Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1678: Last words

Beyond the Hunter League headquarters, on the west side of the hill, the heterogeneous Wang Muye laughed at the distant scenes, and with his ten-order peaks and large differences of perception, he could easily see the situation in the distant areas.

"After such a long time, no one has escaped by helicopter?" The smile of Muye has a touch of play, and the young and beautiful face shows a sense of coldness: "It’s the fearlessness of all the people, or the hiding inside. A cautious person?"

When the words fell, the wooden leaves gently hit a finger, and suddenly the whistling wind rushed from the sky!


The wind blew up the snow flakes on the foothills of the mountains, accompanied by a thunderous horror.

It was a huge flying zombie, and the order was unknown. This is the most common kind of zombie in a flying zombie, but the appearance is no longer the zombie beast in the past.

It has no bare gray skin on its body, and it does not have a dead body. It is covered with black feathers, although these feathers are rare compared to normal birds, but among the zombies. Absolutely a lot, it is infinitely close to real birds.

Its size is huge, if it is not the pair of white pupils, I am afraid that flying high altitude will be mistaken for a native bird.

The zombie bird was quietly descending behind, and then quietly stayed behind the leaves of the wood, apparently controlled by the wood leaves.

Muye did not go to see the zombie bird behind him. His lips were hooked: "I didn't expect to ruin the future of Mutian, but it can bring me such a powerful force. The massive zombie army really makes I opened my eyes, but..."

Saying the eyes of Muye: "The bones of the South? Why do the mysterious family people give such a name to them? How does the white worry determine that the zombie king will be Mutian? The white family seems to know a lot. What I don't know!"

Thinking of the leaves of the wood leaves gradually gloomy, he slowly turned, looking at the zombie like a smile: "Go, let the zombies in the sky encroach from the headquarters of the Hunters Union."


The zombie wings spread and quickly flew high.

Soon at the top of a mountain in front of the leaves of the wood, the flying zombies in a group of people smashed in a straight line. They were like giant cannonballs that were shot from high altitude and bombed towards the headquarters of the Alliance.

The headquarters of the Hunter Alliance is built inside the mountain, and the whole mountain is opened into a layer of tunnels. It is well-connected and has become a rockery inside.

The bombardment of the flying zombies was so massive that the interior began to violently oscillate and gradually collapsed from the highest level.

Jiang Lingxuan and others who stayed in the center of the headquarters also felt the shock. A staff member was quick-moving and constantly mobilized high-altitude monitoring, but soon found that the monitoring failed.

“Disconnected the induction?” Jiang Lingxuan asked.

“All broken!” The man replied anxiously: “But all the monitoring of the external hilltops failed, and the internal monitoring of the first floor was out of control in large numbers, and it continued to spread towards the second floor!”

"What is going on here?" One person yelled.

"Flying zombies." Jiang Lingxuan looked pale and smiled: "There are flying zombies, and it has begun to break the entire headquarters from a height!"

Everyone was exposed to despair. Only one staff member noticed that he was not right. He turned to look at Jiang Lingxuan: "No! The Hunter Alliance headquarters is built in the whole mountain. This is only very rare, let alone The more the upper level is forbidden, the hunters who can enter the headquarters only know the layers at the bottom of the mountain. But these flying zombies come up from the top, how do they know where they can be knocked? Even zombies, even more powerful Zombies, can't you hit a mountain peak? Or a vertical collision?"

After several consecutive questions and exports, there were a lot of contradictions, and everyone in the rush was stunned.

This group of zombies, or the aliens who control this group of zombies, are clearly familiar with the internal structure of their Hunter League headquarters!

This is not at all wrong!

Jiang Lingxuan is also a sharp contraction of the pupil: "Someone leaked news? Or is it a high-level hunter, or a top hunter?"

At this time, He Peiyuan faintly said: "How does the fake tyrant of the king know the entrance and exit of the Hunter League, and correctly find the lounge where I am?"

The scene was dead, and everyone was caught in some kind of terrible conjecture.

At this time, the shocks are getting bigger and bigger, and the people with low combat power have begun to be unable to stand still. Those flying zombies have already broken through layers, and they are close to where these people are.

He Peiyuan looked at Bai Yuner, and smiled bitterly: "Look, I am afraid that I am going to die here. If you care about the old days of your first few days, let me give my son a message, let him know me clearly." cause of death."

Bai Yuner raised an eyebrow: "You don't need me to save you?"

He Peiyuan pointed to the rest of the people around him: "The war outside is not weak. You two can only save one person. If you save me, then my old age will live in guilt and pain, so I decided to be with them. I die here together."

The remarks made the people at the scene sigh, and at the last moment, they understood how difficult it was to give up between life and death, and He Peiyuan’s decision was really amazing.

"Oh yes." Then He Peiyuan thought of something again, said: "By the way, let my son take over the position of the ancestors' elders, the mysterious family still needs someone to suppress, and the neutral hunter alliance is suitable for us."

"Good." Bai Yuner should sing.

Bai Yu’s mood is very complicated. This trip has made him see a lot of things that are impossible to see in Bai’s family, and also changed his long-established concept.

"Mr. Bai Da." Jiang Lingxuan also spoke at this time. He raised the weapon that had been idle for a long time, and smiled lightly: "Can you help me to give my brother out of the mission, and I don't care much about my sister. Words?"

Bai Yuner still looked dull, but nodded without hesitation: "You said."

"My brother is Jiang Lingtian. I have a partner called August. I don't want to find the wrong person. You can help me tell him that I want to go up to the top hunters and find a way. My brother doesn't want to waste time any more."

Jiang Lingxuan said, recalling the memory of his childhood, his face is also accompanied by a trace of warmth: "My sister is Jiang Lingruo, the current captain of the Black Armor team of the Wolf Tooth Warfare, you told her not to hide from me, and reunited with his brother earlier. Well, I will never care about her again in the future."

These words made Bai Yuner silent for a long time, until the shocks were so large that the four walls of this layer began to crack, until these people had already raised their weapons and killed them from the exit.

She is still standing in the same place, in a complicated mood.

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