Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 9: One hundred zombies

Regaining his gaze, Chu Han did not speak, and there was no expression to return the stalls.

The headlights are bright, and the front face of the zombie face is clearly visible. One of the gray eyes with no pupils is matched with the fangs that are sharp and full of flesh and blood like a beast. It seems that I want to smash the car and put it in the car. The three dragged out and licked the bite.

Chen Shaoye and Fan Wei in the car are all holding their breath, and the atmosphere is not dare to come out. It is really thankful that they are not directly fainted.

Put your right foot on the gas pedal, and Chu Han’s foot stepped on!


G55 flew out again, and instantly knocked the last few zombies running in front of the head, and even a zombie was directly hit by a fly. The hit on the glass in front, a few black and white The blood flows down the glass.

G55 is not a car in the tank, the three-two forced to break a road, the whole process is smooth, visual inspection all the way down has killed ten dead zombies, not long after the car opened on the spacious avenue.

Chu Han just wanted to go straight to the throttle and left, suddenly his head hurt, a mechanical voice appeared in his mind.

"The task of killing a hundred zombies in 12 hours was reached, and it took 11 hours, 49 minutes and 32 seconds."

“The furnace system is turned on.”

"Host information detection begins."

A feeling similar to being stripped of clothes appeared in vain, making Chu Han very incomprehensible.

What is this? Alien technology?

Chu Han turned to look at Chen Shaoye and Fan Wei. Both of them were lucky to escape from the birth of the day, and there was no such thing as hearing this sound.

Chu Han’s face was shocked. Although he had already noticed that this was a sound that appeared directly in his mind, he was shocked and unable to add.

For the first time, Chu Han felt that his head was not enough.

Soon, the mechanical voice rang again -

"嘀 - the test is complete."

At the same time, Chu Han suddenly appeared a translucent light screen, Fan Wei and Chen Shaoye still have no response, this is only Chu Han can see, just like the sound.

Chu Han suppressed the shock of his heart, and looked at the light screen in front of him with amazement. There were several lines on the left.

Name: Chu Han.

Age: twenty.

Physical: ordinary.

Power: None.

This is the basic information, displayed in the left column, and there are several fields on the right side.

"Every time you kill a first-order zombie, you get a point."

The voice in my mind rang again, and then it was gone, quiet and thorough.

Chu Han’s forehead had a few drops of cold sweat because of shock and shock. He carefully looked at the screen on the light screen. When he swept the column of the power, he lost his heart and reborn once. He still had no power.

Then he continued to search, and soon saw a small line in the lower right corner: points: 0.

“Points can be exchanged for talent in the furnace system.”

exchange? talent?

Chu Han quickly asked in his mind: What talent can I change?

"View it yourself."

I rely on! Chu Han’s forehead thunder jumped. The things I encountered today were so strange that he had some reaction at the moment. He felt like a roller coaster. He looked for it on the light screen and found that the right column on the right side of the system was Two classifications.

"Cough, open, open, let me see?" Chu Han asked carefully in his heart, he just finished the sentence in his heart, it flashed, and then displayed.

Physical fitness (repair and upgrade)

Talent (open and upgrade)

I only saw two small categories, just clicked on the talent column, Chu Han will suddenly brake, tail, turn around... rushing in the opposite direction!

Fan Wei and Chen Shaoye, who had no psychological preparations, were swayed by inertia, especially Chen Shaoye. His iconic fat face was directly attached to the window.

Chu Han did not pay attention to the situation of the two people at all, he increased the horsepower and returned to the heart.

He spent ten years in the last days of his life, and he is very clear about the dangers of mankind.

Zombies will become stronger and stronger over time, and gradually appear second-order, third-order or even higher, but they are also improving, and while physical strength is strengthening, the greatest dawn of mankind is wisdom and incomparable ability to adapt.

The genes of human beings are wonderful. You can learn anything that they wouldn't have. In the future, everyone will use guns. Everyone has agility and strength different from the present.

He has no power, and this system can't give him any power.

However, the various talents inside can save him a lot of time.

In the last life, an ordinary person can live to the end of the last ten years. In this world, he has the assistance of the furnace system, and he can!

"Chu brother, what are you doing? How did you go back?" asked Chen.

"Kill the zombies." Chu Han has always been concise.

Zombie = points!

A first-order zombie with a score, now the score is zero, he just took a look, these talents are required to open a lot of points, the previous dozens of zombies are points!

He will never let go!

"Don't go to Chu Ge, the zombies are terrible, you still kill." Chen Shaoye was fading.

He was originally fat, and Fan Wei was huddled in a position with him. It was like a meat pad, and with the look of his face, how to see how it feels.

Chu Han squinted at the face of Chen Shaoye who seemed to have fallen into a coma, and his mouth suddenly and strangely hooked.

You are still with the zombies, isn’t it terrible?

The technology of driving Chu Chu was developed in the last ten years of the past life. Although he did not have a driver's license at all, he drove very fast, and turned an off-road vehicle into a super-running. In a short while, he went to the previous incident.

At that time, the dozens of zombies were spinning on the road. Without thinking, they only knew to follow the sound. After hearing the sound of the car getting closer and closer, they didn’t know that the danger was coming. They all gathered in the direction of the car. .

Are you here? All come!

Chu Han’s eyes showed joy, and the one-footed gas slammed into the most chaotic zombies!


Ten dead zombies were hit and the black zombies were bloody.

Chu Han direction a dozen, continue to collide with the zombies in other places, while taking the time to look at the number in the lower right corner of the front screen.

Points: 5.

After a few more clicks, the numbers on it jumped again.

Points: 7.

Chu Han’s face was so excited that Chen’s young master was scared and frightened. He didn’t even dare to look at it.

At this moment, suddenly a bang, a strange sound rang in the back seat.

The strange voice suddenly made Chen Shaoye a goose bump.

"Chu Chu Chu Ge, hey, hey voice?" Chen Shaoye trembled and asked for an exit.

Chu Hanli was ignorant and continued to drive into the zombies. At this time, the zombies had been killed by most of them. There were still a few stars scattered around. As he continued to hit, the points of the furnace system were also Continued growth.

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