Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1664: B12

The end of the First World War of the South Corps was also the starting point for the successive battles of the corpse.

The major bases that received the news were all prepared, and the special crystals were sent to the Duan's base and handed over to the research department of the Spike.

After the end of the North War, the Southern Alliance Army began to turn around and go back. The places that passed along the way were even more recruiting personnel. Whether it was the team that recruited the base or the large number of displaced people encountered, all of them were integrated. .

Even Wen Qisheng, who led the large teams, even asked He Feng of the Spike Group to have a brief version of the training mode, using the time from north to south, and the number of this group is increasing. The team is trained.

After the civil war, what they need to face is a long-lasting corpse war.

The Shangjing base also began to re-operate under the jurisdiction of the animal husbandry commander. Following the loophole investigation, many veterans suddenly disappeared.

During this series of big movements, there were a few incidents inside the hunter league that didn’t have any movement during this time.

Hunter, the founder of the Hunter Alliance, has not been tasked for a long time and has been working to expand this organization. At present, there are many bases in the Huaxia area with offices of the Hunter Alliance.

The number of hunters in it is also increasing, and all kinds of tasks should be overwhelmed. The rigorous mode of the entire hunter alliance is used to make it work in a loop, and it continues to flow.

Many new humans have also found their own direction in the Hunter League. Absolute neutrality does not need to be responsible for any base. It is the most suitable for them in the last century of this human annihilation.

And the hunters with high order are gradually becoming famous in the world in the difficult tasks again and again.

Many people come here and spend money to ask these senior hunters to do things.

Through more than a year of operation, Hunter has finally established a terrible intelligence network in the release and acceptance of these interlocking tasks.

Just as it seems that everything is developing in the right direction, Jiang Lingxuan, the senior director of the Hunter League, has noticed that two hunters have not appeared for a long time, and the tasks assigned to them have been piled up. Old high.

"Wang's tyrant, the United States, and the emperor's Rakshasa." Jiang Lingxuan pointed to the three high-ranking hunters, and asked: "Is there something unusual? I came late, I don't understand many old members. But it’s not normal for such a long time to disappear."

The internal staff on the side replied: "Wang's tyrant and Meiluo were very diligent in picking up the task in the early days. After the famous reputation, the price is also very high. It is regarded as the master of the normal process. The last mission of Wang Zhijun is you know. It is a secret assignment task."

Jiang Lingxuan nodded: "I know that the task handover was that I personally took people, but the content could not be understood."

The staff looked at Jiang Lingxuan and then said: "We have had an analysis later. The last mission of Wang Zhijun should be to assassinate General Jin Yang."

"What?!" Jiang Lingxuan was shocked and said: "That's not a big fight... No wonder what we got was too high!"

"Yes." The staff nodded and calmed the unusual opening: "So we also guess that the identity of this king tyrant is suspicious."

Jiang Lingxuan was silent for a second, and some serious ones then asked: "What about this beautiful?"

"It's a female hunter." The staff replied, and then thought about it for a while and then spoke again: "But no one has seen her."

Jiang Lingxuan once again surprised and frowned: "I have taken several assignments since I joined the Hunter League. At that time, our management model was mature. How could anyone have seen her?"

The staff smiled and shook his head: "This person's ability is a bit strange, and I don't know what means I used. No one has seen her. The Hunting King has designed to force her to show up, but she didn't expect that she would never again. Appeared."

Jiang Lingxuan stunned and smiled: "These high-strength hunters are really double-edged swords!"

“Yes.” The staff nodded and said, “Okay, we are a neutral organization.”

Jiang Lingxuan didn't know what he thought of, and some strange questions were asked: "Why is Hunter the founder of this neutral organization, who will use the force to force the appearance of the United States?"

The staff replied without hesitation: "It may be a mission, the hunter is also a hunter, or a hunter's head. It is also possible that someone finds a door to let him perform secret missions."

Jiang Lingxuan thought it made sense. Then he turned his gaze to the strangest name of a hunter and asked: "What happened to the Emperor's Rakshasa? What is this person? I have never touched it. He said that he had never received a mission, but his value was so high."

"We don't know." The staff frowned and replied: "But it is said that because he has been pressing the tyrant of the king on the total rank of the combat power, he has this value. As for the task, it seems to never matter, and who is the true face of this hunter? I have never seen it, it is mysterious than the United States, and neither male nor female knows."

Hearing this, Jiang Lingxuan thought deeply, the longer he stayed at the headquarters of the Hunter League, the more he found that the high-powered people in this world were all in a strange way.

But at this time, a person who came in from the outside came in, and his face was surprised to report: "The task of the tyrant of the king has just been taken over!"

When the words came out, the people in the house were on the spot, especially Jiang Lingxuan only thought that he couldn’t think about it. He just curious about this hunter, and this person took it out?

The named task has always been special, only the person can take it away, so the person who took the task, only the tyrant of the king himself!

"Which task did you pick up?" Then a sound suddenly sounded, and a footstep approached.

"Hunting King."

"Hunting King."

Several people quickly got up and nodded to the biggest authority in the Hunter League. Even in the most casual and neutral organizations, there was the most basic respect for the strong.

The Hunting King nodded and asked the question again: "Which task did the tyrant of the king take?"

The person who came to report quickly returned to God and replied: "b12."

Hunter brows wrinkle: "B-level mission?"

The tasks in the Hunter League are roughly divided, usually c-level, a bit difficult or dangerous for b, the most difficult is a, and the highest price.

Hunters like the tyrants of the United States and the tyrants of the king, after the fame, each mission is at least a level, and the last time to assassinate Jin Yangshao's secret mission, is a very small number of s.

“Yes.” The reporter’s affirmative opening: “So I immediately reported that the b-level task seems to be completely unreasonable for the hunter of the king’s tyrant. But he is keeping those high prices. Regardless of the a-level task, only one b-level task was taken."

"And, and the content of this b12 mission..." said this person is eccentric: "It's weird!"

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