Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 855: Unknown result

When I heard this, many people who had already decided in the heart once again raised their hearts, and their eyes could not help but burst into the horror. How did they forget this?

The large and small bases around the city of Anro and the unformed emigrant tribes, once added up, the number is far more than the current zombies in the city of Anro, and the distribution is extremely scattered, the ghost knows when Give a surprise attack to the place of the Spike base!

The situation ignored by everyone was suddenly raised by He Feng, and suddenly the atmosphere of the conference hall was in a downturn. This time, the crisis of this time was unprecedented. .t.

At the same time, the feeling of being extremely scared is even more prominent in everyone's mind. If it is not that He Feng suddenly appears and exposes this possibility in advance, it is only true that they can only say that they are half-pounded. Will be planted in the hands of different species.

Fortunately, Chu Han and He Feng had an agreement, so this time, in the event of an emergency, let the animal husbandry directly dispatch He Feng.

"Reconnaissance Department." Seeing that everyone already knew the seriousness of the matter, He Feng looked at Jiang Tianqing.

"In!" Jiang Tianqing has been completely serious. He knows the style of Chu Han. After seeing that He Feng is no worse than Chu Han, he immediately knows that he must be nominated for a major task.

He Feng gently nodded, admiring the way the group of people is doing things, and the latter order is also blurted out: "The Scouting Department immediately launched a comprehensive action, keeping an eye on all the places in the city of Anro, and reporting immediately when there is a situation."

"Yes!" Jiang Tianqing should immediately.

"The Ministry of Intelligence." He Feng once again made a noise and looked at Lu Hao: "The eyeliner inserted in the bases and the tribes can be used to release the news that Chuhan is still alive. Then before the heterogeneous turns humans into zombies, Use various means to guide these people into the Spike base in advance, the more the better."

"Yes." Although it is not clear why, Lu Hao still chose to do it because he knew that there was no time to question and let He Feng explain the reason.

Everyone is clear and familiar with Chu Han's style of doing things, so at this moment, He Feng used a similar method to Chu Han, and the high-level leaders of the Spike Base accepted it quite quickly.

“The current captain of the Spikes?” He Feng looked at Qin Yuan, who spoke very little in the corner: “Immediately speed up the removal of the zombies, and try to minimize the number of zombies before the start of the war.”

"Understand." Qin Yuan has nothing to say.

He Feng double-eyed, and then suddenly said again: "Let all members of the Dragon and Tiger Tooth team return, I have other tasks to pay them."

Many people have blinked in their eyes. The dragon teeth and tiger teeth that have been hidden by Chu Han for several months have finally begun to emerge.

"The Three Arms of the Spike?" The best He Feng looked at Xu Feng. After standing for a long time, he said: "I can't grasp the three teams, but since the killing is the first of the three teams, this time you can adapt. Before the start of the war, recharge your batteries, and once the war is over, the dissimilar species will need to be solved by you!"

Xu Feng brows gently pick, is this too much to see them, or even He Feng also knows that they can't control the three teams?

With a touch of evil laughter, Xu Feng pointed to Lu Hao: "The intelligence department can't do the guiding work, and wants to gather other people in the city of Anro to avoid the corpse change. This kind of public opinion guide is suitable for Shenyin to do it."

Lu Hao was busy nodding, and the intelligence department could do it, but it was definitely not as good as the Shenyin team.

He Feng brows and picks up and opens: "Then let the gods hide the team to go to various bases and tribes, and the intelligence department helps."

The next road deployment and order was stated in He Feng’s mouth. The high-rises of the Spike Base began to enter the state of preparation for the whole line. Only when a sign of a major war appeared, they immediately opened fire on the enemy.

What does it mean to passively wait for the other party to strike?

If you want to fight, you must preemptively!

Just at the base of the Spike, it is in high sensitivity. Feeling, when the whole line entered the state of preparation for war, Chu Han had already solved the fourth alien species in Nanducheng, but only three days passed.

This is a wet and dark warehouse. It is also the hiding place of Chuhan after the war. From entering Nandu City, there are now four different species. No one is good, and the fourth one is given to Chu. There was a deep wound on the shoulder of the culvert, which seemed to be bloody, and with the harsh conditions at the moment, it took a long time to heal.

The heterogeneous one is stronger than one, not only completely delays Chu Han’s time, but also limits his pace to Nandu City. The surrounding area is still full of zombies. Even if the aliens are dead four, the zombies are swarming. The spectacular sight of the city is only a slight improvement. It is conceivable that the number of heterogeneous residing in Nandu City is completely beyond the expectations of Chuhan.

Therefore, if Chu Han wants to solve the problem here as soon as possible, the time and energy that will be spent will be infinitely increased, and it is even more dangerous.

Wang Cai relied on Chu Han's feet to gasp. Although it had not worked at all since the war, but the road was not very good: "The two have left the Nandu base for ten days. I don't know what the situation is like?" ”

Chu Han especially flatly wrapped the wounds on his shoulders, and replied casually: "The Nandu base has a hunting king, and it will not be so fast. The guys at the base of the wolf are worried."

Chu Han’s words contain a lot of information. Everything has already been thought of, and he will come to Nandu City alone, but he does not have a wolf base that he lives in, and there are hidden dangers in any case.

Wang Cai couldn't help but frown: "He Feng, you said, will definitely go to the Wolf Base to help? But he will be jealous?"

Chu Han has a double eye: "It's very strong."

In the yin and yang valley battle of the last five years of the last world, He Feng’s fame was not covered. The key is that this person knows how to hide. If he or she has reached an agreement with the other party on something, plus the idea of ​​the priest’s order, I am afraid that the peak of He Feng will not take care of the life of the Spike base.

Will you probably look at the base of the Spike?

However, compared to the heterogeneous king, He Feng’s ability is extremely limited. After all, the two players are very different in strength and ability. Moreover, the power and background of the different kings are not the ones that He Feng can compete with. The deeds that have been done can be far more than He Feng, and even more frightening.

But everything is also changing!

This world is only two years after the end of the world. At this time, the alien king is not only covering the sky, but the extent to which He Feng can resist is not what Chu Han can predict.

The trajectory of fate is constantly running, and no one knows what will happen next time, like this moment...

Tick! Tick!

The strange dripping sound suddenly sounded, just above the top of Chuhan!

This is from hp:/hl/28/28977/nex.hl

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