Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 610: Underground forces

"I said, I am doing this with my little brothers?" After Meng Qiwei had enough rest, the first sentence was this - please search for the most! Novel

Chu Han stunned and swept his eyes around the crowd, and couldn’t help but wonder: "What about me?"

"Oh no, no, I will change my opinion." Meng Qiwei gestured and asked: "Are you Chu Chu?"

"Yeah." Chu Han nodded and directly admitted: "The big bad guy Chu Han."

"Hey!" I know that Meng Qiwei's eyes are bright, and I can't help but get closer to Chu Han's direction.


Xu Feng did not hesitate to squat on him: "Be far from the distance, sit well, don't laugh!"

"Yes." Meng Qiwei was shocked again. After swallowing his mouth, he looked at Chu Han again. "I said, I also want to be a big bad guy. Can you bring me to mix one?"

Chu Han was silent for two seconds. It is really good to say that it can bring Meng Qiwei’s income down. This product is not even a new human being. But combined with his later experiences, it is obvious that this guy’s luck is quite against the sky. Unnamed to get the Tomahawk and then into the top ten in the power list, quite powerful!

"I am a general, not a bad thing." Chu Han directly repudiated everything before him.

"Amount..." Meng Qiwei stunned, and then his eyes turned: "But there must be special circumstances. You see you go to the base of determination, ask me a bunch of questions, lay the foundation for your actions, I Still useful, isn't it?"

He didn't dare to say Chuh swearing directly, but in other words, Meng Qiwei was in the line, mixing in the refugee area, this point of view sees that he still has, and can detect the intention of Chu Han, Meng Qiwei People are not stupid.

"Do you want to mix with me?" Chu Han made a look of embarrassment, the actual heart has already laughed and opened the flowers, the lucky king in the later generations wants to mix with himself, this cool feeling is simply bursting!

"Isn't it?" Meng Qiwei did not see Chu Han's thoughts at all, thinking that the other party was unwilling, and quickly said: "I am not a good person, but everyone in this world has seen it. In the last century, there is a real legal system. Justice? So, I am willing to do things for the Admiral, and give me all the anecdotes in the back. I like to do it, and I can wash it for you."

When this was the case, Xu Feng and Xiao Kun, who had the most far-sightedness and thoughts on the scene, directly stunned. It must be said that Meng Qiwei said that there is no real justice in the world, so things are linked to interests, but It will be different. Chu Han needs to maintain the image, and Meng Qiwei actually has such awareness, which really surprised everyone.

Even Chu Chuhan listened for half a second. It is no coincidence that this Meng Qiwei will have such achievements in the later generations. The idea of ​​this person is very advanced. Similarly, Chu Han has the idea of ​​establishing underground forces. Beyond the invincible Wolf Tooth Warfare, the underground forces that are combined with the intelligence department and are paved together.

This is the idea that emerged when the Jianyi base was in a mess. The power of the Shenyin team is indeed strong, but they are the team, the existence of a team that cannot be separated from the wolf, and many things are not done by them alone, not Insufficient ability, but too much limit.

Regarding the black mansui team Chu Han has other ideas, it is impossible to always stand behind the hidden forces of the gods, which is not only unfair to the black mans, but also limits their development.

This time, the riot mission completed at the Jianyi base, in addition to the help of the Black Mang team, relied on the largest group of people who existed in the firm.

Refugees, civilians, public opinion.

Chu Han stared at Meng Qiwei's swollen and funny face. The dark and inky eyes were deep. His one was lying on his knees with his fingers. There was no point in it. People familiar with Chu Han knew that. This is the performance of his brain thinking at high speed.

Xu Feng first responded, and with a wave of people who took the killing feathers and the black mans team, they retreated more than ten meters away, leaving an independent space for Chu Han and Meng Qiwei, no matter what they were talking about, Xu Feng Know that this is not what the team members should listen to.

For Xu Feng’s reaction and the obedience and interest of this group of members, Meng Qiwei only felt extremely surprised. The fear and amazement of Chu Han suddenly rose to a higher level. So the well-trained and capable team was completely Obeying Chu Han, from the subconscious reaction of these people, whether it is Xu Feng, who is extremely powerful, or Li, who is almost suffocating himself, all of them are shocking to Chu Han. Obey the attitude.

Finally, after a full five minutes of silence, Chu Han’s fingers stopped and his eyes stared at Meng Qiwei: “First, what can you do?”

When I heard Chu Han asked, Meng Qiwei’s heart was happy, and he quickly said: “The firm base, I have a group of younger brothers at the Jianyi base. Although they are all refugees, they have strong penetration. If there are conditions, we may wear and insert. In any location, you want to know what I can find."

Meng Qiwei said that it is a firm base, and what Chu Han thinks is the whole of China.

“What do you want?” Did not directly reveal that Chu Han only asked the most basic questions, and the interests were the key factors for the trend people to make any decision.

"I have a girlfriend..."

"Hey! Keke!" Chu Han almost did not mention it in one breath, he did not expect Meng Qiwei's request is in this regard.

Seeing Chu Han’s reaction, Meng Qiwei was somewhat unhappy: “Can you listen to me?”

"Speak, talk about it." Chu Han smiled and handed the goods to the past piece of barbecue: "When you eat, say."

"Good! I am starving." Meng Qiwei quickly took over, followed by a half-hour story.

Meng Qiwei has a girlfriend, a very vulgar story. The girl betrayed Meng Qiwei in order to survive in the last eruption, and then killed Meng Qiwei’s parents. Meng Qiwei wanted revenge, but could not do it. Because the girl is now riding a big man, can freely decide a big man of the third-order new human beings.

"So you think I can help you revenge?" Chu Han pointed out the key points.

"Yes!" Meng Qiwei is extremely firm: "This hatred is not a non-gentleman. Although I am not a gentleman, my parents have raised me so big, and in the end of the world, in order to let me eat and work hard, the woman is To do this, I can't let her go!"

"Too miserable, who is the woman who took the woman?" Who is the opponent Chu Chu must first figure out, not the level of the mysterious family, it is a giant existence, the other side can destroy themselves, Now that he has been with the white family, the high family does not know what to do and wants to deal with himself. If he comes back, he can't make it.

"Zhong Zhong." Meng Qiwei spit out two words, followed by Jing and other Chu Han reactions.

Chu Han stared at him and did not speak for a long time, after a long silence...

"Fuck! You are really fucking!" -

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