research Department, from time to time will add something to the hundreds of combat helicopters.

However, how quickly and orderly the work of these departments is not as good as the engineering team of Suhang.

At the beginning, the engineering team of two hundred people had already expanded hundreds of people. These people came to Duan’s base and only took a rest for the night. On the second day, they took a helicopter to the South Base and took a lot of supplies.

In the face of this large group of people's behavior, everyone at Duan's base could not understand, but when they went to the South China Base to send materials to the engineering team ten days later, they were shocked to doubt life!

As soon as the group of Sushang arrived at the South Base, they visited the entire base for the first time, and then began to renovate.

That's right, it's a transformation!

The transformation of the entire base!

This is an extremely large project, and it is the most difficult task in so many departments of Spike!

The first one to suffer from the impact of the big corpse was the South Base. No one asked Chu Han how to get it in this urgent situation, but prepared it at the fastest speed.

The South Office base is not small. It is one of the top ten bases in the last century. When Su Xing and others want to transform and transform it, it has been discussed with Chu Han long before.

It is still Chuhan's idea and prototype, and Suhang rationalizes and realizes it!

The first project to be rebuilt is the base wall. The original wall of the South Base can only withstand 100,000 corpses. When the 200,000 corpses of the corpse hit the same wall, the wall will immediately Dumped.

At present, many bases in the last century are like this, and there is no solid construction of the wall. This is because the base of the wolf has already exposed the zombie attractant. The base can quickly separate a large number of zombies when encountering the corpse tide. Let the rest of the city wall bear the impact at the same time, and let the soldiers in the base have enough time to solve the danger.

At that time, the tide of the big corpse was obviously not as strong as the corpse tide they thought before. The limit of the 100,000 corpse tide in the district was not enough!

So the engineering team of Su Xing began to make major changes to the wall of the South Base, and the changes were extremely impressive. The changes were so shocking that everyone who was informed of the news was shocked.

Far from the southern Alliance Army in the north, when Wen Qisheng learned the details of the incident, he was silent for a long time, and then he followed Duan Jiangwei: "Is the engineering team not the person that Chu Han asked you to borrow?"

Duan Jiangwei has not recovered from the shock. He nodded: "Yes, but he has no money to return..."

Shangguan Rong received the message at this time: "Is the two hundred people in the wolf teeth installed by Chu Han?"

No one can answer it, because the transformation of the South Base has not been completed, but the speed and the degree of change are really shocking.

In just ten days, Su Xing and others rebuilt a city wall of the South Base, which maintained the original height of the wall, but in fact it had already pushed the entire wall down. In addition, thirty meters outside the wall, another wall was created. The wall is tall and thick. There is a road for one person to walk inside, and the top and bottom are zigzag.

In addition to this, between the two walls, an underground tunnel was also built!

Simply changed the world!

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