Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 962: Playing is a provocation!

Soon after the incident, on the balcony of a man's house, the leading black man who was still fighting was standing still. He took off his hat and revealed a strong face that had not been seen before.

A pair of dark, ink-colored scorpions, staring at the back of the crowd of people from the rich areas, watching them fall into the wild, and desperately went to Zhong Kui's residence, the look in the eyes was extremely cold.

And behind him are the two teams who have just been able to fight and are still incomprehensible. They are gathered together in a strange way. They can't see the way they used to be arrogant. They are replaced by a team-like tacit understanding.

Even the two people who have just fought almost in a life-and-death struggle are now sharing a common glass of water, and the familiar and familiar look is very different!

It is impossible for the main force of the Jinyang base to be on the street where the incident occurred. At this time, they were all held by Zhongkui and Zhongkai to hold an emergency meeting. If this is not the case, someone will recognize the black man in front of him...

It is Chu Han no doubt!

And all the way followed him to be quietly beside him at the moment, but also the team in the rich area to make a fortune, including the second team that subsequently rushed out of conflict with them, in fact, are members of the Shenyin team. .

It’s a pity that the probability of recognizing Chu Han at the scene is extremely low. He can easily enter the rich area with the Shenyin team, and there is no one to block it for so long. Be prepared.

The dark man’s man stuck in the footsteps of all the people who might be disturbing, and fully played their role in the Jinyang base for a long time, let alone the two people, Zhong Kui and Zhong Zhong, and those who were played by the dark. The Jinyang high-level members of the group turned.

Otherwise, where come so many coincidences give Chu Han a long-term luck?

Everything is just a four-day deployment!

Chu Han set up this overall situation and personally took a scene with the Shenyin team in the rich area. When the civilian and refugee areas of the Jinyang base fell, the goal was to be the high-level base. Relatives, this is also the most important step in all the steps Chu Chu personally came to the Jinyang base.

He stood in a hidden house, his eyes staring at the distant figures and the disappearance of the figure, the ragged women, the bitter smile on the corner of his mouth flashed.

When General Zhong Kui and his subordinates saw such a group of relatives and friends and even their immediate family members, they appeared in front of them in this way.

How to feel angry?

Those who are their brothers, women, parents, children, are the objects that need to be guarded the most in their lives, but at this moment, it is said that the situation of humiliation and humiliation suddenly appears. How can they squander the killing of Zhongkai?

Especially those girls who are only a few years old, today’s all this is like a blow to their lives, but Chu Han knows that the Shenyin team just tore their clothes and made a humiliation. In the past, in fact, for the military regulations tough, even the army of the army is not allowed to appear, the members of the Shenyin team can not really get up and down for those young women.

But once these girls appear in front of Zhongkui and those high-level, everything will be different. Everyone will think that Zhongkai has ordered their own combat forces to humiliate them. Everyone will be from these girls in the first time. The gesture is associated with the most unsightly scene.

If today's layout is the key to the purpose that Chu Chuhan wants to reach this week, then these girls are the most crucial part of this group, and they are only victims of war!

Chu Han concealed the mercy that passed by in his eyes, and gradually floated a layer of hot meaning, and the black scorpion was flashing the fierce light that few people had ever seen.

Jinyang Base, Zhongkui and Zhongkai, Chuhan wants to deal with them not only because of Meng Qiwei, but also because the Jinyang base is sponsored by Baijia. The bigger reason is also that Chu Han can’t bear it. It happened recently at the base of Nandu.

When he was besieged by a group of assassins, Shangguan Yuxin was humiliated by Zhong Kui’s old and undead things. Although there was silence in the place where someone was silent, Shangguan Yuxin was afraid that he would directly Zhong Kui was killed, and the last time he met with Chu Han, he did not mention anything.

But how can Chu Han not know the development of things?

The dark part of the wolf will not send a message to him? Lu Bingze, who has the ability to collect intelligence in the whole process, will not report it? Talking about the sounds and sorrows in the ear will be inaudible?

Shangguan Yuxin is the savior of his life, and he is a woman who has been single-minded after he met this world again, even if he does not hesitate to pay the entire Nandu base, he must help him!

The Zhongqiu **** not only had a disagreement with the woman of Chuhan, but after he lost his ability, his old Zhongkui Kui had such evil thoughts.

Did you run a small one to get old?

This is equivalent to the act of grabbing the meat in the mouth, and the temperament of Chu Han’s hegemony is simply unbearable!

Other people may not be able to recover from it at once, but the Jinyang base? Zhong Kui and Zhong Zhong?


A woman who dares to **** Laozi, killing your family is not enough. What he wants is to let this entire base of Jinyang be destroyed, and completely uprooted from the territory of China!

Just when Chu Han revealed a faint ambition, the members of the Shenyin team who had finished a vote behind him, and had nothing to do at this time began to discuss a series of details, the voice of chat and fart was one after another.

"Haha! I laughed at the old man! Just a little seven actually turned to a half-old Xu Niang, and while tearing the clothes, he called "Little Baby Don't Run."

"I am going to be true and false? Can't see it, Xiaoqi, how come you are?"

"Not finished yet, tearing up the half-old Xu Niang, Xiaoqi is rushing to a guy who is obviously a fat man. You don't know. I was stupid at the time. As a result, guess what? Xiaoqi didn't look at his face. I only glanced at the fat man’s **** and thought it was a woman. When I went up, I smashed the clothes!"

"Ha ha ha! I really want to know the expression of the fat man at that time, it must be a day!"

"Don't say it, I feel a little bit like a dog!"

A group of people joking around the little seven desperately, the original little character with a slightly sly character was flushed, and it took a long time for a word to come out: "The boss said that he was desperately frightened, the more changed, the better, I Just think about it and make a difference!"

"Ha ha ha!" Another burst of laughter.

The joyful and relaxed atmosphere suddenly dispels the suffocating sorrow of Chu Han’s heart, and also makes him look back to the group of live treasures behind him without a word. The Shenyin team has a total of 100 members, except for the captain Lu Zheze, the rest are The performance was quite perfect in this time, and the name Shen Shen was completely integrated into their bone marrow.

The hidden charm of God!

Playing is a provocation!

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