Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 537: Enemy team return

In the eyes of Chu Han’s eyes, the appreciation of the moment flashed past, and the amount of construction of the trap was huge. I did not expect Chen Shaoye and others to arrange it so quickly.

"The shooting squad has worked hard. The others are scattered in the form of squad and enter the preparation area to hide. The rest of the place is ten minutes." Chu Han kept ordering, and two hundred people were already tired. This is the first time they have done such high intensity. The data of the zombie massacre must be allowed to rest for at least ten minutes before the battle against the heterogeneous confrontation.

"Killing the team, put these zombie bodies in accordance with the original plan, avoiding the trap." Chu Han wiped the blood on his face and continued to give orders.

The killing team immediately launched the action, which was extremely fast. This battlefield was the main battlefield that Chuhan deliberately arranged. The layout of the war was too important. The placement of the zombies’ corpses could make the batch of different kinds of feet step into the trap. Everything can't go wrong.

"Ding Xue and other members of the logistics department are listed!" Chu Han did not stop for a moment from beginning to end.

“In!” led by Ding Xue, several female members walked out of the crowd.

They also participated in the zombie massacre. Due to various reasons, the members of the Langyao regiment were not affiliated with a small team. Like Ding Xue, a member of the logistics department, they were not only responsible for logistics. On the battlefield, you must also enter the squad to fight.

"Invent the number of people, the injured person immediately bandaged the wound." Chu Han's eyes with anxiety.

He knows that many people in the previous zombie massacre were injured, but because of the deliberate arrangement between the players, the injured are evolutionary or intensive, the ordinary people are protected in the center without injury, everyone knows ordinary people Nobody can survive the virus secreted by zombie nails and teeth.

If members of non-new humans are injured, then they will die!

“Yes!” Ding Xue and other logisticians immediately took out the medical kit from the logistics package and acted as a medical responsibilities in the battle group, using the fastest speed to simply dress up the injured members.

"Sir." In the early summer, he endured the emotion of crying and went to Chuhan to dress him up.

"I don't need it." Chu Han stopped the early summer: "Use drugs on other people."

In the early summer, she suddenly looked up and her face was complicated. At this moment, her tears could no longer be tolerated. Before, she couldn’t see it from a distance. But when she walked into Chuhan, she discovered that the wounds of large and small wounds were deeply visible and everywhere. There are already hundreds of wounds on the body!

"Our medicines are not enough, the number of medical staff is not enough, and there are too many people injured. You go to help others." Chu Han did not notice the look of early summer, but frowned and hided in the highest point of view on the battlefield. While observing the progress of the killing team in the main battlefield below.

"Yes." In the early summer, there was no violation of Chu Han’s order. He turned and bit his teeth and left, but her tears were absolutely in the blink of an eye.

Others have also seen this scene. Many people have mentioned the eyes of the blind. Chu Han’s body has been seeing blood in the scene. Everyone knows that Chu Han is not hurt, and they all know that these wounds bring him The impact of the impact, even Li Bian crazy body injury is not serious Chu Chu, but Li will be crazy to use a lot of medical supplies.

But Chu Han?

He refused to accept the dressing!

Many people's hearts are beating vigorously. Many people's eyes are red. They don't look over Chu Han any more, they will suppress the shock in their hearts, and they all swear in their hearts. They must win this battle. And want to win beautiful, can no longer let the chief of Chu Han injured.

Even if they are dead, they can no longer let any enemy close to the two cents of Chu Han’s chief!

When Chu Han adjusted his breathing, he suddenly felt a meal. Some people who were puzzled and looked at the system on the back to the furnace suddenly surged to 100% loyalty. He didn’t know that his casual words made a group of people touch the sneak peek. I didn't figure out what the guys are doing.

In Chu Han’s view, these injuries were only a small witch in the last world. They were completely fearless. He experienced the real life and death, experienced the danger of almost killing, and experienced countless battles. He asked the logistics department. To dress up to others is to consider that these talents have just experienced the end of the last two years, but for those who have returned from the last decade, the injury is a normal thing.

Time is one minute and one second. The time limit of two hours is only less than two minutes. The battlefield layout in front of the battlefield has been completely completed. The team of the killing feathers has stood in the position beside Chu Han, and the 20 teams are standing at It is not far from Chuhan.

The shooting team has already stood on both sides of the field with their guns. Their shooting direction is right in front. Everyone’s position is extremely particular. The best shooting location can be played at their usual level, and Chu Han is also released. Dead command, this war no longer has to hurt the bullets, desperately fight!

Although the bullets they left are extremely limited...

Chen Shaoye stood in the corner of the corner. He held a different sniper rifle. This is a sniper rifle that is more powerful than a normal sniper rifle. It has a huge caliber, but it is somewhat inferior to a sniper sniper. He is responsible. The position is also extremely important, and it is the only one in the entire campaign who does not need to enter the field to fight from the beginning to the end, only responsible for shooting.

At the same time, Chen’s feet are still equipped with a desperate sniper rifle. After three months of training, Master Chen has been able to shoot ten bullets with a desperate sniper rifle in one day, but he needs between every two shots. Resting for a long time, that is to say, this battle will only be replaced with a desperate sniper rifle when it is absolutely necessary.

Everyone stood still in their position, kept the breath to a minimum, and adjusted their breathing to the best state. So is Chuhan, but unlike other people, his heart beats loudly and again.

There is still one minute left, and the enemy team has not returned yet. For two hours, no one knows what they have encountered, and no one knows whether they are now full.

Just as time went by, when the whole scene was silent, suddenly there were several extremely fast figures in front of them. Although the speed of running was very fast, it was obvious that they were exhausted. The body is more tempted to take the blood.

And, of the 30 people who lured the enemy team, only 15 people came back...

Fifteen died!

The enemy team members lost half of their time in a flash. It is obvious that they have encountered a great crisis at this time, but they still stuck back at the time. One point is not bad. Chu Han said that for two hours, they delayed two. hour.

Everyone saw a squad of only half of the enemies. Everyone saw the terrible wounds of the remaining squad members. Everyone knew clearly, the fifteen familiar faces that disappeared... ...

They will never see it again!

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