Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 820: Song Yu’s identity

"Song Xiaoxuan. (..)" Chu Han smiled and took a picture of this young boy who grew up a lot. His mind gradually revealed the information he saw when he was at the Beijing base. The Wang Cai took a huge risk. The list of China's top secret protections stolen!

At the beginning, Luo Xiaoxiao was the fifth on the protection list. At the same time, she was also the granddaughter of Luo Ming, and Chu Han could guess that the people on the list should be descendants of the high-ranking Huaxia in the civilized era, and let Chu The memory of Han is particularly profound. Song Wei’s name is on the list of protections.

Even ranked second!

Therefore, the identity of Song Yu is quite intriguing.

The thoughts were only in an instant, and Chu Han did not say in the public. Since Song Yu chose to hide his identity and be willing to stay under his own feet, this mature boy must have his own considerations.

Moreover, Chu Han does not think that sending Song Song to Shanghai is a wise idea. He is a mixed fisher and his relatives may not be able to protect him.

It was only Chu Han who couldn’t understand it. Looking at Song Yu and changing Nan, he said: "How did you both run this?"

Didn’t change Nan’s position at Duan’s base, isn’t Song Yu’s lurking at Duan’s base?

When Chu Han received a secret report from the dark part of the Nandu base, he was quite surprised. Although Song Yu had not met with the dark members of the Wolf Tooth Warfare, Chu Han had already laid a solid foundation for the dark people. I have not known anyone who has met me.

Therefore, when Song Song had just entered the Nandu base area and had not queued for a long time, the dark part of the Nandu base had already noticed the situation and immediately reported to Chu Han.

Such a quick and accurate news, the scope of the vast and overwhelming penetration, Chu Han really do not know this South Capital base, at this moment is the bottom of his or Shangguan Rong...

"Hey! I miss you!" Changed Nan is still a kind of post-knowledge, and he is very pure and reveals a smile at Chu Han: "This child is not good at Duan’s base, I promised to take care of it. He, you said that you have to pick up him and have not received it. When I saw a message that you were at the Nandu base, the child was clamoring to see you, and I just brought it."

Song Song is completely different from changing Nan. He has obvious words in his eyes, but he has not had time to learn the whispers of the Wolf Tooth War. He can only blink and keep silent, waiting to report again when Chu Han is alone.

When Chu Han looked at the two people, he immediately became guilty. This change was really pure and honest. He was led by a 13-year-old boy, but this also highlighted Song’s ability. .

While changing Nan’s promise of holding for half a year, without any connection, he is still sincere and willing to travel long distances to find himself. It can be seen that changing Nan and the previous life is a brother who can trust his life.

"Thank you." Chu Han really changed the Nan Dao Xie, and then played with the smashing of Nan's clothes: "You have encountered a zombie group halfway, an impulse to kill cool?"

"Ha ha ha!" Changed Nan laughed and responded: "Know me, Chu Han also!"

Just when Chu Han and the Nanla family often talked about it, Huang Shuzhen, who was watching the whole process, was stupid, and it took a long time to react.

"I rely! Fast!" Huang Shuzhen quickly panicked and rushed to the human side: "Go to report, not Chu Han's son."

Huang Shuzhen has been completely confused, and his heart suddenly rushed out of trouble. Who would have thought of the second son who changed the Nan, even joking about this kind of thing?

It is a pity that no matter how Huang Shuzhen panicked, everything is too late.

"Chuhan!" The loud noise of the rushing crown at the gate of the city suddenly sounded, and the crowd that shook the amount of the sea was instantly quiet, and it was even more shocking that everyone could not return to God.

Chu Han also jumped in his heart, and then turned back to the point where he couldn’t understand. He looked at the stunned knives with a look of horror, as if he had slaughtered his Shangguanrong.

In the future, the old man, what are you doing?

Shangguan Rong was simply irrational and his eyes were red, and now he just wants to ignore Chu Han’s anger!

A group of people who ran out behind him were even more shocked. For fear of making trouble, Shangguan Yuxin was because of the physical condition of ordinary people. He was still on the road here.

When Huang Shuzhen saw Shangguanrong, the situation was not good. He quickly stopped and said: "You will wait first, listen to me."

"You go away!" Shangguan Rong said nothing to push Huang Shuzhen away, forcibly lifted the knife and rushed to Chuhan. The face was overexpressed and became Zhang Fei. It seems that he would jump up and Chu Han desperately.

Chu Han is even more shocked, is this development?

"You are a shameless person!" Shangguan Rong, who was furious, opened Chu Han with a **** head: "By my daughter cares about you so much, you have even a son outside!"

Chu Han first had a slap in the face, and then suddenly realized that he turned his head and looked at Song Yi, who was next to him. He couldn’t be so big with his son!

At this time, Shangguan Yuxin, who rushed out and rushed out, finally appeared. He saw his old man yelling at the face of Chuhan’s face, and the sabre in his hand was held high on the side, scaring her to take care of the image at the moment. Before running on, he stood strong in the middle of Chu Han and Shang Guanrong.

"You don't want to touch him!" Shangguan Yuxin came up to his father's strong opening.

Originally, Shangguanrong was mad at it. At this moment, seeing his daughter is still protecting Chuhan at this time. I can’t help but feel sad: "Hey daughter, he is so negative, even your son has it, you still speak for her." ?!"

Shangguan Yuxin was still able to take care of other things at this time. He quickly said: "What happened to me, how did Chu Han have a son?"

Shangguanrong’s horror can’t be self-sustaining. Shake: "You are a villain, his son is born, you still think about what he is doing? There are so many women around him, do you think he will care for you?"

Shangguan Yuxin was directly described by his father as a sore spot, and the next sentence was to shock everyone on the spot: "I can't raise a son for him?"

The scene was directly blasted, and the high-rises of the base were stunned one by one. The survivors who lined up in the city were envious of each other. There is such a beautiful woman who stays with me regardless of her care. How much is this Chuhan accumulated in her life?

Shangguan Rong is almost fainting, and his index finger is trembled. Shaking his own daughter, a word of anger can not tell.

Standing in the vicinity of Chu Han, Nan and Song Yu were even more shocked. Looking at Chu Han’s eyes, he was surprised. He could make Shangguan Yuxin of Nandu Base so deeply affectionate. This Chu Han is really a perfect score for sisters!

Chu Han did not think that the development of the matter would be so unreasonable. When the mood of the father and the daughter became more and more troublesome, they were out of control. They quickly pointed to the sluggish Song Wei: "I said Shangguan. Seniors, you see clearly, this is the person I want to pick up, how can I be thirteen years old?"

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