Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 666: Foresight

“Moving!” Chu Han’s enthusiasm is very exciting. He announced in the conference room: “Select the first batch of residents and live in it!”

“I’m going to do statistics right away.” Shang Jiuyi couldn’t help but smile. “I really didn’t think that the zombies were so powerful, not only could the zombies be attracted, but also the zombies and pests, together with our guards. The team strictly guarded, and now there is no zombie species in the entire area, clean, and even the air is smooth!"

Gu Liangchen also had a slightly excited opening: "And because the number of people in the Wolf Tooth Warfare has reached 1,500, after using the zombies to lure the zombies, the soldiers also swept through the house to the next place to see it twice. Now I have confirmed that there is no zombie in the area!"

"Hey! I want to move in and live. The environment is very good. Although the plants are crazy, but once there is no zombie trouble, this is not a crazy, but a natural green belt!" Right, he travels between the base and the city every day, almost watching the region change day by day.

"Chu Han’s chief is a foresight." Ding Sizhen respected the words of the people.

But what he didn't expect was that this sentence was bubbling, and Chu Han's eyes fell on him. He looked at him up and down a few times, which means profound.

"What are you doing?" Ding Sizhen was so scared that he quickly slammed his chest: "I don't know what to do!"

"Hey." Chu Han grinned, half-threat and half-threatful opening: "Is there any relationship with Duan Jiangwei?"

Ding Sizhen subconsciously blurted out: "I said I don't know the basics!"

Chu Han still smiles meaningfully, and clicked on the desktop: "When he looks for you next time, tell Duan Jiangwei, want to know the secret of s+, come to the base of the wolf tooth and bring a gift."

As soon as this was said, more than a dozen people in the conference room quieted down, showing seriousness and the atmosphere condensed for a moment.

"Boss, what is the secret of s+?" Liu Yuding, who has always been unconventional, is also very serious at this time. Everyone wants to know that this is not only related to the value of Chu Han, but also related to the base of the wolf. The development and the future of all of them. The secret of + since Chu Han got his hand for the first time, the time has passed for half a year. This secret is so avoided by Chu Han with his own reasons. Except for Chu Han himself who won this honor, the whole China has no The two know.

“Want to know?” Chu Han chuckled and suddenly pointed to Lu Hongsheng: “Have you just upgraded to the second level?”

Lu Hongsheng stunned and immediately nodded in confusion: "I am a fortifier. It is difficult to upgrade to a very high level. It is only two orders after half a year has passed."

"This order is just right." Chu Han revealed a mad smile: "You will start Xu Feng to give you a week of special training tomorrow, and then go to the evaluation of the stone wall of Fenghua Xueyuecheng for the second-order assessment. After you get the comprehensive assessment, you will I will understand what s+ is, but remind you that there may be danger to my life."

Hey! Hey!

Everyone was swallowing, and Lu Hongsheng didn't know whether he was excited or afraid. In short, he was trembling.

"The secret of s+ is in the assessment of the stone wall." Chu Han finally said the secret buried in the bottom of the heart for a year: "Human, heterogeneous, zombie, the types are divided into three categories, but the order is the same Everyone also noticed that the various lists on the stone wall were evaluated. In addition to the list of the top rankings, there were only ten orders on each level, that is, the highest order was ten."

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at Chuhan quietly. They didn’t dare to interrupt Chuhan’s words, even breathing and subconsciously lightening them. They had such a hunch that it was really a big secret, especially It is the chief of Chu Han. He knows things far beyond everyone’s imagination.

Looking at the eyes of a pair of double-necked dignified eyes, Chu Han smiled slightly: "In the huge stone wall of these millions, you can get s+ comprehensive assessment. There are only ten stone walls, each of which is scattered, different. There are ten special assessment stone walls in the local area. Only in the specific assessment stone wall can we obtain the comprehensive evaluation of s+, and it must also correspond to the equal order of entering the assessment."

Hey! Hey!

It was another burst of vocal voices, and everyone suddenly realized that there were many things in the world that completely exceeded their foresight and subverted their three views.

In this regard, Chu Han spoke again, spit out a shocking saying that the people present were unable to return to God for a long time: "You can get the special assessment stone wall of the second-order s+ comprehensive evaluation +, just in the wind and snow city!"

