Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 644: Are you out of Laos? !

"Big brother, what are you finally coming over!" When he saw Moser's moment, Chu Han was so excited that his face was laughing.

Today, Moser has been completely different from him six months ago. If Chu Han originally recognized the last ten years of Moser, it would not be recognized for a while. It is not an exaggeration to use the two to describe it.

At this time, Moser, the look of the past has brought the evil spirits and sharpness of later generations. This is the kind of temperament that he had never had before half a year ago. It is probably because Chu Han’s shot, Moser’s experience with the previous life is different, so It has not become the extreme character of the last world.

Just in the moment of seeing Chu Han, the evil spirit in Moser was dissipated a lot, replaced by a sly and awkward smile.

"Looking at the slot is so stiff, you won't face it?" Chu Han was in a good mood and made a joke with Mercer.

"You haven't seen it for half a year. Your reputation is getting bigger and bigger." Moser did not care that Chu Han suddenly did not adjust, and his tone was modest. If someone who knew Mercer saw that he would reveal this expression, he would think that he was evil. .

Chu Han’s mouth is quite different: “Do you want to improve your reputation? Mix with me!”

Moser gently shook his head: "You know me, not interested in these."

"With you." Chu Han did not care about the rejection of Mercer, and the words turned very fast: "You have done this in the past six months? No news at all, I thought you were hanging."

The mystery that Mercer’s eyes flashed through: “There is a country.”

"Hey! Cough and cough!" Chu Han was directly smothered by his own saliva, and it was rare to have a big and strange mood. Did Nima Moser actually go abroad? !

"Amazed?" Moser smiled.

"Crap!" Chu Han gave him a look, but soon transferred the topic again: "Right, promise that your weapon has already begun to manufacture, but the deployment requires you to try it yourself."

"Thank you." Moser also did not expect Chu Han’s casual talk about it six months ago. He even remembered it for so long. He had no loved ones, and he suddenly raised his warmth. He rarely said his own whereabouts. He took the initiative to say: "You I am not curious about where I went specifically? What did I do?"

Chu Han’s eyes flashed in a flash: “I certainly don’t know where to go, but you can guess one or two things, nothing more than killing and making money.”

Mercer immediately stunned and was shocked: "How do you know?"

Chu Han's eyelids are not lifted: "With your character, I don't like to make friends, I don't like to be busy, I don't like to talk, I have a self-sufficiency, and now I suddenly come out. The sub-hunter meets your changing requirements."

Mercer was speechless, and after a long time, he smiled and shook his head: "Serve!"

Chu Han touched his nose and was in a good mood: "I guessed it. Then tell me which country you went to, what to do, and satisfy the curiosity of those who have never been abroad."

"Now the world is a zombie. The name of the country is already a symbol of the old times. Without border defense, the pass is long gone. No one can control where you want to go. Now the names of various countries can only be regarded as geographical names." Jose did not know that Chu Han was more comprehensive than he knew, and he began to explain it very seriously.

Chu Han did not perform abnormally, but only indicated that Moser continued, letting Wang Cai, who was watching from the side, screamed.

Moser continued: "I went to the most northeastern part of China. Just after I entered the last two years, I crossed the border and went to see the individual to send things. I can't say anything else. After all, I also take money. To do things, you need to keep your employer**."

Chu Han nodded and expressed his understanding, but in his heart, he immediately analyzed the inside and outside of Moss's trip!

At the beginning of the second year of the last world, the cross-country people, the items sent should be letters and the like. After all, there is no need to do anything else in the distance. As for the people who see him, Chu Han also has a position.

It is a mysterious family!

In addition to the mysterious family, Chu Han can hardly think of other possibilities. First, in addition to the mysterious family's ability to live in that poor place, others choose to have it unless there is a pit in the brain.

The second is that Chu Han knows exactly one message, that is, a mysterious family lived in the area north of the Yalu River for a while.

As for the employer who let Mercer contact the mysterious family, Chu Han can't guess who it is, but it is definitely not the order of the animal husbandry, He Feng, the first time is not right, and if they are, then He Feng does not need to use China. The two strongest teams came to form an alliance with Chuhan.

It seems that it can only be explained that someone has first come into contact with the mysterious family, and the situation is worrying!

At the same time, in a place far from the base of the Spike, this is the only way for the city of Anro to reach other bases. The road is surrounded by dense grass, and hundreds of people are still standing still. There is anxiety and anxiety in the look.

"Leaf Bo let us ambush here to kill Chu Han, but when is Chu Han coming over?" One person was impatient and whispered to the person next to him.

"Quiet!" A person who is obviously the leader said: "We are assassinations. This Chu Han heard that although the order display on the battle rankings announced the third-order, in fact we got reliable information. He is already a fourth-order evolutionary!"

"The third-order fourth-order is not the same for the boss?" Some people dismissed it: "And we have a lot of people, Chu Han, he is taking everyone out of the base, certainly a single person, even if not alone. There are not many masters around, killing him is not as simple as killing a dog?"

This is very satisfying in the ears of the leader, and he frowned. "The problem is that we have been ambushing for a week since we got the news. How has this Chuhan not come yet?!"

"Boss, we have enough food..."

When I heard this, the leader’s person was somewhat difficult to do. He could only bite his teeth: “It’s really impossible for us to find some wild beasts to kill and eat. We can’t let this opportunity happen. If we get the Chuhan’s head, we can get big Pen money!"

"Boss!" Suddenly one hurriedly ran from a distance, panic.

"Your Majesty! Are you crazy, call it so loud." The leader was shocked and quickly screamed.

The couple took a few breaths, and then they cried and said: "Just got the news, saying that Chu Han is back!"

"Go back? Where are you going back?" The leader was stunned and the whole person was stunned.

"Return to the base of the wolf!" The person who reported the letter almost shouted.

When this is said, it will stir up thousands of waves.


"Fuck! Waiting for white!"

"The original Chu Han is not going to leave the base of the wolf teeth. What is special about him is just walking around!"

"This Gu Liangchen, even a fake message!"

"I don't think I am afraid. Chu Han's whereabouts have always been strange. No one in the entire wolf base knows that he has left. The news of Gu Liangchen is not accurate enough. After all, he is not close to Chuhan."

"The question is what to do now?" Everyone suddenly looked at the leader.

The leader of this group suppressed the anger: "What can I do? Go back!"

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