Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 916: Exposure

Since they are all white family members, there should be a blood relationship between Bai Yuner and Bai Yu, then Bai Yun’s blood should also be useful.

Moreover, this stuff is still blood.

I have to say that Chu Han is a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He does not know that Bai Yuner and Bai Huan are blood relatives. He completely misunderstood.

So in the eyes of Gao Shaohui and Wang Cai, Chu Han stopped the various sections under his feet in an incredible way. The surrounding bushes returned to normal in an instant, and the roads that were originally invisible behind them reappeared in them. In front of you, you can still see the helicopter on the road when you are looming.

Until Chu Han led the way to the center of the island, watching the strange changes in the ground, there was a deep underground road, Gao Shaohui was completely unable to return to God, he was dull pointing to the underground passage, lips I squirmed for a long time and didn't spit out a word.

What can you tell him what happened?

The secret base of the white family, the white and the white, is completely impossible to be invaded. It was actually taken by a handkerchief that Chu Han’s inexplicably took out.

Teasing him

Whose blood is on the handkerchief?

White Worship is more incredible than the explosion of the universe. Just rely on the power of white sorrow, let alone the bloodshed, even those who can approach him are few on this earth.

Since it is not a white worry, then who is the blood can be recognized by this place?

With a feeling of complete three-view near collapse, Gao Shaohui walked down the road with Chu Han, and the two went all the way, so they entered the underground passage without any suspense.

The passage is only two people wide, but it is very tall and deep. The wall surface is completely out of the scene of modern science. The strange thing is that the whole wall has a faint glow, not as dazzling as the sun, nor like a candle. The fire is dull, but the brightness is most suitable for humans, so that the entire road leading to the underground has a gentle light.

This kind of extreme light effect is only used to create this channel, even if it has seen the various scenes of the last ten years of the last century, Chu Han is also secretly surprised, not only that, like the front of the entire channel without any Illumination, just relying on the wall to self-illuminate the system, Chu Han is also unheard of.

The mysterious family's heritage at this moment made Chu Han deeply shocked, not to mention that he was very clear that Gao Shaohui said that this is a private site of Bai Worry.

The private possessions of the mysterious family members are so rich and rich, and the whole reveals an unparalleled sense of honor. It is conceivable that the entire white house and the rest of the mysterious family are so strong.

The two did not go for a long time, and even if their footsteps were slow, they quickly reached the bottom of the channel. At this moment, their height from the ground could not be estimated. According to the area of ​​the island, it is impossible to go so deeply, so Chu Han even suspected that the guy named Bai Wing directly established the secret base on the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, their current position should also be in the deep sea. It is an incredible place. How is the mysterious family established?

We must know that Gao Shaohui said that he had been here since 10 years ago. Doesn't it mean that there is such a place in the civilized era that human beings can be humanized in the civilized era, and it is impossible to build such a vast project on the seabed.

Mysterious family, really mysterious

With a flash of thought, Chu Han took the lead to the white door in front of the front of the eye, engraved with a whisper of a strange rhythm, complicated and deep covered with all the views of Chu Han.

"There is an entry password here." Gao Shaohui's voice rang out, with a hint of excitement and a hint of eccentricity.

Chu Han took back the thoughts of the hair, calmly concealed his emotions, and something that had never been figured out in his heart reappeared.


He probably knows what the password is.

The embossed figure of this door in front of you is very unfortunate. Chu Han was seen in the Yin Yang Valley, and it is in the depths of the yin and yang valley where no one has passed. It is only a huge relief and reveals a sense of vastness. The yin and yang valleys are completely incomparable. They are countless times innumerable, and they have their own shape.

Mysterious family, it is related to Yin Yang Valley

Chu Han’s heart gradually came up from the Shura to the dead Ye Mo, to the underground tunnel established by Cao’s Research Institute in Nandu City, and then to Nansha Port mentioned by Xiao Mengqi and Gao Shaohui.

What is the connection between the Yin Yang Valley and the mysterious family, or the world?

Just between the reversal of Chuhan's thoughts, Gao Shaohui has stepped forward and made a sound with a nearly sacred voice: "The Law of the Avenue, the demise of the millennium, the return of yin and yang, the stars and the sea."

At the same time, the same words are meditation in the heart of Chu Han, a word and a meal, together with the beating to the incomparably strong heart, the shock is more in the heart of Chu Han.

Sure enough, these sixteen words

This is a sentence in the depths of the Yinyang Valley, which was imprinted on the huge reliefs with the oldest characters. At the beginning, Bai Yuner whispered out. After seeing the stone gate with the same relief in front of him, Chu Han subconsciously remembered this ten. Six words.

Everything that happened with Bai Yuner in the Yin Yang Valley has already impressed him deeply into the bone marrow. He has never forgotten any details. The same is included in these sixteen words.

The ancient text, Bai Yuner, who can understand and read it, once again emerges the reliefs in front of his eyes. All this is like a myriad of unclear thin lines, tied around in Chu Han’s head.

What is the connection between them?

And what are the meanings of these sixteen words?

The law of the road, the demise of the millennium, these eight words are well understood but extremely difficult to understand, so that Chu Han was quite scared.

Yin and Yang return to the furnace, Yin Yang Valley and the big return furnace

So what is the starry sea?

The first eight words and the last eight words seem to have no connection, why are they arranged together?

The momentary instigation and shock was forced to be suppressed by Chu Han, because when the voice of Gao Shaohui fell, the stone door in front of him slowly moved toward the rear.


Make a strong voice

"Go, go in." Gao Shaohui can't wait at this moment, not waiting for the scene in front of him to appear completely and take the lead. At the same time, he looked at Chu Han with some tangled look: "I can't seem to bring you here. I can't let you know the password, but forget it, come here, I can't see you."

After that, Gao Shaohui no longer thought about the first step into the door, leaving Chu Han with a seemingly unintentional back.

Chu Han’s eyes flashed, and his heart silently remembered all of this and looked at Gao Shaohui’s back quickly, but there was something in his heart that broke out.

Gao Shaohui, Gao Shaohui, you really shouldn’t bring him here, let alone expose the sixteen words.

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