Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 883: Have a letter

When the ultimate control of energy reaches a certain zero point, the energy compression of this reverse version is the goal that the mysterious family members need to control. Not only that, but also need to continuously extend out the various branches. Please search (#...) to see the most! Novel

The power of the mysterious family is not unreasonable. In addition to its innate advantages, it is also inseparable from their full control over all kinds of information.

Of course, the curse makes them unable to kill, and it is impossible to be lawless in this world. In addition to constantly training and controlling themselves to avoid accidental injury away from sanctions, it is more of an ambition.

If the curse is not there, who in the world can make the mysterious family care?

Resources, humans, zombies, aliens, all of this will be a passing sight, and those small lives will be servant in the servant position under the rule of the mysterious family.

Therefore, they continued to improve after the eruption of the last days, and trained themselves in the most cruel way. The opening of the double-gene lock gave them the supreme power, and no one felt confrontation.

But they also need to wait, waiting for a miracle in which an odds approach zero infinitely, that is to lift the curse!

A lot of thoughts were skipped in Gao Shaohui's mind for a moment. He knew that ordinary people couldn't think about the energy control. It is even less clear about the importance of this law, and it doesn't understand the terrible energy.

However, what Chu Chu is doing at the moment is like a slap in the face of Gao Shaohui, which is very loud.

Everything that the mysterious family knows is the information left over from the long river of history. It is the time that the ancestors have exhausted countless hours of analysis.

That is the common secret of the mysterious family, the capital of their pride and ordinary people, and the source of all the sufficiency.

But now, in front of Gao Shaohui, there is an ordinary person who shows off their mysterious family in the fifth-order level, even in the state of unhealed injury.

provocative? humiliation?

Gao Shaohui did not know what kind of feeling it was. He just stared at his fingers. The trick to solve the tentacles when dealing with ghosts was actually another kind of trick used by Chu Han. extend.


Frustration is almost instantaneously on the heart of Gao Shaohui. He thinks that he is very strong. Although he is not as good as the white family, he is definitely a leader among all mysterious families.

But what about Chu Han?

He has nothing, and he alone realizes the mystery of energy reversal?

I rely on!

Change the state!

In addition to the change state, Gao Shaohui has no other language to describe, and there are some unwillingness and grievances in the strange heart. He also wants to pretend to admire the worship of Chuhan.

It is good now!

When Chu Han came up, he would go against it and directly hit his face!

Wang Cai also made all the current dumbfounded eyes in Chu Han. The roar of the chattering moment disappeared in the past second. I. Did Chu Chuhan really learn?

What a strange trick this is, it actually caused a small black hole state!

Once he was comprehended by Chu Han, his speed immediately accelerated. The extension of energy instantly devours the whole body of the ghost, and finally only the blood stains of the land and the tentacles that popped open.

The corpse did not disappear from the air, but was completely inhaled in the reversal of energy, compressed in a very small space, and then the energy that should have exploded, everything has completely become the most primitive in the air. molecule.

Chu Han also withdrew the energy line of control, but he was sweating and weak after doing all this.

Bai Yun's trick is not so eager to learn. Just after the energy light is completely reversed, he almost let him pull off to the cockroach, and then continue to control, and then the energy released will be completely consumed, so that it is free from the danger of explosion. After finishing the process of this series, Chu Han felt like he had been away from the ghost gate.


Endless tired!

The energy in the body is even more consumed in this battle.

And when he comes up, he wastes half of his energy. The energy that is carried by a big bang is very terrible. Once you send it, you can't get it back, or wait for the energy to burst, or just reverse it.

The energy required for reversal can be more, and the combination of the opposite side and the control on the one hand requires a lot of attention. The energy left by Chu Han at this moment is already zero. It is estimated that a zombie can be killed. he.

Why is Bai Yun's trick so difficult and energy-consuming?

The moment of incomprehension and conflict in the collision of Chu Han's thinking, let him after the reversal of energy, on the spot began to stay in the state of weakness and sweat.

Wang Gang, who just wanted to speak, suddenly shut up again, and his face was puzzled. Is this another hair?

Gao Shaohui was still in shock, and the time spent in a daze was not shorter than that of Chu Han. The scene suddenly became extremely weird. The two men stood so dry and stood still, and they did not fall into silence.

This scene once again makes Wang Cai’s two feet feel puzzled. What are the two stupid things?

Chu Han's brows are wrinkled, and the ultimate thinking in the brain is running at high speed again.

The energy to kill a ghost can't be used so much. In fact, any life can destroy a deadly tissue, and the last one of Bai Yun's trick can be used for a lot. I don't see any physical exhaustion. Look like.

So can you draw a certain Chu Han and ignore the conclusion?

Breaking the skin to create a fatal crisis is unnecessary and a waste of energy.

If you can save this step, it usually kills the energy required by this ghost, but it only needs a small part of all the energy of Chuhan, and the physical strength and energy will be greatly saved.

The question is, how does Bai Yuner do it?

Chu Han firmly believes that there must be too many complicated problems in this. He has not considered it yet. Shaking his head, Chu Han withdraws from his own thinking and intends to keep this profound problem waiting for a deeper sort of combing.

Only when Chu Han had just returned to God, it was another horror. The scene in front of him was still a street where the zombies died. It was just a terrible silence. Gao Shaohui, who was originally defined as a second boy, was holding a pair. Mourne’s eyes stared at himself unscathed.

Engage in hair?

Chu Han quickly retired two steps, the sudden appearance of this action, but also suddenly interrupted Gao Shaohui's hair, a strange atmosphere suddenly spread among the two.

Chu Han brows a wrinkle, casually sitting on the ground, the weak body can be felt without looking, but the next sentence is with the usual arrogance: "Hey, I have a letter, the ghost solves And give you a kick."

Ben from /hl/28/28977/inex.hl

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