Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1608: Comprehensive map

You know that it is a weapon!

Do not time for the forging of cold weapons?

Every weapon is made even if there is an assembly line, but in the last century, everything is simplified, how is it made up to 5,000?

Not to mention the five hundred hot weapons. At this point, the talents at Duan’s base understood that they had been sent to the South Base in the past few days. Those things that looked strange and incomparably placed inside the city wall turned out to be the Ministry of Science and Technology. New weapons developed.

This is too unscientific in any aspect!

He Feng is not surprised, thinking: "Five thousand new weapons can only be assigned to the wolf veterans first, and the remaining 80,000 people use the weapons provided by those bases. I remember that the Nandu and Chuanyu bases promised to provide weapons as much as possible?"

Lu Chuxue returned from the shock and nodded. "Yes, the 50,000 recruits at the South Base have already allocated a handful of weapons. Your 30,000 weapons are placed in the distribution of materials. worry."

"That's good." He Feng appreciatively looked at Lu Chuxue, this woman can be a lieutenant general, and his ability is worth trusting, so that they can hand over a lot of chores to the Duan base to deal with, concentrate It is good to fight against the corpse.

Then He Feng said again: "The guards still do not have their own weapons, and five thousand cold weapons are given to them. The weapons of the three teams are not changed."

The weapons of the Three Armies were either built by Lu Hongsheng from the beginning, or Chu Han came out of the sanction zone of Yin and Yang Valley. Although the weapons are various, the styles of the three teams are diversified and the coincidence is very positive. It is the best candidate for this batch of weapons.

In particular, members of the killing team and the Shenyin team, a large part of their weapons are from the Yin Yang Valley. Except for He Feng, no one recognizes the origin of these weapons. After all, the gold gun used by Xu Feng still has a certain The gap, but also a lot better than the rest of the cold weapons.

The things used by the mysterious family are of course extraordinary!

After all the distribution of materials was fixed, He Feng did not care about those who were still shocked. Some people looked at the research department with caution: "Is that thing researched?"

Jiang Zuo shook his head seriously: "Not yet, Yuan Xi Ye Bu·chang did not pass the news, it is still in progress."

He Feng’s face is severe: “Time is too late! What about the other three medicines?”

Jiang Zuo immediately replied: "There is ample quantity. Even if it is opened here, it will not stop the deployment. As long as the raw materials are sufficient, we will continue to provide sufficient capacity."

"Good." He Feng patted Jiang Zuo's shoulder.

The brief conversation with several departments of the Spike has ended. He Feng and others have also participated in the assessment after more than 30,000 people along the way. All the things obtained from the assessment of the stone wall were handed over to the various departments of the Spike, and then they were exhausted. The body rested at Duan’s base for one night. The next morning, 35,000 people were ready to go. They were wearing clean new clothes, carrying a package full of food, and holding the weapon they had just assigned. So unrelentingly stepped out of the Duan's base gate and went to the first battlefield South Base!

The group of people who stayed at the base responsible for logistics were standing at high places and witnessed the departure of these teams. Many people were somewhat heavy in their hearts.

Whether it is the last batch of 55,000 people left or the 35,000 people who left today, these two groups of troops that have been marked with the wolf marks have left so quietly, not at all. Even when their figure disappeared, there were children who were asleep.

Their steps were trampled together and only made a very light sound. They looked at the front without squinting, without a trace of cowardice and remorse, even if they knew that the trip might not be able to return.

A medical staff sighed softly: "I helped a soldier to wrap the wound yesterday. I thought that only the hand was hurt, so I know that it is everywhere."

"I am here too." Another medical staff said: "I asked him how this was hurt. He said that there were always big stones hitting the river."

"There is also a landslide when going down the mountain. It is said that they are all rolled down sideways because they can save time..."

Many people are silent. They can hardly imagine what these people have experienced. How can it be so easy to say that the process leading to injury is so easy?

Three thousand and five thousand people departed from the Duan base to the South Base. They were able to rest for a night, and it took only three days to cross the two boundaries to the South Base.

At this time, the deadline of two months is only the last three days!

The two major units of the South Department Base met for the first time. The two teams only nodded to each other and slammed toward the set-up zone. All the newly joined soldiers were led by the veterans, and the guards of the 5,000. After seeing the 5,000 people returning from the front line, there is a tacit understanding between them, so that the recruits in the two teams can not help but faintly expect something.

A full 90,000 people finally gathered in the first theater. These people made the reformed South Office base crowded, but unexpectedly kept the army quiet.

When all the participants arrived, the engineering team of Suhang finally stopped. They no longer continued to renovate day and night. They stood on the heights and finally looked at this completely changed base. They collectively took the helicopter. go away.

All the senior officers of the Spike Wars Group finally gathered together and conducted the most thorough strategic meeting in the last three days.

The people who are familiar with each other have no opening remarks, so the first one who made a sound after the seat was actually Chen Shaoye, who had few words: "The boss has not come yet."

What he said was a statement, and the tone and mood were known at a glance.

"Don't worry too much, this is similar to the situation before the battle at the dividing line." He Feng comforted.

The rest of the people nodded, and then entered a highly serious state, including the captains of the three teams who fought all the way in the trip, and also put up the battle against each other.

At this time, one person spread the map of the South Base after the transformation, and everyone remembered the past. To start, first of all, they must be familiar with the geographical situation of the theater. Chu Han boldly set the theater at this base. Of course, we must use the known to maximize all advantages.

"I want to see this map!" Suddenly, Izawa was surprised and pointed at the map and grew up with a mouth. It was even more excited: "Yes! I have seen it! But it is not so detailed, it is the boss's hand-painted That version, and it is still a modified version on the original map of the South Base."

Listening to the scream of Lu Bingze, He Feng was not surprised. He explained: "What you saw is the preliminary design of Chu Han. He directly modified it on the original map. What we are seeing now is through Su The improved detailed map of rationalization, everywhere on the corner and even on the corner, is exactly the same as the battle zone we are in! It is a comprehensive picture of a reduced version!"

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