Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 839: Amazing language

Losing the way to the animals in the city, Chu Han can only rely on his own means to find the rest of the seeds at the moment, although it is not clear how many different kinds of wood leaves are sent out at one time, and they do not know what the other party wants to play, and not even I know that there is nothing waiting for myself in this terrible Nandu City. Please search (#¥) to see the most! Novel

But from the first kind of ghosts encountered, Chu Han has already put the vigilance to the maximum.

The emergence of high-order ghosts is bound to be accompanied by impreciseness, indicating that there must be other high-order ghosts among the different species!

In just a few words of conversation, Chu Han learned some information from the mouth of the ghost. The right and status of Muye at the moment is unusual in China. In this period of the last world, Even if the wood leaves are strong enough, there is absolutely no direct attack on the base of the large base in China.

So the wood leaves must have gotten something in advance, and in this world, something has changed quietly without knowing it!

The ‘all-round suppression’ mentioned in the name of the ghost is to make Chu Han pay more attention to it. With his understanding of Konoha, the other party is definitely not only trying to make his life so simple.

That is a different kind of king, whether it is the previous world or this world, the ambition of Konoha is absolutely unimaginable!

The ‘outside’ in the leaves of Muye, Chuhan can be understood as almost all the people, forces, and bases that are connected with him...


It has completely become the silver market of the heterogeneous base camp. A helicopter slowly descends, and there is a circle of heterogeneous around the apron. The neat black robes obscure their looks and skin, and a pair of scarlet bloodthirsty pupils Unnoticed mocking, quietly watching the helicopter land.

After the hatch was opened, the two black robes, who were also heterogeneous, first came out and grabbed a human being who was obviously detained. This person broke a hand, it was the leaves!

At this moment, the leaves of the wolf are unbearable, and the clothes on the body are very wrinkled. They can't see the previous grace and the gas field, and a face is desperate with a look of despair.

His eyes were horrified, braved the cold sweat and looked at the large number of aliens gathered around him, recalling how beautiful he was when he came back last time.

The messenger of the mysterious family, what a sense of enthusiasm at that time!

In just a few months, the situation turned out to be completely changed. He spent a high-level purchase of Chuhan’s message as a left-hander, fully deployed and dispatched the strongest assassination team in one hand.

But the result is still a failure!

That Chu Han, how can not kill!

Huang Bo, who felt that life was about to be threatened, immediately began to plan to abscond. After all, the mysterious family’s anger was unbearable, and all of the three encounters against Chu and Han were failures. This time, White Worry will not let him go.

In the secret escaping that no one told him, Ye Bobo shunned the white family's pursuit, but no one thought that he was caught by two different species.

Blatant, do not evade anyone, caught the different base camp of the silver city!

Ye Bo is definitely not stupid enough to think that this is a coincidence, but the more he thinks deeply, the more he feels scared.

Why does Konoha know his whereabouts? How can Wood Leaf dare to catch him directly? Why is the White House not blocked and there is no other action?

"Wood leaves, where are the leaves?" The horrified leaves trembled.

At this time, he has been detained by the aliens to the luxurious hall where he saw the wood leaves last time, but there is no figure of wood leaves here, and a pair of different scarlet pupils around him look at him, making him difficult every second. It was as if he was a live fish on the table, waiting for the next second to be cut into sashimi.


The stranger who was holding the leaf Bo suddenly came out with a slap in the face, and the voice was chilly: "Do not call the name of the alien king."

The leaf Bo is completely covered by this palm fan, and the faint **** smell is permeated in the mouth. The surrounding environment is exactly the same as the scene of the last conversation with the wood leaf, and the living leaves let the leaves go out.

Wood leaves, what do you know? What did you get?

In the time when the atmosphere became more and more different, a random and clear footstep came from the stairway, accompanied by the cool tone of the leaves: "Don't move and hit people, Ye Bo was once my partner."

In the word 'every', Kono leaves is very clear.

"Yes." The aliens who attacked Ye Bo quickly revered, and then released the hand holding the leaf Bo, standing quietly three meters away.

Ye Bo gained the freedom of the body. With a very complicated and scary emotion, he turned stiffly and looked at the leaves that had arrived in the hall.

Still dressed in proper dress, human skin, human appearance, in addition to a pair of still scarlet pupils, the wood leaves and gloves at this moment do not need to wear.

When the leaves botten, the pupils suddenly contracted, and the extreme panic grew wildly. When I saw the leaves of the last time, the other side still had traces of different kinds of seeds, but now...

The leaves have been completely transformed!

Cold sweat is almost a moment of immersion, wet, and clothes. The leaves use the greatest strength: "In the end, you are..."

When asked half of the leaves, it was stuck because he didn't even know how to ask questions. Facing the leaves is like an ant facing a giant.

Wood leaves didn't care about Ye Bo. He sat in the first place and looked at the other person with a smile. The words were amazing: "You are very surprised that I caught you, but the White House is not angry?"


The huge impact is like a volcano erupting in the heart of Yebo.

What Wood Leaf has just said is... White House?

How does he know? !

The expression of Ye Bo has revealed everything, and the body is shaking to almost faint.

On the other hand, the wooden leaves, but he did not even lift his head, his posture was elegant, and he continued to speak amazingly: "I am sorry to ask you to come over, but I am late, because I just finished seeing the white family."

The panic rolled in the heart of Ye Bo, like a stormy wave. At this time, he could not say a word. Today's Muye, the impact on him is too big and too unacceptable.

Wood leaves should have been used to deal with Chu Han's minions. It is impossible to connect with the noble mysterious family. Even if he is afraid of the power of different kinds of seeds, in fact, Ye Bo is still guilty of jade in his heart.

But the wood leaves at the moment tell him that the white family has actually crossed over and is directly connected with the leaves.

So, isn't he a secret and a sigh of relief in front of the leaves?

Kono seems to have no idea how much his own words have brought to Ye Bo. He still has a smile like a smile: "You should have been executed, but I ask the family to give you a chance to stay. I am a dog around me, facing your savior, shouldn't you thank me?"

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