Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 844: concern

At the moment, at the base of Nandu, the corpse tides for several days have made the city walls extremely serious, and the gates of the city gates have long been filthy. Please search for the most complete! The novel is so embarrassing that the fallen wall and the mass of the zombies are mixed together, and the foot is full of mud, and the corpse is constantly pouring out, so that the external wall is crumbling and it will collapse at any time.

The battlefield is constantly extending backwards under the burden of being overwhelmed. The gates of the city are still in the last section and the line of defense is still maintained. The rest of the area has been completely flooded by massive zombies.

On the battlefield of the sky, Shangguanrong’s body has disappeared from the previous glory. He is full of ashes. As the highest leader of the Nandu base, he has not slept for a few days, and he is always worried. This time The corpse tide is truly unprecedented.

The tops of the various Nandu bases standing next to Shangguanrong also put down the shelves, and they can go to the battlefield on the battlefield. If they can't go up, they will maintain logistics in the rear. The entire base is united at this moment, like a precise gear. Keep working, because everyone knows that if this battle fails, all of them will die!

The number of zombies in this war has not been reduced to the slightest. So on the other hand, the combat forces of the Nandu base have already suffered half of the casualties. If the residents of the base are not involved in the fighting, and other bases continue to send troops to help, Nandu The base is not up to the present.

What is even more desperate is that Chu Han has rushed out of the base a week ago, and now he has completely lost his message, life and death are not clear!

"Lu Zheze, what is the situation?" Shangguan Rong’s steady voice sounded abnormally in full mourning.

When I heard the question of Shangguanrong, everyone in the vicinity looked at the road in front of the road. At this moment, the road ice was like the crowd, the whole body was muddy, and the face was still stuck with zombie blood. That was in the previous battle of a little bit of depression. Lu Bingze strongly killed the traces left by several high-level zombies, and the shock of the one-shot killing. Yanlian.

After Chu Han left, Lu Bingze immediately obeyed the instructions of Chu Han and spontaneously joined the war situation, and exerted all the means to inform Shangguanrong in advance of various situations, and resolved a lot of crisis that almost killed the city, so that everyone would treat him. Looking at it, I also have a new understanding of the people around Chuhan.

At the same time, because of the activity of Lu Bingze, the reputation of the Shenyin team has gradually become well known and famous in the battle of the Nandu base. The captain’s shot is the ability to go against the sky.

It’s so enviable, Chu Han’s squatting is really talented!

Lu Bingze brows up and stretches, then wrinkles again, lips squirming, and finally did not say anything.

As soon as I saw the state of Lu Xingze, the people around me suddenly jumped. The shock of the past few days was very big. Every time I expected it to be 100% accurate, so that everyone would have a situation. Look at him the first time.

So at this time, Lu Bingze showed such a wrong attitude. Almost everyone’s heart mentioned the eyes of the blind man. Is there a big crisis to happen?

"Is there a problem?!" Shangguan Rong is a look of his eyes. A domineering self gradually spreads out, with the strongest gesture of an old veteran: "But it's fine!"

No matter what he encounters, he must accept it, and then think of the most perfect method to solve it. Although in his mind, the first military genius in China, Chu Han is not here, but as the leader of a large base, the Nandu base is not lacking talent.

All the people are united, what problems can't be solved?

Lu Bingze once again frowned and looked down on Guan Rong's eyes with hesitation: "There is no problem at present. The zombie group ten kilometers away has not experienced large-scale changes. It is still the same as the previous law. The corpse of the zombie-based corpse."

When I heard the words of Lu Zheze, everyone was relieved and the big stone in my heart was finally put down.

It was only at this time that Lu Bingze looked at the horizon in the distance and once again with a hesitant secluded opening: "Just..."


A look of the eyes again, the look of everyone has become extremely nervous again, just what?

Shangguanrong’s brows were picked up, and a bad premonition in his heart suddenly came out: “What is it?”

Lu Bingze's brow wrinkled more tightly. After thinking about it, he said his fears: "I told my boss to be careful of the super zombies before leaving. The corpse has already erupted for more than a week. I am worried that there will be an accident. ”

"Chu Han?" Shangguan Rong was shocked for a moment, then a brow wrinkled: "Super zombie, is the special zombie that was sent out before the news? What exactly does Chu Han mean? He can say other?"

The rest of the people around it were even more confused. The super zombie thing had a storm in China a few months ago. Although it attracted a lot of attention, it was quickly covered up by other things because of the number of super zombies. Too few, and there are very few people who have known that they have encountered super zombies, let alone those who stay in the base and do not deal with zombies.

In the current situation, I am afraid that most people even instinctively believe in the existence of the super zombie species. The minority do not know exactly where the super zombies are terrible.

“Is there really a super zombie?” The high-level base has doubts first. After all, the current situation of the base is extremely dangerous. At this time, the super zombies are raised, and many people cannot accept such a sense of despair.

Lu Bingze's heart is in the distant horizon. For a time, he didn't notice the eyes of the people around him. He just nodded with concern. "Of course, there is a wolf war group. The power of the super zombies is more than just talking about it. At that time, if the boss of Chu Han was unable to turn the tide, the group of the wolf teeth might not have existed at the moment."

Upon hearing this, Shangguanrong’s heart gradually sank, and even the so-called super zombies of the Sagittarius group known as the Zombie Harvester, what kind of strength should it be?

The rest of the people snorted, all people's faces were filled with desperate colors, tired and exhausted for several days of fighting, long ago exhausted their patience and motivation, a tight string has reached the limit.

And there is a super zombie at the moment?

They can't accept it!

"Talk about the specific situation, we are prepared in advance." Shangguan Rong is the only one who immediately accepts and then immediately thinks about the way of handling. Regarding the super zombies that Lu Bingze suddenly raised, Shangguan Rong thinks it is very necessary to know in advance.

This time, the corpse war siege war was the most spectacular one after the eruption of the last days, and it was also the biggest crisis facing humanity in the last century.

Gambling on the glory of mankind, this battle, they must win!

This is from hp:/hl/28/28977/nex.hl

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