Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 514: Cooperation

Ye Bo did not say anything, but just walked to the other side of the long table and stood still. He was sweating coldly and his legs were constantly trembled. The look was obviously waiting for someone to give him a chair.

"Ha ha ha!" The strangers standing next to each other laughed loudly. In their eyes, this leaf Bo obviously had a pit in his head. Today he will die.

Although Miki smiles, but it is a flash of light in the eyes, is there really a different bargaining chip? Did not take the lead, the wood leaves continue to look at the leaves in the king's posture, waiting for him to open.

"Although I am doing things at the Beijing base, I am not a survivor of the Beijing base. I don't have a military rank." Ye Bo slowly opened his mouth and pressed the heart of the fierce beating, trying to make himself look calm: "This time I come. Is the representative of Gao."

Wood leaves a look, a finger in black gloves tapped on the table, and the tone brought a hint of confusion: "High home?"

There is a mysterious and confident smile on the face of Ye Bo: "China is not only a few large survivor bases, in addition to those high-ranking new humans with great reputation, there are some extremely mysterious families."

"Mysterious family?" Muye stunned, this is the first time he knows.

"History dates back to a long time ago. The close relatives are married, the blood is pure, and they control the economic, technological and other fields of China. When the end of the world broke out, even the first zombies were randomly formed, but those in the mysterious family were There is no variation, and even everyone among them is inherently strong, but because of the low-key and the restrictions between them, they are not known." Ye Bo said, suddenly surprised: "Now, I can and you Have you talked on an equal footing?"

When the mysterious family came out, Yebo believed that even if Wood Ye did not all believe what he said, at least he would be interested to listen.

Sure enough, the leaves of the wood have a look: "Give a seat."

A few stunned aliens quickly moved to the luxurious chair and placed behind the leaves.

The leaves boasted a breath and slowly sat down and face the wood leaves: "I came with sincerity, so I just got to the point. I can't say something, but as long as I can say, I can satisfy your curiosity. ”

Wood leaves reveals a satisfied smile: "How powerful is the mysterious family?"

Ye Bo laughed: "When the civilized era, they were the controllers behind China, and they were the default existence of Beijing. Now the end of the world is out of order. You say that with their power and ability, a few small humans. Is the survivor base worthy?"

Konoha was quite satisfied. He slammed a finger and yelled at the human cook who was still on the ground. "Go prepare a human food, give me a heart, and drink wine."

"Yes!" The human chef nodded as soon as he was, and quickly climbed up to prepare.

Wood leaves a smile at the opposite leaf: "Before the hospitality was not good, then we ate and talked."

Ye Bo’s heart jumped, and the task was almost half done, so he smiled and said: “You don’t have to be so polite, I’m just a representative.”

After the initial agreement reached between the two sides, Muye also scorned and asked: "I asked a few questions first. Since the mysterious family is so powerful, why do you still want to cooperate with me? And what is your relationship with the mysterious family? What kind of location do you work at Shangjing Base?"

Ye Bo once again breathed a sigh of relief. This wooden leaf was caught by the mysterious family. The question asked was very polite but very polite.

So Yebo smiled and replied: "I just said that there are restrictions on the mysterious family. One of them is that you can't directly control human forces. Otherwise, they will be indiscriminate. This is what we called in the civilized era. For the country, in the last century, it is the base of human survivors."

Muye nodded and waited for Yebo to continue. Just hearing it, his heart began to play other abacus.

"The reason for finding your cooperation is very simple." Yebo continued: "Different species are new creatures between zombies and humans, and they are blessed by nature. They are the darlings of heaven. I am not saying that you are flattering, but the truth, the mysterious family because The cause of pedigree has surpassed most human beings. They are the topmost existence of the human pyramid, but the rise of heterogeneity has broken this convention. The strength of heterogeneous is almost the same as that of the mysterious family at the same level. Strong cooperation is the right way. People should of course look for you."

Several wooden leaves and cronies standing next to each other were bright at this time. After the leaves gradually faded away from the ugly and disgusting appearance, the information brought by Ye Bo was given to the second group. Strong hope.

See, heterogeneity not only exceeds the power of new humans, but also returns to the human appearance, they are the darling of heaven!

"As for my relationship with the mysterious family!" Ye Bo **·秽 smiled and said: "I met a young woman in the civilized era, a very rich and dead husband, I and her overnight The next day, the end of the world broke out."

Muye breathed a meal: "This young woman?"

"She is Gao Manqiu." Ye Bo recalled with a smile: "It is the daughter of the Gao family, the purest daughter of the blood. Gao Manqiu is not only a lover. Although my existence is not good, Gao Jia does not allow Gao Man. Autumn and I made a child, but in the harsh environment of the last days, this little fun was also acquiesced by the high family."

Muye's eyes showed a smile, and the heart could not help but scorn.

"Although I have no status in Gaojia, I am lucky." Yebo said that he was proud of his eyes: "Gaojia didn't know when he suddenly thought about human power, so he sent me to the base of survivors. As a high-level representative, he entered the high-rise interior of the Shangjing survivor base."

“High family representative?” Muye sensitively caught this keyword and asked: “Is there a few mysterious families in China?”

Yebo shook his head: "I don't know this, I am not a high-ranking person."

In the eyes of the wood leaves, the light flashed and asked the topic: "What is the purpose of Gaojia?"

Ye Bo was silent for a second, followed by a slow opening: "establishing an empire."

When the words came out, the hall was quiet, and the breathing of the leaves was also rushed. The mysterious family's high family, ambition and courage were so big!

In this quietness, the human chef appeared with a beautiful dish, placed in front of the two and then served the wine. I didn’t know what the people in the hall were talking about before, and I didn’t know myself. The emergence broke a certain deadlock.

Wood leaves adjusted for a second of breathing, followed by a glass of wine, with a smile on his lips: "Happy cooperation."

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