Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 694: Really not the industry of Chuhan

In a moment of chaos and when there are already a few second-order new humans who can't stand it, Duan Jiangwei finally calmed down from the panic, and at the same time, he was afraid after a while. It is no wonder that Chu Han formulated such a rule in this city, just if he is really The first to enter the city's airport, leaving more than one hundred second-order new humans to come in, isn't it going to be finished?

"Call shut up!" The roar from the mouth of Duan Jiangwei, shocked a group of girls directly pale, frightened and retired a few meters, the team of more than 100 people finally got released, the ears are also clean.

The anger emerged on Duan Jiangwei's face. He suddenly turned and looked at the guard who looked at the bustle in the distance: "Come out who can speak up to you! Look for these women to come and stalk something, this kind of trick is what you want." Come out!"

"What is the means?" Suddenly a clear voice came from afar. A young woman in a professional suit floated from a distance, with a light-looking makeup on her face, and a professional look. It is extremely strong.

This person is not Lin Yu who?

"The general manager." Those girls who were scared by Duan Jiangwei screamed in dismay, showing an unusually wronged look.

Everything in Fenghua Snow Moon City depends on autonomous operation. It is normal for people to have business to continue to operate.

They have lived in this clean and beautiful empty city for ten days. Although the environment is very good, it is also white and tender, but there is no business! At this time, the first guests came suddenly. They were of course excited. What did they get out of the house to meet?

After all, they are doing this business, how can they live without business? Although there is a minimum of daily food for the residents of the Spike base, but women, who do not want to dress up better, who do not want to buy and buy?

The clothes in the tailor shops in the city have been made dozens of pieces, they like to wear, but no money to buy!

Duan Jiangwei did not expect that he was rushing to the guard team's roar, and would lead to a manager of the Shijiazi. After thinking for a moment to move closer to Chu Han's ambiguous idea, Duan Jiangwei was angry and said: "You are Chuhan's person? We Is it to participate in the second-order heterosexual space point assessment, what do you mean by this group of women who stopped us here?"

Lin Yu smiled softly, and the singer in his eyes flashed past: "Admiral laughed, we are not the generals of General Chu Han, but the ordinary residents of this snowy city, there is no one to stop any of you from going. Checking the inner city where the stone wall is located, but this city outside the city is a commercial area. Any occupation has it. It is normal for girls to see the guests appear to pull out the order?"

Duan Jiangwei's mouth is mad, pumping up, business district? Career? Pulling a single?

Such a formal operation, who is not the idea of ​​Chu Han? !

Duan Jiangwei’s anger value has reached its peak and he has exported: “Tell Chu Han, he”

"It's really not Chuhan's industry." Shang Jiu's voice suddenly sounded. She stepped down from the next wall step, dressed in dignified costumes, and smiled at Duan Jiangwei's courtesy: "Hello paragraph, there is Don't blame for the loss, because of your status, I am here to give you directions."

Duan Jiangwei at this moment, if the whole person was struck by lightning, he was very stunned and looked back at Shang Jiuyi and a group of women in front of him. He still knew the relationship between Shang Jiuyi and Chu Han. At this moment, even Shang Jiuyi ran out to say that this is not Chuhan. The industry, it must not be, after all, no woman in this world will endure that his man is outside the brothel...

In a flash, the three people were in a triangle, and the nine-browed brows swept over Lin Yu and others. At the moment, she did not know the true behind-the-scenes boss of these brothels. She only thought that Chu Han was a big wicked person, and she allowed this wind and snow. There are so many brothels in there.

Lin Yu was curious and looked at the eyes, and smiled a little.

Duan Jiangwei was completely stupid, and some were at a loss. After a long time, Duan Jiangwei said: "I have retired the disrespect to General Chu Han, Miss Shang, please lead the way."

"Assessing the stone wall in the inner city, please come with me." Shang Jiuyi did not say much, and he planned to take people away.

I know this time.

"Wait." Lin Yu’s voice suddenly sounded. She looked at Duan Jiangwei, who was puzzled, and extended a white and tender palm: "Have you just touched the girl? You are planning to eat tofu like this. What? We are here to operate in a formal way. It is not a place where you can mess around in the wild. Any behavior needs to be paid."

When this was said, it was not only Duan Jiangwei who was shocked, but even the eyes of Shang Jiuyi were incredibly open.

"I! You?" Duan Jiangwei was completely speechless, he just really...I am a day!

"There are other people." At this time, Lin Yu looked at the dumb second-order new humans: "Have you just had a manual foot? These are all clearly marked, and the paragraph will have a bad attitude. Suspected of occupational discrimination, it is reasonable to say that I should ask you for compensation."

"It’s this group of sisters who rushed out first!" A new human being, but this kind of sitting price, is exported.

"Sisters have not seen the guests for a long time, anxious, I apologize to everyone." Lin Yu is not anxious to slow down, smiles decently: "But you have to admit that you have actually touched it before? Because the girls just I was rushing into everyone, so I will be exempted from the compensation of the paragraph, but I still have to pay for it. Who will let us be a regular business, but if it is a debt, it will also humiliate the identity of all new human beings?"

Hey, this is what you said! Too appetite!

Can not afford to pay, they are a group of new human beings, are distinguished dignitaries, account for the cheapness of people and sisters, do not give money, is this not self-destructive identity?

Duan Jiangwei suddenly turned black like a pot bottom, and the side of Shang Jiuyi and a group of guards who did not know Lin Yu’s details were all stunned. In the end, where did the professional manager Fan emerge?

Too much business!

So check the price list, pay the bill, in one go, Duan Jiangwei has a bag, after all, it has been determined that it is not the industry of Chu Han, then it is not a confrontation between men, and ordinary residents in Fenghua Xueyue City do not need to care too much, and Lin Yu said no Wrong, they have to run their own lives?

Lin Yu, who took hundreds of coins back in one breath, smiled lightly and said goodbye to Duan Jiangwei, who was planning to go to the inner city. "I wish you all the best, you can get the top 100 in the battle rankings." Strong, all the entertainment clubs I run will give you 20% off, the top 50 will be 30% off. As for the top ten superpowers, you can choose any two sisters for free, and the drinks will be exempted. Twenty-four hours, I hope everyone will join in!"

When I heard this, the second-order new humans suddenly showed their eyes, and Duan Jiangwei was completely black.

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