The scene was quiet for five minutes, and everyone's eyes were suddenly widened, using the amazing amount of information contained in the sentence that could best digest Chu Han.

"You mean..." Shang Jiujun forced himself to calm down and said: "We, our assessment wall, is the whole summer in China, no, the only piece in the world, you can get the ranking of the second order, s+ Comprehensive assessment of the stone wall?!"

"Yes, the only one." Chu Han calmly and unanimously affirmed the words of Shang Jiuyi.

The entire meeting room suddenly rose in vain, everyone's excited face was red, the people present were high-level members of the Spike base, except for a few people who are not civilian, most people are not stupid or even very smart, this At that time, they only thought about why Chu Han should enclose the stone wall of the examination, and also built such a large-scale city in the surrounding area.

Chu Han Tai Te has a foresight!

"The only one!" Liu Yuding has been excited, and the whole person almost jumped up and danced: "We have completely controlled the stone wall, there are a lot of commercial stores around, a city is completely eating and drinking, now The secret of s+ has been speculated by the outsiders, and we are fully prepared. This time is also the time for a lot of new humans to advance. Many first-order people have entered the second-order. We, if we put this news Announced?"

"Money!" The senior staff of the logistics department shouted excitedly: "The profit is huge! The money is coming!"

"My God, I have to take care of the matter of Fenghua Xueyuecheng." Shang Jiuyi also immediately spoke, and also apologized to Chu Han.

Before Chu Han arranged a large number of women in the city, forming a style that was extremely inconsistent with the wolf base. When the fashion nine is still very angry, she felt that Chu Han was just a mess, but now things completely reveal the answer, she Only when I found out that my previous thoughts were naive, the base people led by Chu Han and the soldiers of the Wolf Tooth Warfare would not go there to spend, but it does not mean that other people will not!

This is completely a big business to be sent to the door. Once the news is announced, a large number of newcomers will come here and come here. In addition to bringing huge economic benefits to Fenghua Xueyuecheng, it will also bring the Spike base and the upcoming recapture. The right of the city of Anro has developed!

Chu Han has a secret for a year, and a blast is such a far-reaching development model. How can it be shocked?

“Moving!” Chu Han’s enthusiasm is very exciting. He announced in the conference room: “Select the first batch of residents and live in it!”

“I’m going to do statistics right away.” Shang Jiuyi couldn’t help but smile. “I really didn’t think that the zombies were so powerful, not only could the zombies be attracted, but also the zombies and pests, together with our guards. The team strictly guarded, and now there is no zombie species in the entire area, clean, and even the air is smooth!"

Gu Liangchen also had a slightly excited opening: "And because the number of people in the Wolf Tooth Warfare has reached 1,500, after using the zombies to lure the zombies, the soldiers also swept through the house to the next place to see it twice. Now I have confirmed that there is no zombie in the area!"

"Hey! I want to move in and live. The environment is very good. Although the plants are crazy, but once there is no zombie trouble, this is not a crazy, but a natural green belt!" Right, he travels between the base and the city every day, almost watching the region change day by day.

"Chu Han’s chief is a foresight." Ding Sizhen respected the words of the people.

But what he didn't expect was that this sentence was bubbling, and Chu Han's eyes fell on him. He looked at him up and down a few times, which means profound.

"What are you doing?" Ding Sizhen was so scared that he quickly slammed his chest: "I don't know what to do!"

"Hey." Chu Han grinned, half-threat and half-threatful opening: "Is there any relationship with Duan Jiangwei?"

Ding Sizhen subconsciously blurted out: "I said I don't know the basics!"

Chu Han still smiles meaningfully, and clicked on the desktop: "When he looks for you next time, tell Duan Jiangwei, want to know the secret of s+, come to the base of the wolf tooth and bring a gift."

As soon as this was said, more than a dozen people in the conference room quieted down, showing seriousness and the atmosphere condensed for a moment.

"Boss, what is the secret of s+?" Liu Yuding, who has always been unconventional, is also very serious at this time. Everyone wants to know that this is not only related to the value of Chu Han, but also related to the base of the wolf. The development and the future of all of them. The secret of + since Chu Han got his hand for the first time, the time has passed for half a year. This secret is so avoided by Chu Han with his own reasons. Except for Chu Han himself who won this honor, the whole China has no The two know.

