Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1879: Luo Tsing Yi variation

The rumble of the rumble continued, and the surrounding wolf soldiers were alarmed. They heard the movement coming close. Chu Han gave a gesture in the distance, so that these people were far away. After all, he did not know the next. what happened.

Suddenly ‘咔’, after the loud noise, I saw that the round black area suddenly vacated, not a hill, but the whole black thing like a disc, so suspended in midair.

Seeing these visions, Chu Han and Wang Cai were shocked. The people in the distance were even more shocked and stunned on the ground.

Liu Yuding of the rear camp also heard the news and immediately set off to come, but he was destined to catch up with a more spectacular scene.

At this time, Chu Han here, in front of him, the round black thing suddenly spins up, with the things that merge with the two hearts, exudes bursts of energy fluctuations.

At the same time, the moon in the sky with a strange red color suddenly brightened.

The light is shining straight down!

One big and one small, one bright and one dark, the two rounds of one round and the other echoed each other, presenting a stunning picture in midair.

The wolf soldiers in the distance were shocked and did not understand what happened to this good end.

Chu Han is more clearly able to feel the energy change of the black big disc in front of him. Under the moonlight, this round of black is more energetic, or it is more suitable for awakening, just like a dead creature suddenly comes alive. .

Then, the black circle continued to shrink, as small as the palm of your hand.

Chu Han stepped forward and held it with one hand, just like holding an energy body that could destroy a mountain, as if it were to burst in the palm of your hand!

Wang Cai did not urge it. It is really too much to see this scene. The meaning of the moon and the moon can not be explained by common sense.

Let the furnace system absorb the wheel of the moon and the moon very quickly, but it is a blink of an eye, but Chu Han thinks a lot between thoughts.

How does the reheating system know that there will be corpses in the world, there will be zombies and xenotypes, and the heart of the two kings is so coincidental that it can trigger this energy?

“The furnace system has been repaired by 80%.”

The mechanical synthesis of the system started in Chuhan’s mind, and it was still chilling.

"There are still the last two energies, a fire sacred object, and a piece of furnace debris." Wang Cai reminded him.

Chu Han feels the change of the reheating system. Except for those functions that have already been opened, the currency exchange is more perfect. Now, not only can the furnace points be exchanged directly for the coins, but also the coins can be exchanged for the points, but only one more.

Star River coins!

The moment I saw these three words, even if it was Chu Han, who had experienced great winds and waves, could not help but speed up the heartbeat.

Sure enough, there is still life outside the earth. There are countless planets of life in this vast galaxy. They have already united into a perfect system, and they are all connected with each other. The Galaxy is a good proof.

Obviously, this is the currency used between the stars.

Only the channel of the Blue Country is still gray, and Chu Han does not know when it will light up.

After fully absorbing the energy of the moon and the moon, everything is restored to a calm, and the land where the bones are buried becomes ordinary, and there are no more creatures that can cause human threats.

The energy that is generated here is actually what has been used since the corpse, and it is also the reason why the zombie king can appear.

Now that it has been absorbed by the furnace system, the zombie king will never be born again in this world.

Step by step, Chu Han continues to move forward, eliminating these threats a little bit, and truly pulling the world back to the calm that originally belonged to the civilized era.

Although there is still a long way to go, others do not know these things about Chu Han, but there is always a little stir in my heart that I can't dissipate for a long time.

"Boss!" Liu Yuding rushed in the distance, blurted out and even forgotten the official language, he saw the brilliance here in the faraway place, I can't wait to fly over, but when I really approached, nothing was gone.

Chu Han smiled and said: "There can be evacuated here."

Liu Yuding is still breathing, and hearing this is another blasphemy: "Hey? Is this all done?"

"It’s all done." Chu Han nodded and smiled: "Now you can bring troops and regular soldiers to gather together and clean up the city with the Alliance Army."

Liu Yuding is still in a dream. He doesn't understand his hair. "What do you say? What is the secret here?"

"You have to ask the secrets related to the mysterious family?" Chu Han asked.

Liu Yuding on the spot toner cartridge, shaking his head again and again: "Do not ask, don't pull me into the water."

That is to say, Liu Yuding has revealed a bit of worry. The relationship between Chu Han and the mysterious family does not know which step. Now no one knows what the situation is. They can't help, just hope not to delay.

"Then we clean the city, they will not intervene?" Liu Yuding asked again.

"The gang is now taking care of himself." Chu Han said, suddenly his look moved and looked behind him.

Liu Yuding was shocked: "What happened?"

"You go first." Chu Han's tone is unquestionable, and the eyes are cold in the night.

Liu Yuding did not say that he took the man back, and he always retreated to the top of the mountain and looked at it from afar.

Chu Han has taken out the Shura Tomahawk and stood in the same place as the opposite person.

It was a figure that was not tall. It was not true when standing in the moonlight. A little girl, looking like a 12-year-old, looked white and even lovely.

But Chu Han still sees the chilling murderousness from her eyes.

"Who are you?" Chu Han frowned.

The little girl who came out of the air was too surprised. He was not heard of the ordinary new man or the mysterious family.

"Yin and Yang Valley four-door Monroe family, the previous generation of prostitutes Luo Qingyi." This is the first time Luo Qingyi spoke.

During the speech, the frozen picture moved, and the whole person was vivid, just like a painting suddenly came alive.

If this scene falls in Luo Tian's eyes, it will scare the legs softly. Luo Qingyi, as Luo Jia's last card, should have been a machine without thinking, and will only act according to the instructions.

But now Luo Qingyi, obviously there is something wrong.

Chu Han didn't know this. When he heard the words Luo Family, the previous generation, and the prostitute, the brow was already locked.

A white house is enough to cause headaches. The high family has made so many moths in the back. Now Luo has a card that suddenly appears.

These families just want to die?

"Is it to fight?" Chu Han is too lazy to talk nonsense, and asks the subject.

Luo Qingyi grinned and smiled very strangely: "Not only to fight, I want something from you!"

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