Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1897: Baodao?

The last assessment was presented in front of everyone in the Yin and Yang Valley.

Of course, Chu Chu did not know that he did not hesitate to enter the examination of the stone wall, he came to the front of this tall stone facade.

Pushing the stone door, the convenience is the battlefield!

Since this has already reached this point, people in the Yin and Yang Valley naturally cannot weaken their own momentum, and there are many cheering voices on the sidelines.

"Chuhan adults cheer!"

"Push this door open, rush!"

This group of people who have never had an appraisal experience suddenly broke out, and the complete scene was heard on the glacial lake, which made them look especially energetic.

But what everyone didn’t think was that Chu Han didn’t push the stone door at all, but held the battle axe in front of everyone.


In a hurry, I screamed at the door of Shimen!

Shocked, filled with the whole icy lake, everyone was shocked by Chu Han's move, not to think that he would directly ignore this single and everyone will subconscious choice, with an axe as the main, break all obstacles in front of you!

There was no sound coming from the icy lake, but everyone felt the crash of the huge stone door.

Such a tall and heavy stone gate, in front of Chuhan, was vulnerable, and collapsed into pieces.

The scattered dust is like a fog, blocking the line of sight in front of the eyes. The scene on the icy lake is also blurred. No one can see what is behind the stone door. Only know that the figure of Chuhan is standing still for a long time.

Finally, when the dust was gone and everything around it was clear, the other side of the stone gate was presented, but it was shocking!

It was a city, the sky was dark and oppressive, and there were tall buildings in the city, but in the nearest place it was a flat land, much like a basketball court in the civilized era.

Chu Han took everyone's curiosity and suspicion, and lifted his foot into the stone door.

Then, the scene remains the same, but the stone door behind it disappears completely!

The sound of the cold air around the icy lake sounded. The atmosphere from this live broadcast was too irritating and horrible, and their hearts were raised.

What is there in this city, why do you feel so surprised!

Soon, a burst of humming sounds that made Chu Han very familiar, just behind him.


Without hesitation, the Shura Tomahawk was lifted, and the axe blade instantly turned toward the rear.


A light whistle was undetectable, but there was a scent of rancidity.

Around the icy lake, everyone was stunned, staring at the image on the icy lake.


A sound that fell to the ground sounded, accompanied by the turn of Chu Han to convey a clear vision.

That is a zombie!

The first-order zombies in the early days of the end of the world!

Killing a first-order zombie is very easy for the current Chuhan. Even he doesn't even have to go back, but what puzzles him is the project of this assessment. How could this scenario be?

The earth's magnetic field is transient, and the zodiacs are everywhere in the last days. This long-awaited scene returns to its original reappearance, which is puzzling.

Not only is Chu Han, but everyone around the icy lake is also stunned. No one has thought that this situation will be the case. The assessment of the stone wall is really unreasonable.

Gao Shaohui slowly said: "I have penetrated the world of ordinary people and generally know how their assessment is going. As far as I know, most of the assessments are killing some monsters. I have never been like this."

“Where is this?” Gao Manqiu thought of another point: “Is this a scene in the past, or...”

She did not finish the next words, but immediately caused many people to think.

Not all areas of the earth, like the land of China, have entered the final stage of the evolution of zombies, and there are many places, especially islands. Because of various resource problems, the evolution of zombies is slow and human survival is at stake.

The backwardness of technology overnight has caused these island areas to suffer an unprecedented disaster.

Some people fled to the sea, but the sea has a huge mad fish, which is even more difficult to survive.

Therefore, the place where Chu Han is located, even on the earth, is unknown.

But soon, as Chu Han stepped forward, the answer appeared again in front of everyone.

At this time, he has killed many zombies, and the ranks are not equal. There are many first-order second-order, and occasionally high-priced zombies appear, but the number is much less than that in the south.

"It should be a place where there are not many people, or not so much."

"Look, billboard!" Suddenly someone shouted.

"The seriousness of the writing of this billboard is obviously not taken care of for a long time. It should not be the beginning of the last days."

“Is it consistent with today's time?”

Just when everyone guessed, Chu Han, who was equally curious, opened the dust and weeds on the billboard and exposed the text inside. So it was not only his own long-term sorrow, but even the people around the icy lake were completely Quiet.

There is a place that has been forgotten. There are also tens of millions of people there. According to the trend of zombie outbreaks, the population that human beings should initially live should be less than two million. After so many years, there are still 500,000 humans. Not necessarily.

The words on the billboard are traditional characters. In the current situation, it is obviously in Taiwan.

Chu Han suddenly became confused, even if he had seen more winds and waves, even if he did not know which of the indigo countries had gone, but he was still shocked, how did he not think that he would be in the final assessment? Among them, came to Taiwan.

Let him calculate how many kilometers from the spikes here...

After smashing the head and throwing away the thoughts in his mind, Chu Han continued to move forward. Gradually he found that it was a university, and the zombies killed a lot, but none of the living people found it.

After the initial surprise, everyone on the icy lake began to express their ideas.

"This has been around for a few years, and even survivors can't live in the same place until now."

"But it is true that because of the outbreak of various problems, from the zombies in the major cities, to the battle in the border, there are four mysterious families intervening. The coalition forces themselves can't take care of them, and no ships can use them..." Feng Feng said, and then said: "When the assessment is over, I will go back to Beijing and apply for the technical department to develop a new type of vessel. I will hand over the survivors on the island and there should be a base."

Gao Manqiu glanced at him and smiled: "You have returned to the identity of the sanctioner, still thinking about the world of ordinary people?"

He Feng glanced at her with a blank expression: "You are forgotten. The sanctioners of all ages are natives of the earth."

Many people stopped talking and silently watched Chu Han to go forward. The content of this assessment was unexpected and people were curious to open their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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