“Want to know?” Chu Han chuckled and suddenly pointed to Lu Hongsheng: “Have you just upgraded to the second level?”

Lu Hongsheng stunned and immediately nodded in confusion: "I am a fortifier. It is difficult to upgrade to a very high level. It is only two orders after half a year has passed."

"This order is just right." Chu Han revealed a mad smile: "You will start Xu Feng to give you a week of special training tomorrow, and then go to the evaluation of the stone wall of Fenghua Xueyuecheng for the second-order assessment. After you get the comprehensive assessment, you will I will understand what s+ is, but remind you that there may be danger to my life."

Hey! Hey!

Everyone was swallowing, and Lu Hongsheng didn't know whether he was excited or afraid. In short, he was trembling.

"The secret of s+ is in the assessment of the stone wall." Chu Han finally said the secret buried in the bottom of the heart for a year: "Human, heterogeneous, zombie, the types are divided into three categories, but the order is the same Everyone also noticed that the various lists on the stone wall were evaluated. In addition to the list of the top rankings, there were only ten orders on each level, that is, the highest order was ten."

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at Chuhan quietly. They didn’t dare to interrupt Chuhan’s words, even breathing and subconsciously lightening them. They had such a hunch that it was really a big secret, especially It is the chief of Chu Han. He knows things far beyond everyone’s imagination.

Looking at the eyes of a pair of double-necked dignified eyes, Chu Han smiled slightly: "In the huge stone wall of these millions, you can get s+ comprehensive assessment. There are only ten stone walls, each of which is scattered, different. There are ten special assessment stone walls in the local area. Only in the specific assessment stone wall can we obtain the comprehensive evaluation of s+, and it must also correspond to the equal order of entering the assessment."

Hey! Hey!

It was another burst of vocal voices, and everyone suddenly realized that there were many things in the world that completely exceeded their foresight and subverted their three views.

In this regard, Chu Han spoke again, spit out a shocking saying that the people present were unable to return to God for a long time: "You can get the special assessment stone wall of the second-order s+ comprehensive evaluation +, just in the wind and snow city!"

The scene was quiet for five minutes, and everyone's eyes were suddenly widened, using the amazing amount of information contained in the sentence that could best digest Chu Han.

"You mean..." Shang Jiujun forced himself to calm down and said: "We, our assessment wall, is the whole summer in China, no, the only piece in the world, you can get the ranking of the second order, s+ Comprehensive assessment of the stone wall?!"

"Yes, the only one." Chu Han calmly and unanimously affirmed the words of Shang Jiuyi.

The entire meeting room suddenly rose in vain, everyone's excited face was red, the people present were high-level members of the Spike base, except for a few people who are not civilian, most people are not stupid or even very smart, this At that time, they only thought about why Chu Han should enclose the stone wall of the examination, and also built such a large-scale city in the surrounding area.

Chu Han Tai Te has a foresight!

"The only one!" Liu Yuding has been excited, and the whole person almost jumped up and danced: "We have completely controlled the stone wall, there are a lot of commercial stores around, a city is completely eating and drinking, now The secret of s+ has been speculated by the outsiders, and we are fully prepared. This time is also the time for a lot of new humans to advance. Many first-order people have entered the second-order. We, if we put this news Announced?"

"Money!" The senior staff of the logistics department shouted excitedly: "The profit is huge! The money is coming!"

"My God, I have to take care of the matter of Fenghua Xueyuecheng." Shang Jiuyi also immediately spoke, and also apologized to Chu Han.

Before Chu Han arranged a large number of women in the city, forming a style that was extremely inconsistent with the wolf base. When the fashion nine is still very angry, she felt that Chu Han was just a mess, but now things completely reveal the answer, she Only when I found out that my previous thoughts were naive, the base people led by Chu Han and the soldiers of the Wolf Tooth Warfare would not go there to spend, but it does not mean that other people will not!

This is completely a big business to be sent to the door. Once the news is announced, a large number of newcomers will come here and come here. In addition to bringing huge economic benefits to Fenghua Xueyuecheng, it will also bring the Spike base and the upcoming recapture. The right of the city of Anro has developed!

Chu Han has a secret for a year, and a blast is such a far-reaching development model. How can it be shocked?

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