Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1627: Reverse

"The three teams have a total of 900 people. One million zombies are equivalent to fighting each other with more than a thousand zombies, and they are still fighting at the same time!" Jiang Tianqing suddenly took a look with horror: "With a thousand It’s impossible to fight with the same amount of combat power! It’s impossible even for the three teams!”

The people in the command room immediately reacted, and the secret weapon did reverse the situation in an instant, but a million zombies of the seventh order still exceeded everyone's expectations.

This also includes He Feng: "The zombies of this corpse are so high, it seems that the half of the zombies we killed before, but the cannon fodder."

At this time in the high wall of the base, the battle of the three teams not only did not improve, but entered a situation close to the collapse.

They are almost impossible to prevent!

At this time, even the best-fighting team that has been good at attacking has begun to enter the defensive strategy.

Only the outer wall of a high-wall zombie group is still in high-frequency action, in addition to a large number of high-level zombies attached to the outer wall, the base has been squeezed, if not the light is this million The high-level zombies are enough to subvert the advantages of the Spike Wars.

How to do?

A group of people are anxious and can't think of countermeasures.

Chu Han also looked at the top of the high wall and frowned. He saw that many members of the three teams were seriously injured, and even some people have died. This is the most battled in the battle against the zombies. Bad situation.

"I! I said!" At this time, Gao Shaohui suddenly spoke, and some nervous stuttering, he pointed desperately to himself: "I can kill zombies? Is it? Ah? Can I kill the zombies?"

This is the true phase that all mysterious family members want to know. Is the zombie banned in this world of zombies?

Gao Shaohui’s voice attracted the attention of everyone in the house. Jiang Tianqing immediately brightened his eyes and said: “You can kill the kangaroo that is mad at the source, your strength is the strongest, and the zombies can at least Kill tens of thousands?"

The rest of the people also responded quickly.

"How do I forget this?"

"Gao Shaohui, hurry up!"

"I won't see you this time!"

Listening to everyone, you said a word of noise, Gao Shaohui all ignored, just staring at He Feng.

He Feng did not expect Gao Shaohui to choose to stand up and face the zombies together at this time. To know that the members of the mysterious family are especially members of the family, they have always been very proud, not to mention that they know that they do not belong to this world, but from In a higher-level place, everything that is treated here is of course disdainful and indifferent.

In the millennium where the sanctions family stood between the ordinary and the mysterious family, there has never been a member of the mysterious family who has stood down with ordinary people.

Therefore, Gao Shaohui’s voice made He Feng feel amazed.

He looked at the other person's eager eyes and nodded in a complicated mood: "Yes."

The words fall, even before the end of the last word of He Feng disappears


Gao Shaohui's figure has disappeared in front of everyone!

Immediately next to the next second


A loud noise occurred outside the high wall not far away.

A dust filled with zombie debris rose into the sky, and the snoring of the zombies in that place was so much smaller. It is not difficult to imagine how many zombies died in an instant.

Then there was a loud bang, which took place in another area, accompanied by a strange scream of zombies.

All the people in the command room were shocked. This scene happened too fast. It was only three seconds from He Feng’s words!

Suddenly, all the eyes of the people looked at Chu Han, and they all looked shocked and questioned.

Chu Han also stayed, he has not seen Gao Shaohui shot, but also knows that after killing the original kangaroo, Gao Shaohui, who has the opportunity to return to the ancestors in Yinyang Valley, the current fighting power is definitely stronger.

But Chu Han did not expect that the system can be strong to this point!

He killed the orthodox blood of the mysterious family, and under the high and the low, it was a day and a day.

Gao Shaohui is so strong, then he has always been jealous of white worries...

How terrible will it be?

Chu Han suddenly had a huge pressure in a flash, and it seemed that there was a big mountain on the top of his head.

With the help of Gao Shaohui, the situation of the three teams has improved a bit, and it is purely exaggerated to let Gao Shaohui reverse the situation. He himself is also very clear that he faces a million high-level zombies, even if he is a mysterious family. It is impossible to defeat.

But disturbing the offensive trend of these zombies, killing hundreds of heads from time to time, is still a breeze for Gao Shaohui.

And this massive high-level zombie once the offensive rhythm is disrupted, the three teams naturally have the ability to slowly pull back the advantage!

"Great!" Jiang Tianqing is the most exciting one, and is also full of worship for Gao Shaohui.

He Feng still has a complicated expression. Gao Shaohui is different from the mysterious family members he has known for generations!

The command room continued to cheer, and the members of the staff almost entered the celebration of victory. In their view, the five million zombies in the base could not move, killing the light was only a matter of time, and Gao Shaohui’s strong participation in the battle was also Eliminate their last disadvantage.

So will the victory be far behind?

Jiang Tianqing’s excited trembling, this battle is enough to go down in history?

Just when he was excited and excited, he saw that two people in the house were incompatible with the atmosphere of the current, that is Chu Han and He Feng.

He Feng seems to be thinking about the situation, obviously it is thinking about something else.

And Chu Han...

Jiang Tianqing stunned, he was too familiar with Chu Han, and Chu Han was very surprised at this time.

He instantly calmed down the whole person, and the excitement was swept away. Some vigilantly asked: "Chuhan, what happened?"

Chu Han never stopped paying attention to the situation, but no matter how smooth the development of the lower theater, his eyes are still looking for, and beware of what.

Only when Jiang Tianqing’s voice just sounded, a shadow disappeared from the high wall and jumped directly into the interior from outside the base. The horror of its jumping power made this figure jump to a tall building in the maze. Top level.

The moment the black shadow appeared, most people in the command room noticed for the first time, because they passed by their eyes!

The sound of cheering turned into a dead silence, and everyone looked at the roof.

It was a zombie, backed by the sun, and people could not see its front.

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