Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1668: Killing invisible

Suddenly, Bai Yu looked at Bai Yuner's gaze, full of resentment.

Isn't it about finding a new human being in the spiritual department? Isn't it to say that after you find it, let it upgrade the level, so that you can wake up Chu Han?

How come here to meet a sanctioner?

Still the most horrible sanctioner known as history!

This person is chasing the white family to the end of the earth, and even let the patriarch of the white family not dare to go out of the white house forbidden, but also destroyed the entire Xiao family's He Peiyuan!

The white feathers are fainting, and there is not much difference when they see the sanctioners with normal mysterious family members.

He Peiyuan is also eccentric, simply did not take care of this scared teenager shivering, just have a ride without a chat with Bai Yuner.

The two are also quite related. From the beginning of the eruption of the last days, there was a journey of the same road. It was only at that time that Bai Yuner did not recognize the identity of He Peiyuan, but He Peiyuan saw the strangeness of Bai Yun’s body at a glance.

"You finally returned to the White House? But it is normal, you are after the White House." He Peiyuan said kindly.

Bai Yuner nodded and looked up deeply: "However, amnesia, the memory of the past two decades, only about He Feng and your memory, the rest are common sense after the loss of memory."

He Peiyuan’s expression paused, and then he burst into a smile: “So, do you know the reason yourself? Only the memory of the sanctioned family has not been erased. It seems to reflect the eight-door gram!”

"Yes." Bai Yuner nodded and said: "There was no guess at first, but looking for the road to the United States, I thought that you are here, and it is also true."

Inexplicable amnesia, but the memory of He Peiyuan and He Feng has not been erased, indicating that in the process of memory clearance, these two people are taboos that cannot be crossed.

From this point of view, it is impossible to guess the disappearance of Bai Yun's memory, which is the ability of white worry.

Listening to Bai Yuner’s words, He Peiyuan blinked his eyes: “You came to find Meiluo.”

Bai Yuner nodded: "Do you know where she is?"

He Peiyuan mysteriously smiled: "You, and the Hunting King, you are really interesting, and the twists and turns are just about one person."

During the conversation, the white feathers in the corner have been calmed down, although he is still shocked that Bai Yuner has a connection with this terrible sanctioner.

The tyrant of the king originally wanted to find a chance to flee, but after hearing the conversation between the two, he changed his mind and his mind was inspiration.

The assassination of He Peiyuan originally thought that he would succeed easily, but did not expect to have a good relationship with Chu Han in the middle of the road. When he planned to give up, he heard the sensitive topic about Bai Yuner.

Bai Jiaxuan, isn’t that the same as Bai Wei?

Wang Zhijun suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Bai Yuner had not been in contact with Chu Han for the past two years.

When he thought of this, he opened his mouth and inserted it into Bai Yuner’s chat with He Peiyuan: “Miss Bai Jia, I am in the life of Bai Bai Da Shao Bai Yu, come to assassinate He Peiyuan, please cooperate not to stop.”

In the thought of the tyrant of the king, Bai Yuner, since he is the young lady of the Bai family, should be consistent with the purpose of Bai Wing, and it is even more impossible to give birth to other ideas in the family order.

When he heard the tyrant of the king, Bai Yuner slightly turned his head and looked at him with the light.

The sound is cold to the extreme: "White worry?"

"Yes." Wang Zhi's tyrant nodded, and his heart suddenly felt a little wrong.

Sure enough, the next second, Bai Yuner, who is known as the beauty of the iceberg, suddenly smiled and smiled. The next sentence shocked four people: "Since it is a person who wants to kill, I must be guaranteed."

"What?!" The tyrant of the king suddenly looked up and was exposed in the blushing pupil, full of shock.

It was watched by Bai Yu in front of this scene, let the boy immediately say: "Miss sister, this king tyrant is a different kind!"


A residual image flashed, and the king's tyrant responded quickly. When he noticed that Bai Yun's attitude was wrong, he immediately moved toward the door and wanted to run first.

At the same time, he is even more interested in the internal affairs of the mysterious family!

White Worth is not the biggest voice of the White House, and is it the future patriarch?

As a homologous or a homologous Bai Yuner, is it a blatant rebellion against white worries?

When Wang’s tyrant’s hand just touched the door and wanted to open it, he suddenly felt an energy passing through the air and grabbed his neck!

"Amount" He made a painful voice, his hands clasped in his neck, but there was nothing there.


The unique nails of the different kinds of nails cut through the skin of the neck, revealing the blushing heterogeneous blood with strong acid smell. Not only did they not catch anything but blurred the flesh and blood that they caught.

The energy in the throat is like a tight rope, trying to break his neck and remove his entire head.

What the **** is this?

The tyrant of the king was horrified, mobilized all the energy in the body, and began to compete with the intangible energy of the agglomeration formed at the throat.

Bai Yuner, who was still sitting on the sofa, moved her eyebrows. She gently put down the teacup and extended her right hand out of thin air.

I saw the slender, white, tender five fingers, so suddenly in the air!

Immediately after


A strange and horrible sound, the tyrant of the king standing by the door, has been stunned by the energy of horror, and then his hands hanged weakly, his neck slowly squatting aside.


Another sound, it seems that some important bone inside is broken, and the lower side is swaying weakly.

During the whole process, Bai Yuner did not get up, and did not even look back. Only when the tyrant of the king struggled to resist, he extended a hand.

Such a terrible battle suddenly made the house quiet and terrible.

White feathers swallowed and swallowed, and wanted to confirm this alien identity before leaving.

He Peiyuan was also shocked by Bai Yuner and couldn’t help but say: "The killing is invisible... What is the chance that you have hit this little girl? It will not be full."

Bai Yuner just chuckled and didn't make a sound. He continued to lift the teacup and took a sip.

At this time, suddenly


A loud noise, the door of this room was slammed open, and the next group of '哗啦啦's a large group of people rushed in. They looked nervous, and everyone was holding weapons, and a pair of people wanted to kill them. Look like that.

Bai Yu, who hadn’t walked a few steps, immediately returned to the corner and stared at the crowd who had rushed in without even knocking.

It was Jiang Lingxuan who took the lead. He was pale and sweaty, and his eyes were full of panic.

But when he drove him wildly and slammed the door without hesitation, he saw the scene in the house that he had never imagined.

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