Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 873: Chaos

"Report!" Jiang Tianqing rushed into the simple office where He Feng was located. He was filthy and sullen, and his tone was eager and deep fear: "Some of our reconnaissance members suddenly lost contact. The news of the Ministry of Intelligence in various bases and tribes was also intercepted by unknown forces. The zombie advancement in the city of Anro was suddenly blocked, and more than 100 people in the Wolf Tomb team disappeared out of thin air!"

The rest of the staff of the staff who are discussing the detailed strategy in the office have come up with horror and fear on their faces. Even some people have been shocked, and a series of items in their hands have landed and screamed.

He Feng was sitting in the same position without hesitation. He didn't get up. It was just a sharp burst of eyes. The voice was calm and implied but it contained a huge war. "According to the objective analysis of the intelligence department, I will ask half an hour later. See the result."

"Yes!" Jiang Tianqing quickly turned his head and left, even the time to wipe the sweat is too late.

"The rest of the people continue to work." He Feng's voice with unquestionable orders, sharp eyes looked at everyone: "Your sergeant did not tell you that you can't be arrogant when you encounter anything? We have other heterogeneous we guess. This is too normal for the deployment."

Everyone quickly bowed their heads and continued to work. It was just a panic that could not be suppressed inside. Chu Han was their greatest spiritual pillar. Even if He Feng’s ability is strong, it is incomparable.

At the moment when the caves of the Spikes are in danger and the wolves are in danger, their biggest reliance is absent.

Coupled with the sudden change at the moment, although they are psychologically prepared, they still can't control the flustered. In the eyes of all the high-level bases of the Spike base, Chu Han is not there, so they will not have the confidence to fight!

How does He Feng not know the psychology of these people?

But everything is too hasty, although his arrival has alleviated a bit of worry, but the palliative is not a cure, in the case of insufficient preparation, can only be **** the scalp!

Although he couldn't guess, what kind of ‘surprise’ was there for the help?

Just after He Feng had just been deployed, and everyone in the house re-invested in the situation analysis in less than ten minutes, the door was suddenly knocked open again, and another member of the reconnaissance department took the look of panic like Jiang Tianqing.

"Report! Two latest news, a group of survivors led by the Shenyin team to the wolf base was besieged by zombies, and now the death and injury are heavy! The other has not yet started the operation, just completed the small base of the public opinion guide, There was a sixth-order zombie! Our members of the intelligence department received the massacre there!"

"What?!" At this moment, even the calm He Feng was stunned and suddenly got up. His look revealed a strong killing: "Where is the sixth-order zombie?"

“There was no specific situation.” The scouts immediately replied that the lips were white because of excessive water shortage: “Half of the members of the Scouts are now losing contact and the situation is deteriorating!”


Upon hearing this news, everyone in the house suddenly slammed into two hundred, and because of the excessive horror, all the people were silent.

"Wu Feng, Li Bichen and Yang Tian are there?" He Feng immediately asked.

The sixth-order zombies must be solved, and then the fruit is unimaginable. At the moment, at the base of the wolf, there are only three of the sixth-order new humans.

"The killing team is looking for a different kind of hunting together with the dragon tooth and the tiger tooth team." The scouts immediately replied, with an unparalleled fear, and the eyes revealed the request: "Captain Yang Tian is reviewing the base alert situation in the base, is it... ..."

"Immediately let Yang Tian dispatch, kill the small base to make a chaotic sixth-order zombie!" He Feng's order immediately sounded.

Xu Feng and Li Bizhong are also on the way to the task at this moment. If they can't be contacted, they can't be recalled immediately. Fortunately, Yang Tian didn't leave the base!

"Yes!" The investigator responded without hesitation.

"In addition, the two news were submitted to the intelligence department for objective analysis and gave me results within half an hour." He Feng's voice was serious and calm to terrible, and the tight fists showed his arrogance at the moment, and at the same time The enormous pressure on the shoulders is also highlighted.

"Yes!" The investigator ran away with a smog, leaving the dull and frightened look of everyone inside the house.

These two messages are from the one just reported by Jiang Tianqing. The time interval is less than ten minutes. Has the heterogeneous now launched an action?

Just today? !

I really gave them a surprise!

"Immediately contact the Langya Battle Group in Anro City and let them all return to the base." He Feng suddenly spoke, with obvious foresight: "All people, prepare for war!"


Obviously, the alien has already started the action, the horn of the war has already blown, and the war is on the verge!

In the house where Shang Jiuyi is located, it is also anxious to deal with a series of resource deployments, but no one has thought that the news that came suddenly today will be so alarming.

Heterogeneous, and sure enough, there are other deployments!

In the blink of an eye, the high-rises of the Spike Base quickly rushed, and when many people were stunned, suddenly a helicopter came in front of all the residents of the Spike base!


"Where is it? It seems to be the symbol of the Nandu base!"

Just as the crowd swarmed in the direction of the helicopter, the news of the high-rise of the Spike base was almost instantaneous, and many people were bright.

Could it be that Chu Han’s boss is back?

Although outside public opinion has been rumored to have been rumored to be ruined, the real situation has already spread throughout the high-level and wolf-toothed corps of the Spike base, so suddenly there is a helicopter coming over, and everyone can’t help but feel happy. .

"Go! Chuhan!" Shang Jiuyi directly put down his official duties and rushed to the outside.

If Chu Han is back, then all the crises will not be a problem. He is the **** of the wolf base, the soul of the Wolf Tomb, and the master of the battlefield!

Everyone is convinced that the difficult situation is also capable of turning the tide.

He Feng almost arrived at the apron at the same time as Shang Jiuyi. The sudden appearance of the helicopter gave them great expectations. The idea of ​​Shang Jiuyi was straightforward. She just wanted to confirm that Chu Han was innocent.

He Feng is thinking more, even if he can use his ability to command the Wolf Tooth Warfare, but after all, it is the battle group that Chu Han brought with him, and the thousand and five hundred people who imprinted the soul of Chuhan, only It will be amazing in the hands of Chu Han. Yan’s fighting power.


The helicopter made a huge propeller sound, and it was steady and eager to stop on the ground in the eyes of everyone. Only when everyone looked forward to it, the people who jumped off the helicopter one by one immediately let their expectations fall through.

No Chu Han!

The comers are the four people from the Nandu base who rushed to the road, with the wind. The servant and the anxiety of the words.

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