Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1924: king?

No matter how shocked Chu Han is, at this moment the spaceship has already flown far away, unless it is hit down, but how to fight it down?

Chu Han suddenly panicked, Bai Yuner sat in the spaceship to the earth, but he still did not get the last piece of furnace debris, can not be repaired without the 10 pieces of furnace system, the earth's magnetic field is still shielded.

In this way, Bai Yuner can't find the earth at all!

How do they meet each other?

By luck in the vast universe?

He didn't know how long it would take for the spacecraft to reach the earth. However, depending on the super-advanced facilities that the country has to fly to the ship, I am afraid that there will be some time and space jumping ability, otherwise Bai Yuner will not hesitate to board the ship.


Chu Han suddenly anxious, he must find the last piece of furnace debris as soon as possible!

"Where are you going?" The man behind him shouted.

Chu Han turned a deaf ear and suddenly jumped from the high platform. The ten-order physical ability made him so high in such a high place. His feet directly stepped on the terrible tilt angle of the high platform and ran all the way down.

From a distance, it is like a person who is out of gravity and walks at a right angle.

This scene was incredible, and the people in the entire square were surprised to see that many white people wearing different color pins saw this scene and were surprised to find out.

"Where is the white waiter?"

"How can this kind of force be a white waiter?"

"Come and send people to ask!"

In the midst of some instigation, Chu Han did not know. After he came down, he ran out of the dock directly and headed for a bustling area in front.

Every country or city, the most important place, will not be in this dangerous spaceship. The place he wants to go is definitely in the center of the city!

Just as Chu Han flew in front of him, he was followed by a big ticket, and his colorful pins were all in color. Some of them could not catch up when they ran halfway, and some of them were still trying to pursue Chu. The back of the culvert, a few people can lock Chu Han far away, but just can't catch up with the sight.

It is really Chu Han running too fast!

The people they chase are taking off!

A black pin stopped and gasped: "Don't chase, I can't catch up, you can save it."

Some words made the purple pins on the scene shocked. Among them, the black pin is already the strongest, and few people in the whole country can match.

Can the current black pin scream, even said that he can't catch up with Chu Han?

"What the **** is this kid?"

"It’s too horrible."

"The most important thing is that he just passed by me. I feel a very strong atmosphere. This feeling is only felt in the national division."

"Does the Heavenly Kingdom come to a destiny?!" The black pin was shocked.

The last person selected as the destiny is Bai Yuner who is on a spaceship!

No matter how the people think, the Chuhan who has been running all the way has already ran to the center of the city. This day, the country is very prosperous, and it is completely different from the indestructible blue country. The whole city is bright and heroic.

It is clear that this architectural style is a spread from the center of the city from the inside to the outside, at a glance.

Therefore, it is concluded that the palace of Tianyunguo is at the center!

This palace is also full of style, defensive, but Chu Han is also not empty, continue to rush to the palace.

The terrible speed swept past, and immediately the guards who stood in front of the palace gate were shocked!

"Someone smashed the palace!"


"The most advanced alarm, someone broke in!"

Into the palace, this has never happened in the past, the Tianyun country is very strict, all ranked according to personal strength, the higher the strength of the people towards the center, although the royal family is not necessarily the strongest, but The people around the palace, which one is not the power of the heavenly country.

But now, I was directly smashed into by an unknown soldier, and no one responded!

All of a sudden, several laps centered on the palace were rioted. Many people who heard the news immediately rushed out of the house and took up arms and rushed to the palace.

The girl’s forefoot was gone, and the palace’s hind legs were shackled.

This is all right!

So the mighty, Chu Han is in a hurry, accidentally triggered the entire chaos event in the Kings City of Tianyun.

But Chu Han, who caused all of this, was unaware of it at this time. It was really that he ran too fast and suddenly rushed into the center of the palace, then...

I saw the process of changing a woman's clothes.

"Ah" the woman screamed constantly, hiding in the quilt and horrified.


A group of people rushed in and instantly filled the entire house.

Chu Han stayed at the bedside, and even he himself did not expect to see such a scene of incense and glamour all at once. The most puzzling thing is that he wants to be clearly where the king is, how to run in and see Women?

Chu Han, who didn't want to get into trouble, immediately ran out of another gust of wind. The man in the room could stop a ten-order master, so he immediately smashed the ground.

"The King is underarm!"

The woman on the bed came back from the panic, and looked at the person who had smashed the ground, and said with a crying voice: "Let, find the man!"


The people in one room ran out again, and at the same time, the place was guarded even more!

After Chu Han ran out, he did not dare to be reckless. He jumped directly to the highest point outside. By the way, he checked whether the top of the palace was back to the furnace. After all, the debris in the indigo country was placed at the highest point as a lightning rod!

Unfortunately, he didn't have such good luck, so he took a turn and walked around the entire palace, eventually returning to the room at night.

According to the arrangement of the buildings in this country, it is only possible to be the king's room!

Chu Han did not believe in evil, and felt that the woman she saw during the day was probably a queen, so she planned to try her luck again.

This time, he was no longer impulsive, carefully used the stealth technique that the wolf black mans are best at, and the ten-step body with strong perceptuality, which is close to the room.

Even so on the edge of the window, and when there is no one inside the squatting house, a clean and neat turn, sneak into the house!

Hiding under the bed!

At this time, in the royal hall of the Tianyun Kingdom, the emergency national meeting continued until the evening.

The king of the Tianyun Kingdom sat in the first place, and looked at the left and right ministers with a faint expression.

"There is such a thing happening when the goddess just walked. Doesn’t the national teacher think that it should be thoroughly investigated?!" A minister shouted with a slobber.

The national teacher of Tianyunguo is a very young man who is quite handsome. He got up and waved his cuffs and said: "So I always said that I can't let the goddess leave Tianyunguo. She is our heavenly country. Heavenly destiny, once left, the Heavenly Kingdom will move and be uneasy!"

"Before I said that you don't believe it, now I ask you again?" The national teacher said, and his expression gradually became cold.

(End of this chapter)

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