Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 659: Behind the scenes

"Who is making me out of chaos on my site?" The raging Tao Jin is crazy on the street.

At this time, he had completely forgotten the purpose of coming here. He was completely irritated by the sights in front of him. The bodies of one place were laid on the avenue. The faces of those people were very coincidentally the subordinates of Tao Jin. Even a fourth-order master who helped Tao Jin manage the red light district was not spared. He didn't even have time to close his eyes.

The people around are crying and crying. The women are scared and eclipsed. They hide in the corner and look at them. The prosperity of the past disappears overnight. The most prosperous area in the red light district. Sanjie Street has completely turned into a **** on earth.

Finally, when the impact was slightly diminished, a man with one arm broke down and ran with a look of horror. He saw Tao Jin’s eyes blinking and he was busy: "The leader"


A dagger suddenly did not know where to fly from, without warning, pierced the eyebrow of this person, interrupted his second half of the sentence, and could never say it.

The stunned and horrified eyes in Tao Jin’s eyes were the biggest. The whole person looked at the scene in front of him in unbelievable moments. Those who walked toward themselves in the past moment, even died in the blink of an eye, could not die any more. And the killing technique is definitely not an ordinary person. What makes Tao Jin feel fear is that with the perception of his fifth-order evolutionary, he can't find where the dagger is flying from.

This is not an ordinary riot. From the fact that most of the deceased are their own subordinates, it is obvious that this is a well-planned massacre.

The shocked and scared Tao Jin couldn't help but step back. Then he suddenly realized that he was too eager to come. He didn't take a single person. He was alone and helpless. The assassin was near him. He didn't know where he was. He didn't know who it was. I don’t know how the power is.

Standing on the top of the house, the step of seeing the veil in front of the scene is a moment of sorrow. There are still people lying in ambush, and by the time of their own and the phoenix, the three streets are stirred into a pot of porridge.

What an amazing deployment and mindset

Still not waiting for the yarn to think about the countermeasures and the specifics of the matter, suddenly a person ran out of the street below, simmered in blood, looked confused, and ran straight to Tao Jin: "The leader of the leader, I know who did it, I see Arrived"

"You" Tao Jingang’s opening is subconsciously stuck, thinking is stagnant for a moment, and the last person who rushed to report to himself died instantly. Does this happen the same?

But what made Tao Jin's spirit tense was that nothing happened. The person who was flustered and **** in front of him walked safely in front of himself.

The "leader" came quickly and excitedly: "It is a woman in red dress, and a man who looks ordinary. Most people are killed by that man, but the woman is also very surprised. Many of our brothers have been her." Eyes are crazy."

I heard that Tao Jin was shocked: "What does that woman look like?"

The younger brother stuttered and replied: "The amount is very beautiful."

"No, I asked what weapons I used." Tao Jin continued to ask.

"She didn't use weapons," the man replied quickly.

Tao Jin’s heart is loose: “That’s not Jiang Lingruo, is that the beautiful woman who just came today”

Just as Tao Jin was thinking about the entanglement, the younger brother who came to report the letter suddenly flashed a trace of calculations and snorted: "Do you want the leader to seal this place and die too much? The blood is very heavy, I am afraid it will attract Zombies."

"Right right" Tao Jin was shocked and quickly ordered: "Throw the dead people out and burn them. Now, for so long, neither of them has appeared. It should be gone, move faster."

"Yes." The younger man quickly nodded and greeted the person to carry a corpse away.

The other people present heard this conversation, but it was cold in the heart, watching the body on the ground being removed. These were the people who used to be mixed with Tao Jin in the past, but now they are dead, Tao Jin even confirmed There is no identity of the deceased. In a word, the order is thrown out of the base and treated as garbage. What makes people chilling?

There are still many people standing on the street. There are ordinary residents of the Taojin base. There are also some subordinates of Tao Jin who are free from disasters. They all looked at the scene in front of them and could not speak for a long time.

The riot is like a storm, and it will be attacked in an instant. Tao Jin’s words are like a cold wind, blowing people.

The step yarn is also quietly standing on the roof. The night wind blows her long skirt, the black long hair flies, her face is cold and charming, her eyes are cold and quiet, unlike the people below, she sees more people can't. Noticed things.

The men who carried the bodies on the ground and reported to Tao Jin were not the people at the Tao Jin base, nor the subordinates of Tao Jin. Who are these people, although they have blood, but who is the step, she kills people. Killing more, you can see at a glance that the blood is not their own, it is the blood of the dead.

It’s really interesting that the light flashed in my eyes and the chuckle chuckled.

She and Huang Huang had stayed in the house before, and they were discussing **** Chu Han and the distribution of benefits. But I don’t know when there was a riot outside, blood was full, and people from time to time shouted. Then there was a large number of people suddenly besieging themselves and Phoenix. The two had no choice but to think about what was going on. They could only kill first.

But now, when I look at it, the riots and kills at that time, and now the blood flow of the entire three streets, is like a bureau deliberately set by someone.

Killing people but clasping the hat on the head of the veil and the phoenix, causing the destruction of the prosperous streets of the Taojin base, but an ordinary resident has not killed, the purpose is still unknown, who can have such means, who It is possible to instantly use the connection between people to the point where the person behind the scenes is already obvious.

Step by step sneer, Chu Han is still in this Taojin base

At this time, the pottery below is constantly urging everyone to move the body. The unscrupulous remarks are even more blurted out: "The two men are so strong, they must be celebrities on the list of powers. To trouble Laozi, Laozi’s reputation outside is so loud, you are here to give me a bunch of people who can’t afford it.”

In Tao Jin’s opinion, he didn’t get rid of the veil and the phoenix. The other party’s murder here must be because his younger brothers didn’t have any eyes on it. Although Tao Jin always looked at himself very high, but he was not a fool, knowing the world’s total There are some masters who can never be unaware, so even if Chu Han came to the city of Anro to forcibly occupy this large area, Tao Jin did not dare to resist on the surface, only to do some small moves in private.

"Yes, what the leader said is." Xiao Kun, who disguised as Tao Jin’s younger brother, nodded like a garlic, and all the members of the Black Mang team disguised as Tao Jin’s base. It’s exactly them who used to make trouble. It is expected that the development will be particularly smooth.

Tao Jin did not know, even now, he did not know, his every move has been completely exposed to the high-level base of the Spike base, and behind the scenes, Chu Han has sneaked into his home.

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