Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 545: Die, for the soul of war!

The joy of victory was dispelled in a flash, and the joy of fortune was also lost. Everyone was horrified and looked around in a hurry. When someone rushed to Chuhan, it was obvious that someone came out to block. Provided Chu Han with a moment of reaction time, but the price paid...

The fifth-order heterogeneity carries a high-energy virus. Unless it is a new human being of the same order or higher, no one can resist the infection, and the infected person will become a zombie at the fastest speed. .

"Cough!" A whisper suddenly sounded.

Everyone instantly turned their attention to the source of the sound, and then a group of people were scared and helpless. Many people suddenly became red-eyed, and even clenched their fists and wanted to lick the whip.

The person caught was Li Chuan.

Li Chuan brewed out of the crowd, he was licking his abdomen, where there was constant bleeding, a clear black blood vessel spread on his skin, and even the skin around the scratch had become like a zombie. pale.

The virus spreads very fast, and it is faster than being directly bitten by zombies. Li Chuan is not a new human being. He is not even a first-order evolutionary. Many soldiers who train together say that he is likely to have the potential of a fortifier. Even the guys have guessed what kind of strengthening ability Li Chuan will awaken. Even Chu Han specifically asked Li Chuan of the re-heating system to get awakening probability. The data obtained is not high. Li Chuan needs to wake up when the institute prepares the awakening agent. To be safe.

However, he was caught by the fifth-order heterogeneous, in order to get a response to Chu Han, before the research of Chuhan was not put into research.

Everything is too late, everything is late!

"Hey!" A black blood spit from Li Chuan's mouth, and he suddenly fell to the ground with his knees soft.


Chu Han quickly helped him before he flashed his body. At this moment, Chu Han’s brain stopped thinking and stopped all senses. He clung to Li Chuan’s arms and kept shaking. He looked at Li Chuan’s eyes and even said a word. Said it.

Li Chuan, who followed him from the Battle of the Dead City, was his first subordinate, killed countless zombies, experienced countless trainings, and even survived the most critical battles, and died in the hands of Li Chuan. There are countless low-level zombies, enough to make him directly promoted to lieutenant.

He is the best fighter in the Wolf Tooth Warfare. He is the best attacker in the 11th squad, and even the only non-new human squad leader in the 20 squad. His future is limitless!

Even, he is also Chu Han’s favorite object of jokes, and is a companion to all members of the Spike Wars...

However, he is now changing his body!

The people on the entire battlefield were silent. Everyone’s eyes burst into extremely complicated emotions. They trembled in anger, their eyes were red, and they were distressed to see Li Chuan’s skin changing. They could not accept such a situation. .

Too sudden, too depressing!

"Wangcai! Wangcai!" Pan Chu, who was panicked, quickly exchanged ideas in the mind and Wang Cai: "Is there any way to save him?"

Wang Cai shook his head gently in the place where Chu Han could not see: "Sorry Chu Han, I can't do anything."

"Isn't it possible to get back to the furnace? I can lock him up first, and then go to other pieces of the furnace. It can be dragged for a few years!" Chu Han has begun to think about countless ways in his mind, and even knows all the differences in previous life. The assessment of the space points of the space points is adjusted one by one, and the general orientation of these moving stone walls is now calculated. Even in the southern hemisphere, he has to find a way to go. The only problem is that time is not enough.

Wang Cai was silent for a second, followed by a regret with the voice: "I am sorry Chu Han, the corpse is irreversible, your mother can save, it is because she was not scratched by nails or teeth, not directly infected, There is a big difference between the two."

Chu Han stunned, as if the whole world was quiet for a moment, and time seemed to stop here.

There is no way, Li Chuan has no way to be saved...

"Sir." Li Chuan, whose voice has begun to tremble, suddenly made a noise at this time. He found that he seemed to have lost his vision, but he felt that Chu Han was close at hand with his sense of function.

"Yes, I am." Chu Han desperately made his voice sound calm, desperately suppressing the urge to destroy the world.

Li Chuan cracked his mouth and seemed to want to show a smile, but his smile did not allow anyone to laugh at this moment. Li Chuan shivered out loudly: "I have a request."

Everyone looked up in an instant, and hundreds of eyes stared at Li Chuan without hesitation. He wanted to listen to his wish before his death. No matter what the requirements, they will definitely finish.

Chu Han’s heart beats again and again, and the voice is low: “Quasi.”

"Oh! Thank you, sir." Li Chuan began to ooze blood, and his eyes were red, but at this time, he suddenly clenched his fists and used his greatest strength: "Take me a bullet!" ”


Everyone was shocked, and hundreds of pairs of eyes suddenly burst into a shocking look. Many people even shocked the fierce trembling. Is Li Chuan’s request a bullet?


Chu Han can no longer suppress it, and a fist hits the ground, and the dust is flying around in an instant.

Hundreds of people's wolf-toothed regiments are clasped with two-handed weapons, biting their teeth, and the tears that spurt out are thrown back.

Chu Han lowered his head and did not look at anyone. The voice trembled and squeezed out of the teeth: "Quasi."

Li Chuan has not been saved.

The entire battlefield suddenly remained silent, leaving only a very unstable breathing sound. Many people ran directly to the corner of the battlefield. They buried their heads in the ground, and the shaking shoulders could see that they were here. I felt sad in the moment, and they couldn’t resist it. They could only vent in this way.

Chu Han stood up, shaking and holding out a hand, the voice suppressed the extreme emotion of terror: "early summer."

The rear of the summer was quickly listed, her face was full of tears, but she knew that Chu Han had her name, Chu Han had given her a small pistol self-defense, this war she has been in the rear first aid, This pistol was not used.

Handing a pistol, returning to the crowd in early summer, squatting his head down, his shoulders trembled desperately, and tears rushed out.

Li Chuan also heard the movement around him. He was lying on the ground and began to tremble. The black blood in his mouth continued to flow out, but he smiled very gratified. He died in the hands of the sergeant. He Can not accept the warriors of a wolf-toothed group that turned out to be a zombie.

The quiet needles fell on the battlefield, and the ground was full of sorrows. Li Chuan’s voice rang intermittently, and everyone could hear it, and it was powerful and sullen.

"My name is Li Chuan, the rank of sergeant. My sergeant is Chu Han. I am the captain of the eleventh squad of the Wolf Tooth Warfare. I am a warrior of the Wolf Tooth Warfare! I was born to be a loyalty to the Wolf Tooth Warfare. Battle group battle soul!"

Everyone stood up straight at this moment, and everyone looked at Li Chuan and sacrificed him a standard to the extreme military ceremony.

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