Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1637: despair

I didn't imagine the end of the wolf-toothed corps. Without the inertia of thinking, the scorpion squad was crushed by the zombies to the corners. There were no massive zombies rushing around to find the last few stars for human hunting.

What caught your eye was a massive zombie body!

It is a black man with a zombie black flesh and blood, and a large number of tens of thousands of wolf-toothed groups of new humans in an orderly and continuous attack!

Who said that the Spike Wars group is over?

Who said that the South Department was defeated in the First World War?

Who said this was the last war of the Spike?

They are not dead yet! Not even a few people died! Are alive! Live well!

Not only in the battle, but also in the land where the zombies were killed, the dead zombies will spread the ground of the South Base, and the whole base will be raised.

Several Duan's base pilots in the high air, all slugged to the bottom of the sound, they could not believe their eyes, obviously saw seven million zombies swarming up, just after a day, did not expect the wolf teeth to fight roots Not affected by any corpse break into the base, but will soon be won?

"The death and injury of the three teams is the most serious." At this time, the heads of this group of people made a sound, and they saw the most critical situation at a glance.

"They are all fighting high-level zombies above the seventh order, the total number is more than one million!"

"But the three most deadly and deadly teams are just a few dozen dead..."

"The recruits are dealing with low-level zombies, which are simply killings..."

"This wolf-toothed battle group is going to reverse the sky!"

"Fast! Go back to the report! The latest battle report! The Wolf Tomb team will win!"

In the panic, these helicopters at Duan's base quickly and in batches, and their heads couldn't wait to go to Duan's base to report to Lu Chuxue, but flew directly to the north. He knew the latest battle report from yesterday. The news arrived at Duan Jiangwei, and the time has not passed. At this time, he must immediately convey the real situation as quickly as possible.

He Feng and others did not notice the helicopter action at high altitude. Even if they noticed it, they would not care. Their minds were all placed on the war.

Although the zombie leader has been resolved, the battle between the three teams of the outer wall and the massive high-level zombies also has Gao Shaohui's god-level combat assistance. The victory only leaves time, but no one can guarantee that there will be another accident.

The coma Chuhan is the biggest uneasiness in the hearts of all insiders. There is no Chuhan present, they dare not have any delay!

In the outbreak of the All-Star Wars, the Southern Alliance Army, which was heading north to the Beijing Base, the Wenqisheng Commander and several generals in the military camp tents suffered several consecutive losses in these two days. Wave spirit shock.

Just a few hours ago, the leaders of all the regiments gathered together. At this time, they had just finished a victory, and they were getting closer and closer to the Beijing base. There was even confirmation that Shangjing was in civil strife because of Yebo’s The disappearance has led to serious internal disagreements, and they want to break through in one fell swoop.

But now that the civil war between human beings is close to the Southern Alliance Army with one-sided advantage, these generals are all dead, Wen Qisheng’s face is hard to see, Shang Guanrong is silent, Duan Jiangwei clenches his fist and bows his head. Know what you are thinking.

"The priests and Luo Lai came." A soldier came outside the tent and reported carefully.

The voice awakened everyone present. They looked up and then got up. The two old men on the first front walked into the tent.

After the quiet ceremony of the crowd, Luo Ming first discovered that it was wrong. He did not know the situation in the south. His expression was grim: "What happened, one by one, like a dead son!"

For Luo Ming, a snake who has always been a snake, everyone is not surprised to hear him. Only Shangguanrong is even more pale, and smiles bitterly: "Almost, the son-in-law is half a son."

The priest ordered the hesitant to sit down and hesitated for a while. The frown asked: "Is there a situation?"

Wen Qisheng looked around and saw a group of generals who had been silent for several hours, and took a sip of the already cool tea. This opened up: "The plan of the Southern Alliance Army north can be ended in advance, and the leaves are missing. The Beijing base is now very chaotic. I have sent people to negotiate. I am afraid I don’t need to step through the base step by step. The defense line there will not break."

"Isn't this a good thing?" said the animal husbandry commander, then glanced at Shangguanrong and continued: "Is there a situation in Chuhan?"

"The latest battle report received three hours ago." Duan Jiangwei handed a piece of paper that had been passed to the folds, respectfully opening: "From the Duan base, Li Chuxue, also my most trusted deputy, she is this time. She is responsible for the logistics resources of the corpse warfare at the South Base, and all the resources of the Spike Wars are responsible."

I said a lot of words, just to confirm the authenticity of the report and the seriousness of the situation.

The pastor ordered the war report to be taken cautiously. The content on the piece of paper was very objective:

The big corpse tide broke out two days ago, with a total of 15 million. The two-day scorpion battle group solved eight million zombies, including all the flying zombies, but after the energy consumption of the new weapons of the fangs, the rest The seven million zombies all rushed into the South Base, and the current situation is unknown. Our people cannot get close to the South Division.

"When is this the battle report?" Luo Ming asked in amazement.

"From the time of the incident, today is the third day of the outbreak of the big corpse." Shangguan Rong replied, his face was bitter: "Without Gaowei weapons, seven million zombies suddenly rushed into the South Base, wolves." There are only 90,000 people in the tooth war..."

Shangguan Rong did not continue to talk about it, but everyone knows what this is going to face under the huge gap of this number.

The heart of the priests and Luo Ming’s heart squeaked, and they couldn’t bear the stimuli. The time was too short, and they were not prepared enough. The people of the fangs were still too few, and the resources were still not enough. It was only from the south. The corpse tide, let them the strongest battle group in China, suddenly disappeared?

At this time, the two old people finally realized that when they first arrived, why was this tent in a deadly look, and everyone could not afford the spirit.

The failure of the Spikes in the face of the big corpse warfare represents not only the wolf itself, but also all of them, even the corpses that cannot be resisted by the spurs of the wolves, even if they unite the entire Chinese people, I am afraid It is only the most obvious thermal induction for the corpse.

Silence lasted for a long time, they were thinking, and they were also desperate.

However, it didn't take long for a sprinting voice to sound from outside the tent: "Let me in! I am a soldier from the Duan base. I am a pilot in the logistics department. I have important reports to report to my superiors!"

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