Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 849: Slaughter

"Ha ha ha! You are incompetent!"

Lu Xingze’s voice was pulled out from the speaker. The sound was loud and the sound was loud. The whole battlefield was heard clearly. Even because the words were too shocking, all the teams in the battle were on the spot and were shocked. machine.

"You are incompetent!" And Lu Xingze's voice is still going on, with a gesture of incomparable spit and ridicule: "When is the zombie fun? Can you still remember the memory of being a man? Do you see beautiful girls inferior? You? Nothing, hahaha!"

And after the words of Lu Bingze are spoken,


A terrifying scream suddenly screamed in the zombies outside the city, roaring with anger, followed by


A body that was obviously a fifth-order zombie suddenly jumped from the ground, three feet high, with a roaring gesture, licking his teeth, his nails flashing cold, like a cannonball rushing toward the road ice on the wall.

Super zombies, come out!

Almost immediately, everyone’s eyes are bright, and it’s amazing that no one is worried or confused at this moment, but a complete surprise.

As long as the super zombies appear, the Nandu base will be saved!

And just in this super zombie can not stand the insult of Lu Bingze, want to force the moment to kill it


A hurry of people catching up, almost immediately appeared on the spot where the super zombies appeared, and with the most powerful attitude, with the most terrible fluctuations in life, almost to the back of the super zombies.

Hunting King Fan Jian!


A Mars was suddenly presented on the weapons of the Super Zombies and the Hunting King, and both sides were carrying a scorpion. Anger, a war with excitement, was directly hit on the field full of zombies.

It is precisely because of the venue outside the city that the fighting between the two sides is extremely large, leading to the death and injury of the zombies around, and seriously affecting the zombies who entered the passage of the city gate.

And at the moment when the super zombies were angry and hard, they didn’t have the mind to continue to lead the zombies. The zombies who had almost broken into the base immediately lost their hearts and bones, and they stayed in the same place, like they just woke up and changed back completely. Stupid state.

When I saw it so quickly, I entered the situation where human beings were in harmony with the people. The armed forces that had been prepared for a long time immediately launched a storm on the zombies. The battlefield of the gates began to reverse, and humans stepped forward. The large number of zombies were knocked back one inch.

The base of Nandu suddenly fell into a state of public enthusiasm, one by one fighting like a chicken blood, the victory is ahead!

Shangguanrong and the top of the base of the base are even more excited and unable to do it. While caring about the battle between the hunting king and the super zombies outside the city, they can't help but swear at the words before the road ice.

Sexual incompetence?

Losing him wants to come out!

Sure enough, it was followed by Chu Han’s unchanging sergeant, but it must be said that even if it was magical and effective, it really blew up the super zombies!

Lu Bingze can take root no matter what he is in the hearts of everyone, but he is extremely excited to dance in the heights of the city wall, and continue to hold the speaker at the super zombie and say: "You are sexually incompetent, there is a kind of hit me. Ah? Hahaha can’t come over? If you don’t come, you can’t plant it, it’s silly. Force!”

How can the super zombies endure such a chattering insult, even if they want to break away from the hunting of Fan Wang. Wrapped in the opposite direction, Izeki, the more anxious in the battle, the more error-prone, and the anger caused its poor IQ to be affected. In just a few seconds, it was repeatedly mistaken several times and was chased and beaten. The hunting king Fan Jianxi’s body is hurt.

The hunting king Fan Jian is more and more excited, the more the war and the more courageous, the extremely ordinary weapon waving in his hands, it is really not able to punch and kick, plus the assist of Lu Bingze, even in the fight of the blood-like force to retake the city Before the door passage, the head of this super zombie burst.

Killing and dripping!

The death of the super zombies brought great excitement to the base again. The combat forces in the gate channel also regained the initiative of the battle at the fastest speed. The gate channel of the base once again became the benign of the formation of the squad mode cycle. The battle.

As long as you continue to persist, wait until the corpse tide comes to an end, then the victory must belong to the Nandu base!

Therefore, the Hunting King became famous in this battle, his price soared, and even returned to the base after the end of the battle. On the spot, he received several olive branches thrown from the top of the base. Shangguan Rong tried to find the Hunting King. Stay at the base of Nandu.

In this case, the Hunting King only returned one sentence: "The hunter task is single! Only the big order, 50,000 yuan to start the coin!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to advertise, how good the opportunity, and Chu Han set a good hunter alliance to establish a plan, you can also use this battle to advance to the agenda!

Just at the Nandu base, the super zombies were solved, and when the good situation of the whole people was heated, in the other major bases, there was a strange news at the same time:

Chu Han is dead!

This is a pub in a large base. The place where people are full of talks is talking about the gossip of Chuhan.

"Do you know? Chuhan is dead!"

"Know know! It's all over the place, saying that it was a corpse at the Nandu base before a week. He didn't force himself to rush out and lost."

"What is lost, it is dead!"

"You said that he rushed out for a man, even if he was strong, he could not resist hundreds of thousands or even millions of zombies!"

"I heard that it is because the corpse of the Nandu base is made out of different kinds. Chuhan wants to solve the aliens of the ghosts, so that the corpse is not broken?"

"Unfortunately, the corpse tide in the Nandu base has been maintained for more than a week, indicating that Chu Han has not solved the alien species!"

"So he is dead!"

The same remarks and reasoning emerged at the same time in different bases. Almost everyone was talking about it. Even the wolf base in the city of Anro was the first to rumor.

Just one day after such a remark, a small base that was not far from Nandu City, a group of aliens suddenly appeared at the gate of the base.

"Mom! Heterogeneous!" The guards almost scared on the spot. ban.

The whole small base suddenly fell into despair. Everyone started the escape state in a flash. Their base was too small, and there wasn't even a decent war force. If the same number of zombies are fine, but different kinds?

Don't run away and wait to die!

This sudden emergence of the aliens did not disappoint, with a arrogant gesture in the base to kill, like a cat catching mice with a playful meaning.

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