Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1642: This is the process

At that time, the number of special crystals of the whole spike was not much. It took a certain amount to invest in research. After all, a large amount of materials in the early stage were usually scrapped with failure. ..

The idea of ​​antidote is only the conjecture put forward by Chu Han. It is really impossible to do it and how to make it happen. It is really difficult for all members of the research department.

Not to mention the simultaneous research at that time, as well as the equal-order enhancers and new human awakening agents. These two drugs are easier to achieve than the antidote, which is not easy to understand, because Chuhan not only provides The conjecture also lists the original equations.

Knowing the direction of how the first step should go, the next step is only a step-by-step inference and experimentation, so the invention and emergence of these two drugs are in the process.

But the only antidote, not to mention the equation, Chu Han did not have the original idea, only provided raw materials, but also a special crystal.

What else is needed, I don't know!

This is equivalent to the unsolved project. Yuan Xiye is in the emergency deployment of the other two drugs. Every day, he squeezes out the time to conduct a separate study on the antidote. Even this project, except for her, the rest of the research department does not even intervene. Know how to get started.

Therefore, this project was also hidden, Chu Han did not mention it, and did not ask the process.

The rest of the people gradually put this matter down and were classified as impossible goals.

But it wasn't until three months ago that the Spikes of the Spikes sent troops to the dividing line. When a major battle between the North and South Alliance troops was about to unfold, Chu Han received a message from his mother Yuan Xiye.

At that time, zombie attractants, equal-order enhancers, and new human awakening agents, these three major agents have become the most common resources in Spike, and the turnover rate of members of the research department is getting lower and lower.

Chu Han, who received the news, took the initiative to make a decision. During the two months of preparation for the corpse tide, the various departments of the Spikes were transferred to the Duan base. Only Yuan Xiye continued to study with the research department of the Spike Base.

He can't guarantee the success of the research, but the research can't stop. Even if the whole wolf is thrown out to fight the tide of the big corps against the border, the research department of Spike is still the same, and the materials are available infinitely.

These are all absolute secrets inside the wolf teeth, and there are no more than ten people who know the matter. When the current awakening agent came out, Lu Chuxue was also known for the first time.

The room where the space is not large is still quiet, and Jiang Zuo has no sound. Only the fingers with the rhythm of the water cup show his urgency at this moment.

Lu Chuxue did not know how long it took to finally return to God. After a shudder, she looked deeply at Jiang Zuo, and then she rushed up and ran out.

Jiang Zuoyi, quickly stood up and wanted to chase it out.

He didn't understand that the secret incident of the spike had just told the logistics manager how to run regardless of the carelessness?

It’s just that when Jiang Zuo had not had time to run too far, Lu Chuxue passed on to the voice of someone shouting:

"Come back! The list has changed! All the people who go to the base to pass the list are on standby, and have already chased me to stop!"

Jiang Zuo stopped, some of them were a little surprised and some rhythm. He naturally knew that some people in the logistics department had gone to the bases to carry out the material handover. This is the regular exchange between the bases of the Duan and the bases.

But he really did not think that Lu Chuxue was so resolutely popular, the action school!

Jiang Zuo suddenly smiled and was very unusual. He thought that this matter should have been settled, and he turned back to the location of the research department and decided to wait for the supply of raw materials.

Just two hours later...

Lu Chuxue appeared again in the house that argued with Jiang Zuo, and it was not a few minutes before Jiang Zuo was brought over.

Jiang Zuo looked at Lu Chuxue in the house, and always felt that it was very different from the previous state.

Lu Chuxue nodded toward Jiang Zuo and spoke very fast. "Special crystals I have listed on the demand list. Every base has sent a copy, but since this thing is scarce, I also give it Chu Han, who is currently working at the South Base, will send a message asking if he can inform the generals of the South Alliance Army.

"After all, the resources are sent from the bases of the generals. The supply of raw materials is the same." Lu Chuxue said that he had some dry mouth and quickly drank the tea. "Chuhan will not wait until the reply, but waited for what The consent of the peak, and he said that his consent can represent Chu Han, but the current Chu Han will not be there, and the matter is urgent, he will agree."

"After getting permission, I immediately sent the fastest urgent report to the Southern Alliance Army. Of course, because I know it is not specific, and this matter is urgent, I can only ask for a privilege on this matter. The past is also a briefing, and only those generals understand the cause and effect, and the raw materials of your research department can be provided."

Jiang Zuo listened to such a large passage. After a long while, he understood what Lu Chuxue was saying, so he smacked his mouth: "It’s just a trust license, you don’t have to say it is so complicated, and it’s used. Are you going to follow such a winding process?"

In Jiang Zuo's view, the Spike Research Department has always handed in the list of needs. It didn't take long for the logistics to pull what they needed. Although there are many materials that are not easy to obtain, the logistics department of Spike will also be in the fastest time. Collect and send it back.

There is no program to go, everything is minimal.

Lu Chuxue rolled his eyes: "Your research department is all used by Chu Han! What is there! It is not a wolf tooth, Chu Han will be busy fighting, no effort to provide convenience for you, if he does not need us It’s so troublesome, and there’s no need for a straightforward sentence. It’s estimated that those who don’t know how to send special crystals!”

"But the problem is that Chu Han is not here. You and I don't have this privilege to understand?" Lu Chuxue knocked on the desk: "You are too troublesome in normal procedures. This is the first step!"

"Ah?" Jiang Zuo stayed: "Isn't this all done, what else do you need?"

“Getting a hair!” Lu Chuxue turned his eyes again and said: “Because there is no Chu Han’s personal appearance, it’s not enough to have a briefing. The raw materials will be, but the quantity is absolutely impossible to satisfy you, so next...”

Said, Lu Chuxue held a pen and spread a piece of white paper, and then lifted his chin toward Jiang Zuo: "Let's say, the specific parameters of the antidote? Rest assured that I don't ask for confidentiality. I need to know the effect of the antidote. For the crowd, or classification? There are several kinds of upgrade agents, and the awakening agent is more in line with the training limit. The new invention of your research department should not only be as simple as a toxic effect?"

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