Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 875: Talented people

The people who heard the command of He Feng immediately started the operation. The soldiers were divided into two ways. Some of them were on the scene to control the situation and killed the zombies. In part, they immediately went to the office inside the base. Please search (#¥) to see the most! Novel

Inside, this is not a joke!

In the blink of an eye, she blinked in the blink of an eye. Before that, she made a variety of levels. It is important to confirm that everyone who comes into contact with important matters is a person of their own. Even the faces are so familiar, experience and experience. Personal ability is more well-known, but in such an urgent moment, this chilling situation still occurs.

At this time, Shang Jiuyi has been unable to distinguish the people who chose to betrayed. In the end, did they mix in at the beginning, or did they gradually change their original intentions when the fake news of Chu Han’s death broke out?

With the vigorous dispatch of the security team and the powerful attack of the hunting king Fan Jian, the zombies that caused the turmoil were quickly solved one by one. The number of zombies that could not be mixed in was not much, but it was not to be underestimated. The alert force inside the base is already fast enough, but hundreds of survivors have been infected or died directly.

He Feng stood on the ground and looked at the chaos that was controlled on the field. The brows and wrinkles were tighter and tighter. The situation was really not optimistic. How many things are there in different races that they can't grasp?

"Control the situation, the security team will double the degree of alert." He Feng solemnly ordered, and then the coldness in the eyes flashed: "Infected people, kill!"

Many people suddenly jumped. This is the first time that the Spike Base has encountered zombies rushing into the base since Chu Han took over. It is also the first survivor to be infected by a zombie attack.


Can only kill!

"Reassure the family." Shang Jiu's indifferent voice is connected, and the same coldness does not have a trace of human touch, with the overall view of the decision, but the handling is somewhat comforting.

The riots occurred quickly in the time when Lu Bingze had just arrived, and they quickly ended, and the base of the troubled people was heart-wrenching.

Five minutes later, all the people involved in important matters at the Spike Base did not leave the post, but the building they were in was already surrounded by layers and guarded.

All the core members of the base gathered at the conference hall as quickly as possible. Everyone present was a person who had seen Chu Chu before leaving. Shang Jiuyi knew that the emergency meeting was urgent and should not be included in the 100% trust zone. The people can only be temporarily excluded, and Song Yi and Lu Bingze are among them. Lu Bingze naturally does not need to say that Song Wei is because of the speciality of identity.

Hunting King Fan Jian is responsible for the safety of the base. This decision is not only that he knows that he is not familiar with the people at the base of the Spike, but also considers the planned hunter alliance as a neutral force. This emotionally high behavior Let He Feng and Shang Jiu Jiu at the same time have a clear heart, this is another powerful person who is completely framed by Chu Han.

As for the change of Nan, he is still in shock when he is completely confused. The stimulation that has been received in these two days is too great, so that he will be mentally embarrassed for a moment, as if he had re-recognized the world.

The words of the helicopter Song confided and slammed the mind.

He and Chu Han can't say that it is a life and death friendship, but they absolutely have the same sympathy and mutual appreciation. They can't accept their own moments, which is actually a sale of Duan Jiangwei, and up to fifteen Chinese Huaxia's highest combat power against Chuhan. Assassination.

left handed!

This secret was exposed by him!

The riots at the base of the wolf tooth just made the heart of the Nan’s heart rush out of endless guilt.

Chu Han’s life and death is not clear. In the Nandu City, where the number of zombies is more than 20 million, he is struggling with the heterogeneous life and death. The wolf base that he established with his hand has fallen into the biggest crisis under a conspiracy of different kinds of Wang Muye.

Change Nan sitting on the road where people come and go, the fists are tightly pinched, the face is full of anger and impulsiveness, this time he has no other way to repent, only to guard the Chuhan return at the base of the Spike!

Different from the instigation outside, at this moment, the conference hall, which is full of the core members of the Spike base, is still silent and can be heard. The stenographer Ding Xue puts the intelligence analysis newly released by the intelligence office in front of everyone, and then quietly Retreating to one side, the eyes are unstoppable with anxiety.

"Look at the intelligence analysis first, and the meeting begins five minutes later." He Feng was skilled and full of calm planning openings, and then looked at Song Wei, who had not spoken after coming in this time: "Song Wei, you are what happened?"

This time suddenly attracted a lot of people's curious eyes, Shang Jiuyi is full of worries about the opening of the Song Dynasty: "I haven't seen it for a whole year, you have grown a lot, but you have lost a lot, you... ”

Speaking half, Shang Jiuyi has not said anything. She doesn't know what Song Zhen has encountered, and she doesn't know how he will appear here.

Lu Bingze quickly read the information in front of him. After a little alienation, he quickly followed the topic of He Feng and Shang Jiu Ji. He also looked at Song Yu and said: "What do you say? What can you say? Still can't say? Here are all people, you can consider it yourself."

Lu Bingze and Song Yu’s familiar words made He Feng and Shang Jiuyi’s eyes flash at the same time. Could it be that Song Yu was on the road?

This is reasonable!

However, when He Feng and Shang Jiu Jiuqiu just came up with this idea, Song Hao suddenly spoke, and there was a half-voice in the place where the words were blown up.

The white teeth emerged, and the smile appeared in Song Wei with a tender face: "Song Wei, a member of the Dark Arms Group, reported the progress of the mission to the organization. The map, personnel, and economy of the Duan base have been familiar. Insert people to invade."


The sound of the horror of the chin was one after another, and He Feng and the monk were even a blank brain, and they couldn’t return to God for a long time.

Song Wei? Member of the dark department of the Spike Wars?

This is another special event!

And when everyone was shocked by this singer, Song Hao had already opened his mouth again, with some sort of thunderous wind: "The minister of the dark department of the fangs, Meng Qiwei, is not here at the moment, so the situation in this department is me. Temporary work, but the situation is now a crisis, the status of other bases will not be discussed for a while, the dark department can help in this war is very small, but if necessary, it is incumbent."


This time, everyone was even more horrified. If it was so organized and full of formality, what was it that a 13-year-old boy said?

And the dark part of the Wolf Tooth Warfare, isn't that the Chuhan boss just put on the schedule?

Development is so fast!

It’s amazing. Yan Lianlian, their wolf base is full of talent, ah, the newly developed dark part, suddenly emerged a talented teenager?

This is exactly where Chu Han came from!

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