Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 617: How long are these people's brains?

"I don't understand those technologies anyway, but I can make a prototype, but the principle of operation depends on the explanation." Lu Hongsheng honestly said: "But I suspect that he only imagined that he would say when he painted. These things can't be used anymore. There are too many conditions, especially the energy source. And the probability of completion is zero. What is the source of energy? I listened to it."

"You will pick a female assistant in a while." Chu Han replied casually, avoiding the weight.

It is difficult to explain this concept beyond San Guan with Lu Hongsheng. Although it is somewhat disappointing, it is also expected by Chu Han that these weapons can be made and then used, which is strange!

As for the issue of energy sources, Chu Han was also very surprised and thought of this one. In fact, the kind of energy source required by the above is true in the later generations. It is a principle that runs counter to the various ideas of the civilized era. The substances that need to be used are gradually formed in the last century, but there is no condition to develop research.

"This book you..." Chu Han suddenly spoke, but said that he couldn't say it in half. How should he explain the value of this book with Lu Hongsheng, and then let him keep it properly?

"Boss, do you like it?" Lu Hongsheng took the words directly: "I like to send you! Anyway, I will do the cold weapons on this album. I used to take trouble with it. I wanted to throw this album, but those The hot weapon and the seemingly very fancy, I threw it away and he might hit me."

"Looking at the trough, you didn't lose it." Hearing Lu Hongsheng, Chu Han was scared.

Lu Hongsheng’s throwing estimate is really just throwing it on the street. I don’t know what it’s like to destroy the corpse. If this album is picked up by someone else...

The consequences are unimaginable!

The frightened Chu Han quickly hid the album in his clothes, but actually threw it into the dimension space. This thing is related to the problem of the whole wolf tooth group. Who lost him to cry?

"Bos, don't you have to look at it like this?" Lu Hongsheng did not know where the focus was, and even some ridiculously meant to look at Chu Han.


Chu Han’s brain was knocked up, and then he asked: “Two questions, the first one, can you improve some of the knife-shaped weapons, without your professional forging, replacing them with assembly lines, and a large number of produce?"

Lu Hongsheng touched the place that was beaten by Chu Han. He groaned and grinned, but after thinking hard, he said: "No, the weapons I created are exquisite. That is because I am a muscle strengthener, even if my fingers are full of muscles. To play a different role, other people will definitely not be so perfect, so the use and effectiveness of weapons will be greatly reduced, which will damage my reputation!"

"I said how do you like this axis?" Chu Han said so much, once again put the problem simple: "Customized models and mass production models, customized models are from your personal craftsmanship, is a luxury, mass production and you have not Too big a relationship, but you are responsible for the initial forging guidance."

Lu Hongsheng blinked and thought for a long time to understand: "Do you want to create a batch of inferior goods?"

"That's just a bad quality." Chu Han's thinking about Lu Hongsheng has been unable to vomit, just ask: "I will ask you if it is not feasible, add the forging technique that you are proud of, let each production line produce Workers will be in a certain aspect, and then concentrate on forging in batches. Is the weapon made better than the weapons in the hands of the veterans in the current group?"

"Of course, it's better after me to improve!" Lu Hongsheng didn't want to answer. He said that he finally understood the meaning of Chu Han: "Oh! Boss, you want to make a lot of people first, let them change everyone." Weapons, custom models are coming slowly?"

"It’s almost like this." Chu Han touched the chin and began to think fast. "There are now 700 people in the Spikes, and there are still a group of teams arriving, and there are 1,500 people." It is impossible for everyone to be a good weapon in your hands. You have limited energy and the weapon limit is raised to the highest level. Only a few people can use it, and other people's weapons will go to the assembly line."

"That line, I am also happy." Lu Hongsheng, who understands it, agrees with Chu Han: "You are really smart at the boss, I feel that you are smarter than you are!"

"Let's bet a little!" Chu Han glanced at him, then took out the album and opened it on a page, pointing to the weapon drawing on it and asked: "Can this weapon be improved? Make two long and one short Steel chain, two steel chains can be connected and detachable, and a section at a distance should be added with a blade, preferably a little more, with a long curved knife or a dagger at the tip."

"Boss, you ask for a bit high." Lu Hongsheng thought for a while before answering: "This kind of weapon is easy to self-injury, but it is easy to carry and suitable for assassination. I rely on the boss, do you want to do it? This weapon is quite dangerous! Ah, I seem to have found a hint of inspiration, but I need to consult the Su Bank to make sure that it is the most reasonable."

"Yes." Chu Han let out a sigh of relief, only Lu Hongsheng can make it, even if it is not the most perfect form, it does not matter, as long as it can be used for a while.

"It takes some time. I will first look for Suhang to draw the drawings, but who is this for?" Lu Hongsheng was very serious. After he came to the base of the wolf, this was the first time Chu Han personally asked him to be a weapon.

"I have drawn the graphics first, and the specific personal usage and other users have come to say it." Chu Han did not directly answer, Mercer is really not sure what to do to him.

"Well! In fact, this can be made into a growth type. The length of the steel chain can be modified at any time. The blades bound on both sides can be increased or decreased according to individual circumstances. This solves the problem of personal use. This weapon is too fresh! Lu Hongsheng said that the more excited, the hurriedly ran out to find Su Xing,

Chu Han, who finally got half of it, was relieved. Then he waited for Moss to come to the base of the wolf. He just didn’t know if Moser could help him to solve the problem of his relatives. After all, this can be related to the dignity of his man. Can't force Lu Yi to succeed!

Just as Chu Han had just finished the preparations for the Mercer weapon, he had not eaten the rice on the same day, and he received news that a large number of elite troops and survivors were coming to the Spike base. Due to the large number and sudden, not yet Knowing that this is Chu Han’s high-level wolf base, he immediately convened the highest-level high-level meeting, which is as important as the explosion of a large corpse of more than one million.

When Chu Han arrived at the conference room, the gangs were sitting in an excited position and quarreling. The saliva spewed. Some people said that those people were attacking. They had to fight back immediately. Some people said that it was Refugee team, aliens emerging from another dimension space...

For these remarks, Chu Han is very curious about the brain structure of these people.

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